Home Outseaon November 2011 Group Discussion-Outseason November 2011

Week 18 NOS Bike Sessions

Well in to a testing week for me.  I gutted through an FTP test today the legs felt very sluggish today.

Earned a 4 point bump to the FTP up to 240 and just 1 point short of last year outdoor peak so I can't complain but I really wanted 242.  I've still got 5 weeks left to get that and more.

Not sure I'll do a run test this week as it will just be my 3rd week of 4 runs with not issues.  I will get one VDOT test in this OS even if it is one exit.



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    Good luck on the bike test Gordon.

    Swam 3000 yards this morning and then did 10 mins of pool running...called it a day.
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    Nice job Gordon! Congrats on the bump. I'm at 235...I hope to catch you next go!
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    Nice work everyone. I could only wish for FTPs like those!

    I got the bike done today and bricked a 30 minute run. I am going to add in some extra bike sessions this week since we leave for 10 days in Hawaii on Sunday and I'm not taking my bike along.

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    Didn't quite have it this morning, but stuck it out for a full hour. Did:

    20' WU
    1 x 16' @ 102% (3')
    1 x 10' @ 96% (1')
    1 x 8' @ 87%

    Not sure where my FT legs went, but they definitely weren't there after the first interval. C'est la vie...to ride another day!
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    @Gordon, nice way to start the week, have FUN with the "new" numbers this week, you will make the 270W ....

    @Robin, cool 10days Hawaii, running at the beach and swimming in the ocean ... shit i have to wait until July for that ....

    8' WU

    2x3(2') Z3

    20' (3') Z4/Z5

    15' (1') Z4/Z5

    5' CD

    Well entered officially the AG40 today ... travelling in sweden this week ....

    so did my Bike during lunch break on a old grump ergobike ... shortend the wko to be back on time. I guess there will be no run today ....

    Realized how much I have changed during theEN and OS doing Bike rides now ... on all kinds of bikes

    This thing showed 180-200W and i was just JRA ,

    precieved Z3 efforts were around 280-290W ...

    Called my FTP for THIS bike 330W (felt like coach P  ) checked my HR settles in Z4 after 6-8min, and goes in Z5 after 12-15min, which it did .... so hopping the thing is at least consistent.. )

    I did HR training last year only, I came now very much depended on a objective measure I can gauge my efforts now ... shit i need to save money to get a PM or I will keep training in the paincaves of this world ... all summer long as well ....

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    Entire workout (239 watts):

        Duration:        1:00:22 (1:00:40)

        Work:              864 kJ

        TSS:                78.1 (intensity factor 0.881)

        Norm Power: 266



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    @ Kai - you get the most flexible athlete award. I'm curious, are you German, or an American stationed over there?

    Bike tonight - 60 mins on the trainer with TSS = 72 using Spinervals 34, Super High Intensity Intervals. Feel like I'm continuing to get stronger with the training program I'm following (Advanced HIM with a lot of hacks).
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    @Paul, I am actually swiss, but I always lived in Germany with 2 exception Colorado Springs 95-96 and SF 99-00.
    It sound worst than it is my basic week is I am traveling Tue-Thu each week, Fri-Mon I am with my family.
    B/C of this schedule i dropped Volleyball and started to do Triathlon, that i can do while I'm traveling and I have more time on the WE with my family image
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    50 mins easy on the bike (TSS = 33) using Spinervals Cycling Technique for active recovery. But let me tell you, holding Z3 power on one legged drills was work!
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    OK...almost back on the horse. Not sure why I'm struggling with the FT intervals, but at least I got all 36' done today:

    WU - 16'
    2 x 13' @ 100%, 99% (3')
    1 x 10' @ 97%

    Good luck everyone.
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    3 x 10 at FTP for me today. Nothing spectacular. Just work.
    Swam this morning and the pool was like bathwater... 89 degrees. Hard to describe how much of a difference this makes! Hope the water aerobics ladies like it....
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    @Bill - It week 17 and you are still hitting .97-100 so don't bang yourself up too much especially with the skiing thrown in.

     Just got in my bike at the new zones. 

