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Aid Station on the BIke Course for IMFL

So my plan is to get ahead on hydration and cal by drinking 1.5 to 2 bottels of perform over the first 2 or 3 hrs as I can tolerate it. Especially given that these bottles will be smaller then the ones that I train with.

Given that there are aid station every 10mi (or 30min) I am thinking that I will just plan on hitting all of them (grabbing 1 bottle and racking it to drink over the next 30 minutes) till I start burping perform then getting back to 24 oz per hour.

I am also thinking that I will only carry 1 bottle out of t1 between my bars as the first aid station is only 10mi away. This will allow me to use the cage behind my seat for flat repair kit and I will remove the cage on my down tube for he race.

What are the rest of yall planning?


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