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IMLouisville wko thread, 17-23 Jun

10 weeks to go and still cooking!  Lets hear about those workouts.

I got ~7 miles in today with two big hills and some good 80 degree heat (with some healthy humidity as well).  Starting to get my heat acclimatization on!  Pool session on tap for this evening.

I'm hacking this coming weekend because I missed all of last week's bike work.  Saturday and Sunday will be the 'normal' sessions instead of the single big triathlon day.  Additionally, with my b'day, family vaca, and father's day all throw in together, I made bad food choices all weekend long.  It tasted good, but the scales were not good to me this morning.  So is life image


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    3k in the pool tonight. My reward for swimming? Chipotle for dinner (its right across the street from the pool). Motivation!
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    Oh come on Roy, you could use an few extra pieces of cake!

    I tried something new today:  Did my swim + aquajog in the AM as usual.  Then, because I've been struggling w/ the Tuesday z4 runs after swimming, I decided to do tomorrow's run this evening.  I don't usually work out in the evening, so it was a bit of a mental change - and I probably need to pre-fuel a bit smarter - but I was much more able to push myself and hit those targets.  I think I might be onto something here ... it'll be interesting to see how this affects tomorrow's swim...

    Happy Training everybody 

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    Nice work Kate, definitely let us know how the run went. Important to find out what tweaks work for you! As I stated in a previous week, I definitely think people discount the true physical cost of swimming on other work-outs (or on race day).

    Rainy day today, so I was relegated to the treadmill. Stacked all the work together so went 1 mile warm-up, 3 miles at TP, and then 0.5 mile cool down. Felt good physically and mentally. Music in my ears definitely helped with the last mile. Now if the wife can get home through D.C. traffic in time, I'll hit the pool this evening... fingers crossed.
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    3k in the pool done. Dinner time!
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    Getting lonely in here...

    Life put me on the trainer this morning at zero-stupid thirty. I rolled with the girls in Sufferfest's Hell Hath No Fury. As always, they kicked my butt. 1:05 total ride at 0.92 IF, with 2x20 on 1.0 and 0.97 and 1x 3:30 on 1.06. My legs are toast right now! Now to prep for tomorrow's long run.

    Good luck everyone and keep on it!
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    BOOM! Every week, I look at those bike FTPs w/ mixed emotions: fear in anticipation of, and elation when afterwards, I nail the intervals. Felt slightly sluggish from Monday's run (a function of the the fact that I ran those intervals harder than in previuos weeks), but got it all done. Looks like tomorrow's long run will be a bit shorter in anticipation of the Big Day, phew...
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    Nice BOOM Kate. How did yesterday's swim go for you, given your schedule experiment?
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    To keep Roy from being lonely and let everyone know I'm still alive - just got back from the physical therapist to see what's wrong with my knee. He thinks I injured the attachment of one of the quad muscles into the knee. Prognosis good! A couple weeks off the bike, a couple more PT appointments, plenty of foam roller, and I should be good to go. Thankfully, I bring a lot of bike fitness from a strong outseason so a couple weeks off isn't the end of the world. Can still run and swim. Thankful for the good news today!!
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    Stacey - glad to hear you're still alive & kicking!  And that's great news on your knee prognosis!  Having sprained my ankle a few weeks before IMLOU in 2011, I'm a firm, firm believer in PT.  Best of luck in your recovery and continued training
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    @ Roy - I was a bit tired for Tuesday's morning swim, but comparing times to the previous day, I was pretty much exactly the same, so the conclusion I draw is that moving Tuesday's run to monday evening is definitely the better option for me and I will try to do that from now on forward!
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    Missed yesterday's Swim but had a pretty solid run session.

    Aleady did the 3 x 5' Z3 run today and will be tackling the bike this afternoon. I am thinking about HHNF like Roy did yesterday! Sounds like a solid change of pace!
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    Run 60' 15WU1, 2*4003, 2*1mile4 @ 1'

    Bike 67' 15WU2, Intervals 1*10'4, 1*15'4, 1*20'4 @(3')

    Rain/Storm all day. No swim....

