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New bike and RR this weekend

Hey Coach - Just got my hands on my buddy's used P1, which I'm hoping will fit me well enough for use leading up to and at IMLP. Going to get fitted this week, and will hopefully be able to get at least one short ride in outdoors on it before the weekend.

 Saturday is my first of two race rehearsals, the question is should I use the new bike if I think the fit is good? Or am I just asking for an afternoon of really uncomfortable riding (possibly risking injury)? Other (current) bike is an old heavy road rig that is anything but aero...but it fits me very well and I know I can knock out the 112 in relative comfort.




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    @Dan, road this weekend, and focus on nutrition and pacing. Get the P1 dialed in, then we begin integrating it for your weekday and sunday rides...with a goal of having you on full tri bike in 2 weeks. Just want to make sure it really fits you, so get someone who can spend some time with you!

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