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Week 12. Testing?!?! Week.

Got so consumed with the discussion about Big Tri Week / Day. I forgot to start this weeks thread!

I'm modifying my work this week, due to high levels of fatigue. I plan to dump the run test, as I dont see any big change happening there, and moving my bike test, which I really want to be ready to do. In the mean time, I'm swimming and will do a light run tomorrow.



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    @Rian- That sounds like a good plan.

    I did my bike test yesterday in 25-30mph winds. It was crazy windy. This was my first test on my TT bike, so I saw a tiny dip from the OS in my power, but it was about where I expected it to be. Like Rian, I am tired. I cut the Tuesday run after the test down to 2miles. I just wasn't feeling it. With the swim today, I am going to skip the run because I'm about where I need to be and not much has changed. I'm kinda confused by the plan (IM-Int plan), Earlier this week it had it as a long run on thursday, but today, it says test but 120min. I'm just going to see if I can get a good long run in and increase my nutrution. I figure it will give me one more chance to get the run nutrution right.

    Good luck everyone!
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