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    @Stacey Great News!!!!  
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    Today in books.  Wed night group ride, decided to jump in for my bike workout. A guaranteed push to keep me from slacking. 210' Z2-Z4. Total 64.8 miles.  Good night, rest well.......
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    @Stacey, great news! I hope the recovery goes well.

    @Kate, good to hear your swim went well. Looks like you've found a tweak that works out for the better. That's part of the fun of this game.

    @Danny, great mid-week ride. I'm jealous.

    Good luck to everyone on your long run (or whatever else you have on the schedule).
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    14 miles in 1:58. Not as fast as the last long run, but I was able to finish in a much better mental space.

    Good luck everyone!
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    @Roy Great Work!!  

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    Thurs Workout.  Moved Fri Swim to tonight.  Good open water and took advantage 1.5 miles total. 59'. Hot water...Will do my long run tomorrow early a.m.  Hope everyone had a good work day. Rest Well....
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    Finished my long run this A.M. Its nice not having the sun beat on you like a hammer. 90' MS 1*15'/Z2, 2*15'/Z3.5@(5'). Dialed back the work outside of interval work in prep for tomorrow's big day. Total 9.8 Mi  Its a calf sleeve day in the car as I make my Fri 6.5 hour commute to Tulsa.  Everyone have a great workout tomorrow...

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    @Danny, nice work with the swim and run. I always compression it up after my long run, too.

    4k yards in the pool this afternoon. Feeling a bit beat.

    Good luck to those doing the big day tomorrow!
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    Although not a big day, learning happened today. Woke up with some tired legs and gave it a nudge on the run to wake them up. 4 miles in 28 minutes. Temps were good at that point but the humidity was brutal. In hindsight, probably could have eased off a bit. Then had a light breakfast and got my bike on. Temps rose quickly and by the 3 hour mark, I was out of fluids and the car thermostat was reading 91 degrees. (I usually have 2 full bottles left in the cooler for the ride home). Decided to call it a day instead of going one-on-one with the heat. Total ride of 3:14 at 0.76 IF. Will mount the torhans and have more fluids on hand for tomorrow's ride.

    Hope everyone's big day went well. Drop a note and let us know the good/bad/ugly.
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    Big Day is in the bag. All in all, a pretty good day. Biggest discovery was nutrition-related, I think I have found my race plan. Upped my calorie intake based on Coach P's latest wiki entry, and that worked really well. What seems to work for me is 1 Stinger waffle at the top of each hour, combined with a saltstick tab, another salt stick tab at the bottom of the hour and a bottle of perform every hour. I could have drank more fluids today, but I can only carry so much on the bike. I imagine I will be drinking more perform (am a bit worried about too muc perform leading to bloating) or water during the bike on race day. For the run, I'll switch to gels and drink perform at the aid stations. That should work.

    So, big day:
    My pool doesn't open until 8am on Saturdays, so I got off to a late start. Swim was a bit of a letdown. Body position was bad, just wan't feeling it. I probably pre-fueled sub-optimally these past few days and I've noticed that as I get older, I just can't wing it anymore. Anywho, got through the drills and added 1,000 to get to 1 hour. I can't get on my bike right at the pool, but drive out of town for safety and sanity, so it was 45 minutes before my butt was in the saddle. The goodness of starting late is that I rode in somewhat simulated race conditions: temps in the high 80s image

    Bike went pretty well. Looking at the power data, I could have gone harder. That being said, I did 3,661 feet of climbing over 62 miles, so the power data is pretty screwy. I think the LOU bike course has about 2,200 feet of climbing, so I'm hoping for more speed and higher power output on race day... Nutrition worked flawlessly, which I'm superhappy about. I did notice my butt getting sore around the 3-hour mark. Must research chamois creme... Also must remember to keep bike shoes slightly loose and to re-apply sunscreen in t1. I have a lovely "tramp stamp" across my lower back right now...

    Took about 4-5 mins in "t2" to load up the bike and get my running stuff on. Run was good. Started in z1 and was able to negative split (that's not hard when you're as slow as I am!), not sure I could have held the pace, but I wasn't exactly dieing after 1 hour either. Quite pleased with that.

