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Week 15 RR ride ?

I'm going to have to do my RR ride tomorrow but I'm trying to figure out the correct pace.Does anyone know how do we figure it out or where can I find the information. 112 miles its going to hurt. I do have a Powertap 2.4 wired. My last 270 min ride was at an average Power 174, speed 19.2.  


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    Eugene, Hope the ride went well. I am taking off work on friday and doing my RR. Just realizing I am woefully unprepared, planning wise. So, time to figure that stuff out.
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    I was doing my RR yesterday and was going great, perhaps too great, when about 40 miles into the ride, I took a turn way too fast and crashed.  I was sure I broke my hip but, thankfully, the x-rays were negative.  I feel much better today but I'm sure there will be little to no running in my near future.  I'm going to get on the bike again tomorrow and see how I feel. This is a really bad time for an injury and I fear it's put a successful IM in serious jeopardy.

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    David- OH NO! That stinks. Don't come back too soon, better to have a little lower expectations for the race than come back too soon and get hurt worse and not be able to do it. Hope you heal fast.
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    David sorry to hear that. I agree dial it back and just enjoy it from here. Don't try to push it. I can't wait to meet all you guys its going to be a great race. I did my RR and it went well with some problem my seat was incredibly painful and a nerve in my neck hurt so bad I could barely finish but I treated it like the race and kept going. I'll pack Advil for the next ride and a new adomo seat. The run felt great. My bike was 18.2 mph,power was a modest 152 I'm hoping for 18.5 for the race.
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    Peter good luck tomorrow. My nutrition went well it was the excruciating pain that made mine hard my legs were great.
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    Thanks for the well wishes. I'm feeling a lot better but I'm resisting the urge to jump right back in as if nothing happened. It's killing me but I know that giving myself a few days to recover will serve me a lot better than rushing back and really getting hurt. I might do a light trainer session tonight to see how my leg and shoulder react. I'm hopeful that I can resume a normal schedule next week.
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    @Eugene -- Hope the Adamo helps a bit, it can take some adjustment, you might search for set up videos online to make sure you get it positioned correctly, it different than a traditional saddle. I wonder if you might benefit from a fitting, between the neck pain and saddle. My neck is often tired, but not in pain. At any rate, be advised there can be dangerous problems with too much Advil on race day, so watch the intake.

    @David -- bummer on your crash, hope you are healing. Sounds like you have the right head set. At this point you fitness is pretty much set, so a few easy days wont make a difference on race day. I had a similar crash (completely destroyed my tri-bike) last year about 8 weeks out, but ended up still having great race. 

    Getting close, keep it up everyone, you should be seeing light at the end of the tunnel now!!!!

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    Ok, did my RR today. Took in about 400 cal/hr. I wanted to see if I could get in a bit more than I have in the past (300-350). I seemed to do ok. I was just really tired. I could feel the fatigue in my legs. So, I reduced the watts a bit. Of course my joule ate all my data, so I don't have any data. Sucks. But I had about 240 tss in 6 hrs and 100 miles. So, I was about right anyways with my slower pace.

    I did have an issue with my shoulder. I've developed tendinitis and haven't been able to swim this week. And after 4 hrs of being in the areo bars, I really felt the shoulder. So, that sucks also.

    But overall, seeing that 100 miles on the computer was a good mental image that I CAN go that far and still run (I ran 5 miles). I felt ok on the run. After 3 miles I had to hold myself back a bit, so that was good that I had some energy.

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    @ David - that's the right approach - rest up and heal and then get back in the game.

    @Peter - Way to get'r done!  Sounds like you rode smart and had gas left in the tank for the run.  Nice job!

    I did my RR on Saturday and clocked 115 miles in 5 hrs 44min.  I felt pretty good the whole way and feel really good about steadiness - VI 1.047 with the last 10 or so miles coming back through town with lots of starts and stops.  Also, my nutrition was also really good.  I did the applesauce/protein powder pre-ride and then consumed about 20oz per hour of IM perform and a gel every 30 minutes or so.  I also took in 2 powerbars.  In my race i will drink more, but saturday was not especially hot and i didn't have a way to reload my hydration so i had to somewhat ration to about 20oz per hr.  I felt really good about my RR until i checked my numbers.  When looking at the data it clearly shows i rode the bike way too hard.  

    Avg Power:169 W

    Max Power:388 W

    Max Avg Power (20 min):185 W

    Normalized Power (NP):177 W

    Intensity Factor (IF):0.746

    Training Stress Score (TSS):318.7

    Work:3,481 kJ

    I didn't check my TSS while i was riding and i was shocked to see it that high when i downloaded my data.  The ride didn't feel overwhelmingly hard but my numbers show i overcooked the bike.  When i started my run i felt OK but it took me about 3 miles for legs to feel "normal".  It was difficult to keep my pace as slow as it needed to be.  I should have been running about 9 minutes miles and i started at 8:34 and pace steadily crept up with mile six at 8:08.  What had me nervous is that at the end of 6 miles i felt it would have been very difficult for me to run another 20 miles.  I guess that's why we do RR's.  My next one i will for sure pace my bike a bit differently.


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    I keep seeing the apple sauce/protein mix mentioned, is that somewhere in the wiki? curious to try that pre-RR next time.
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    Brandon - the applesauce plan is from the core diet. It is described in detail in the webinar from Jesse kropelnicki. Also coach P has a wiki post bulleting out some of the key principles from the core diet. Personally, I used the info in the webinar combined with what other have done plus a little of my own experimenting to find a formula that works for me. Hope that helps!
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    @Brandon: Heres the wiki link for ironman nutrition http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/Wiki/tabid/91/Default.aspx?topic=Ironman+Race+Nutrition+Review Remember to rehearse this stuff. At this stage, I would be doing my race nutrition protocol every workout, and before your long rides on sat you might try the breakfast protocol to see how it sits. My own bkfast protocol was/is 2 ensures and coffee 2+ hrs before, maybe a banana 1hr  or so later, then gel just before getting in the water. 

    @Mark, man some nice steady numbers in your RR! I would consider dialing it back to .70-.72 for effort on the bike, especially since you thought your legs wouldn't hold up. Its all about saving your legs for the run and .75 is pushy. 15 minutes faster on the bike might feel great but could make you run an hour slower. Those first miles of the run are sooooo hard to reign in, but its critical to manage the pacing in 0-6 miles. Thats gas in the tank for mile 18+. My mental trick is: instead of being excited about how good it feels to be finally off the bike and running  smooth and fast, it to be really proud and excited at how good I am at my mental control. Its a weird twist, but you reward yourself for going slow. No matter what I do though it seems the first mile is a throw away, just spend it dialing it down. 

    Nice work everyone!

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    Rian - Thanks for the tip on miles 0-6. I like the idea of framing it up as a mental battle to maintain discipline. I'll file this one away in my race execution tool belt. Thanks!
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