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Baby Helmets anyone?!

Looks like my son will be getting his first helmet at 4 months old! Sadly its beacuse he has a misshaped head from birth and that caused him to favor one side while laying down. We get him to the specialist next friday to make the final determination. Im not really worried about it since Im sure I could have used one for my own safety as I was nick named Crash as a todler apparently. However I am worried about insurance coverage. Have any of you dealt with these helmets? If insurance Doesnt cover it will be 3600... not real sure where that money will come from, gues hope for payment plan or here it comes onto a credit card! Anyways if any of you have experiance with these i would appreciate and insight. THX!


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    my daughter had a helmet for about 6 months.  4 months old is the perfect age to be getting into one, they respond much quicker and tend to be out of it much sooner than others.  As a dad, I was kinda freaked about the whole thing at first, but it really was benign, and made a big difference for my daughter.  The specialist we saw (Childrens Hospital, Boston) framed it to us as "this is more than just a cosmetic thing, this is medically important, because we want her to be able to fit properly in bike and ski helmets later in life, and have those devices perform their function properly."

    I don't know if it was because of the logic above, but for us, the helmet was covered entirely by insurance.  This was 2005, and I don't know how much things have changed, but I'd be surprised, as most plans don't have the stones to mess with kids or moms.  A few calls should clarify it on your part, and if they're saying that they would deny it (ie. it's cosmetic), see if you can get the doc to stand up for the necessity of it like ours did.

    On the living with one experience, you're going to need some rubbing alcohol, and clean the thing frequently.  Otherwise, there's really nothing else to know.  Pretty quickly, you'll only notice it when people in a mall come up to you and tell you how cute it is.

    Let me know if I can help with anything else.  I look back on that as a great experience for our daughter.


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    Thanks for the reassuring story!
    Im glad to hear someone atleast didnt have insurance problems! I will make sure to get the Dr to stand up since he was a family friend!
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