    10, 12, & 8 @ .98, .98 & .99 then 11' @ .84


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    3 x 12' last night. Did not get it done in the morning (was shoveling snow), and was very tired after work but sucked it up and got it done. Ended up having the best bike workout in a while. First interval was tough, second tougher. For the third I accidently started out one gear higher (slightly slower cadence) than I had been using and nailed it. What a difference a gear makes. Current FTP = 263. Results:

    1st 12' - 262

    2nd 12' - 268

    3rd 12' - 278

    In the second interval my cadence was 2 rpm faster and HR 2 beats higher than the third interval, but power was 10 watts lower! I had been doing about 90 rpm at 270 watts. It think it took too much out of me to spin faster than 90 to increase the power output, but that is what I had been doing the last couple of weeks (and getting a little frustrated about the lack of improvement). Switching gears, I was doing around 86 rmp at 270 watts, making it seem almost easy to get up to 280 watts at 90 rpm. That and maybe the recent steady work is finaly kicking in! Anyway, a very satisfying workout.

    Here's the details: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/154036047

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    @ Jim - Fantastic job posting those results and showing the HR / power profile!

    Did mine early Thurs morning on the heels of Wed speed work and paid the price:

    Entire workout (236 watts):

        Duration:                58:54

        Work:                     833 kJ

        TSS:                       72.9 (intensity factor 0.865)

        Norm Power:          261


    Swam 3,500M early this morning:

    I did long WU, 1,200M then 10 X 100 (50 fast, 50 easy) followed by 10 X 50 (25 fast, 25 easy) then had to pull the last 800M.


    Hoping to also repeat the Wed speed work run later this evening.
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    I had my bike this morning but have no run due to the run hack modification which has me running Z4s on Friday instead.   I took Justin and Andrew to their 8 a.m. soccer game, just finished my bike and am taking Nathan to his 2:30 soccer game after lunch. 


    My Sat. bike, was brutal as expected coming off of yesterday but what helped was delaying it until 11 a.m. with both coffee and breakfast in me vs. the Thurs., 5:40 a.m. bad dream session I had….


    Got in 15 min of Z3, 8 min of Z4 and 20 min of V02 doing a 4X3’ then a 4X2’…….


    Entire workout (246 watts):

        Duration:          1:20:02

        Work:                1182 kJ

        TSS:                  115.1 (intensity factor 0.934)

        Norm Power:    283
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    @ Shaughn...busy day! What power device are you using that uploads to Garmin connect?

    RR#2 for San Juan today! Set the alarm for 5:30am and rolled out of bed at 8:33am ... that gave me 10 hours of sleep instead of 7...I think that had an impact on my RR results. I took my time and didn't even start until 10am figuring I might as well mimic race conditions. It was warm and humid and the winds were picking up bigtime so I decided I would ride my neighborhood rectangle...about 8 1/2 miles, all right turns, with 8 traffic lights, 2 RR crossings and 3 speed humps. I did this loop 7 times (plus a couple of quick diversions to reload my water bottles) and got in 61 miles. I came through 56 @ 2:28:33 which I considered excellent for the conditions (had about a 70% success rate on red lights). Staying on the rectangle had me going direct into the wind only about 1.5 miles of each loop. I was running the stock carbon rims on my Giant Advanced Trinity (aka Dragonfire). At San Juan, I'll be using my Hed 3 front and Hed Jet Disk rear. TBT picks up the bike next Saturday. It's nice being on the last day of pick ups for this race compared to West Coast races where I've been on the 1st day of pick-ups. I took 3 Gu Roctanes and a salt tab every 30 mins. I'll use 4 Gu's for the race to account for the swim time. Probably need to drink a little more and maybe slow the pace down about 5 mins.

    Ran 6 miles as 8:33, 8:20, 8:22, 7:54, 8:09, 7:54. Will probably need to slow it down for the conditions at San Juan.

    15 days out...nice to have the hardest workout done between now and the race. You guys are almost out of the OS. My experience is that you can get faster and more powerful as you build volume and I'll be following your races all year.
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    Swam this morning before biking...little break then hit 20 by 1 min/1min between 330 and 340 W, slightly over the 325 goal. Very pleased with that. Broke my front derailleur somehow right at the end of that. Not very pleased with that. Stuck in low front ring. Will get it fixed Monday.
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    @ Paul - bad ass RR2 results!  I am using a 310XT for Garmin Connect upload but I also run the Joule along side to watch my real time IF and TSS and upload from the Joule into WK0+.   The 910 does all that for you and is much better on the swimming metrics if you're considering a new tool.........

    Get some rest today!

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    @Paul nice job on RR2.  I had one of those right hand loops when I live in Ottawa and they can be painful to ride.

    Got in Saturday's bike today 12' on time 6X2  - 294-296 ~1.23.  Then 22' at .83 &.84.


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