Home Outseaon November 2011 Group Discussion-Outseason November 2011

The Mid-OS Blues

Hey gang-

There are lots of folks around who've been around a lot longer than me, but I thought I would just share a couple of thoughts and experiences based on my experiene from last year and how it's feeling again this year.  Maybe other multiple OS vets can add their thoughts, too.


For many of us, the biggest gains are had in weeks 1-8.  That could be because it's our first OS and our first time really training this way...and thus we make a huge amount of progress all at once.  It could be because we started a bit out of shape anyway, so the gains are large just getting back in shape.  There are lots of possible reasons.

Moreover, after a couple of weeks of them, a lot of us find that the VO2 workouts are VERY fatiguing in a cumulative way.  That makes observing the progress that we are making hard, because you're always a little too tired to really max out.

Just be assured; this is normal.  :-)

We are probably all still making progress, but it's just less  obvious for a lot of us from here on out.  It seems like a lot of people report great results in the weeks AFTER the OS ends.  I think this is that they are finally clearing fatigue.  I know last year I bombed my last run test, but then posted a great half marathon PR a few weeks later.  Keep the faith!

I also know that last year, I had to take around 4 days of near zero intensity  somewhere late in the VO2 section.  I didn't regret it at all afterwards.  It was better to back off for a few days and come back than it would have been to accumulate so much fatigue as to make injury likely or get to the point where I couldn't make workouts or a long time.  I'm not trying to give anyone excuses to quit when it gets hard, but do keep in mind over the next several weeks that long term consistency is more important than anything else.

Keep it up gang!  It's worth it!



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    Thx William...this is my 3rd OS, but the closest I've incorporated the schedule into my own plans. I have to bail after week 12 to start the 8 week 70.3 block, but I'll probably do a half T week to absorb all this work. Actually, I feel like I cleared a lot of fatigue over the holidays with a bunch of 9 to 10 hour nights of sleep.
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    Great post, and good reminder. I've been doing the 42' test for 4 years now and I see the same thing every year with my test. Big gains from test 1 to 2, then small to no gains until I shortly after the OS (I assume from the fatigue wearing off).

    I remember hearing that one of the new things being added into the OS this year was an optional break in the middle. Haven't heard anything of it recently, though. Anyone else?
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    tnx William, trying to stay focused this OS and get the whole 20 weeks in.

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    Posted By Daniela Williams on 02 Jan 2012 05:57 PM

    I remember hearing that one of the new things being added into the OS this year was an optional break in the middle. Haven't heard anything of it recently, though. Anyone else?

    And, here it is...


    Thanks P!

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    The rest is so key, as mentioned above by Paul, a lot of fatigue can be cleared up by quality sleeping if you are so fortunate! Otherwise to the recovery week, BatPeeps!
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    Yeah, for what it's worth, I'm doing a scheduled low key week right now. :-)
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    Will. I woke up at 4:20 this morning, got on my bike, and started with the full intention of doing my vo2 workout. After 25 min on the bike trying to convince myself to get started. I then got off the bike and went back to sleep. I chalk it up to a needed day off. I will go at it again tomorrow. I just think we need to occasionally take a mental health day. I should have just slept in today.

    We all need some down time, after all, triathlon is not life.....
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    Jon - I had a similar experience for yesterday's bike workout. I knew I was in trouble about 5 minutes into the warm-up. Just did not have it at all. Maybe I was still fried from a 5k race followed by a hard VO2 bike workout Sunday (had to juggle bike workouts around the last few days). I was forced to do much time on the bike yesterday than I had planned, and could not hold the usual power. I felt good on today's run though and think I will manage tomorrow's VO2 bike workout, but I'm wondering if I will be ready for next Saturdays very tough scheduled bike workout (2 x 20' @ 100% followed by 8' @ VO2).
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    @jim. Yep it just happens. I felt great on the run this morning. It was just that the body needed a rest. Looking forward to the bike mojo tomorrow.
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    Thanks for the encouragement bill. I have had a rough holiday - too much travel eating and too few workouts, so I've decided to go back to week 10 and I've signed up for a nutrition course through my chiro to get back on track.
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    Jane that sounds really smart. This week is easy for me. Not nothing... but only the hard run on Wed and the hard (but not really that hard) bike on Thur. Otherwise, I'm taking all the intensity down and will be ready to hit it hard again next week. This is a planned break for me, so it's an experiment...a hack, but that's part of intelligent self coaching too.
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