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Temps and Needed Clothing

Quick question for everyone.  I have been training in nothing but hot and humid, but when I look at the forecast for Sunday, it looks like it could start pretty cool (Saturday low is 57).  Should I be considering packing anything extra for the bike to start or will my normal tri suit likely work by the time the swim is over? I know no one here is a weather person (at least I don't think anyone is) but I was looking for some feedback. I tend to be pretty warm and sweaty in most conditions and want to travel light if possible. Can you tell how I have been spending my rest day?


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    Check the forecast with NOAA - forecast temps have been climbing - low on Saturday night is now 61 and looks like it will be sunny and 84 on Sunday - with some humidity. So, by 8:00-8:15 it should be comfortable - esp. if you get warm quickly. Just my 2 cents.
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    I agree with Sue. Start off toughing it out in the cooler temps but don't dress for it. It's gonna warm up quickly.

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    You may be chilly for the first 10 minutes. I think it'll be worth it to tough it out. Just one less thing to think about come race day!
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    Come prepared for anything! I did not do so in 2006 and did not make it past the medical tent on the run due to severe HYPOthermia.... I was literally freezing to death.... Since then I over pack and will even throw extra clothes in my transition bag and special needs... At least I have it accessible if necessary.... As long as it is dry a cheap pair of tube socks can work as arm Warmers on the bike until you warm up then just toss them at the first aid station and a garbage bag in special needs can work as an emergency disposable rain/wind vest... Don't EVER trust the weatherman I learned a very disappointing and expensive lesson... Just my 2 cents....

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    Good advice all around....prepare for anything.  Bring stuff for cooler or hot temps.  Make a call what you'll wear as you see the real weather.  If it is above 60* at race start, your tri-suit will be fine.  You might be cool on the first few minutes of the bike, but you'll warm up fast.  If above 60*, I'll go with just my tri kit...no socks, no gloves, no arm warmers.  This is what I worm for my last RR and it was 61* when I started that day...I was fine.

    Last year it was about 58* at the start of the bike, and I put on too much stuff.  I put on a socks, cycling vest, arm warmers and gloves.  cost me time in T1 plus I was hot by mile 20 and peeling  gloves off and rolling arm warmers down.  I was stuck wearing the vest until bike special needs where I could stash it.

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