    So all in all, a good day, definitely some learning, but also happy w/ performance. Hope everyone is doing well!

    @ Roy - that's a great idea about keeping a cooler w/ post-workout drinks the car. My water was bout 98 degrees on the drive back home...
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    No "big tri day" for me. Still off the bike making sure my knee is happy. Got 1:15 OWS with the hubby along in the kayak. Good strong swim and confidence builder, felt comfortable in the water w/ no wetsuit. Had to shower the stinky lake off - then 6 mile run in the HEAT! First run in a long time where I could feel my core temperature getting hot - really hot! Tried Infinit in my hand-held bottle. Stomach felt full but not uncomfortable. It has a lot of sodium so thinking about using it on race day. I've used Endurolytes for running in the past but at 40 mg sodium each, it would take 9 of them to equal the sodium in 2 scoops of Infinit (the formula we have). I'm wondering if 40 mg just isn't enough to make much difference and I'm not really interested in choking down 10 capsules every hour....
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    Rain equals trainer (I don't mind the riding in the rain, but I definitely don't have time to do the required after maintenance and care for my bike today). Started with some Netflix, got bored of that, then decided to roll in on SF's The Hunted and Fight Club. Definitely dialed down the assigned intensities to 70% on the recovery and 80% on the "work" intervals. Ended the day with 2:15 @ 0.77 IF. I heart Spartacus!

    @Kate, wrt Louisville elevation gain: I think the advertised gain is for only one lap of the loop. I checked my files and on last year's ride I logged a total of ~4,400 feet of gain.

    @Stacey, great job with the swim/run!
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    Sat Big Day in the books for me as well.

    Like Kate the pool didn't open till later, 7:30, and the is for the little ones swim lessons so I sat on deck until about 8:30.  Once I got started I felt great in the pool.  I followed the workout as prescribed and actually came in @ 55'.  I added some CD laps at the end to get to my 60'. The best bike course to ride uninterrupted is about 30' away so I changed at pool and headed out.  To my dismay when I walked out to the car the beautiful morning had had changed into about a 25 mph wind out of SW. 

    My T1 was about 45 min with the drive. Once I got to my spot I was quick and off on the bike.  I soon realized this was going to be a tough one on at least half of the course.  I am working on my nutrition and trying some different products.  I gave Gatorade Perform a try as my on course drink combined with NUUN. The NUUN rocks, the Gatorade not so much.Was too sweet.  I also added in the old school power bars. I love them and they added some solid variety to my otherwise liquid buffet. I noticed about 10 miles in my heart rate was about 8 beats higher than normal. I attributed it to the stupid wind I was heading into and at the first turn around I was right.  MPH jumped and HR dropped back.  It was nice to be out of wind but by this time it was high 90's so it is now hot.  At the half way point I had one pee but felt as if my liquid was not on par.  Finished 240' with avg HR @ 148. Total miles 67. I do not have any power numbers on road. However I solved that problem moving forward my Quark in on its way. I'm sure I will have lots of questions for you experts.

    On to the run.  Came of bike, Ate/Drank and changed. Total time about 5' By now it is very very hot. But I knew this was going to be more indicative of what the IML day would be like.  I ran on the track so I could keep my fuel near by and practice my 15" walk to eat and drink @ every mile. Why do they make tracks black?  The run started out good but once again HR went to Z3 even though I was running Z1 pace. Not good.  I found a place where I could manage the rate and stabilize HR.  I finished the 60' red lined by heat.  Good news is my heart rate returned to normal after about 5' when done.  But I feel the culprit was bad fluid intake.  I had 5 bottles on bike and 1 during run.  I took in 125 oz post work out and still no pee. Looking back I need to add at least one more bottle per hour on bike.  On the brighter side I had no cramp or tight muscle issues at all.  So the salt factor seems good. Came home rocked the Compex and felt good rest of day. I also took in on average 95 carbs per hour with no stomach issues at all. My salt averaged about 700 mg/h

    All in all I would give my day about a c+, boosted by my swim work out.  My fueling a b and my fluid intake a d+.  Glad I am learning this now and not on race day.  Enjoy day off.. Pancakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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