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Week 19 :: And the taper begins...

Trying to keep my nerves in check... 


Webinar is tomorrow (Tuesday) --  https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/218261823


Noticed the EN Swim is listed Friday?!?  I suspect that should be Thursday since race is Saturday?  Is the EN swim worthy of a sign-in thread?


  • swam some today. 1700M of drills and 100's. Feeling very lethargic. This seems to happen to me with most big races. After I hit the apex in the training and the taper begins, my energy drops HARD for a little while. I think some part of my brain saw RR#2 as the finish line. No promises on the amount or quality of work that gets done this week.
  • yesterday did my 2x1 run early pm .....then swam 16 x100 in the evening....scheduling this week is all jumbled due to life/travel/etc....hoping to get most of the wko's
  • ran an hr with 2x1z4s. Good enough for today. My 4yr old cracked a molar when she fell at the pool saturday. She goes under to have it removed on thursday. Makes me sick thinking about it. I should have stopped her.
    She will be fine though. Cant imagine what it would be like to have a kid who was seriously ill or hurt.
  • Totally missed the webinar tonight. Any way to view it after the fact, and/or can someone post some "pearls" that stood out?

    Hard to focus at work....just want to get to PCB and execute the big day!

    Quick question....how many ounces are the bottles of perform that they have at the bike aid stations?
  • The bottles on the course are 20oz.
  • Thanks Jamie.

    Related to the taper......I'm starting to look at the PCB weather forecast more often than I look at the local weather image
  • ok - got in the 3x6(4) on the trainer this morning and then got 45min in the pool at lunch. It sure is nice to not have to spend so much time planning how I am going to fit workouts in!
  • @Steve - guilty of the same...

    @Jimmy - Amen to feeling like you have a life that isn't completely SBR

    Last "long" run done. Upper 30's and all went well. Paces a tad faster than planned (power of the taper). Dialed it back the last 20' MP interval. Ready for the HIM Swim RR tomorrow!
  • 80 min run got done. had hoped for extra pool time but life has been waiting for the taper to pounce on me it seems.
    2000M straight swim tomorrow sounds nice. But it will be at IM pace, not HIM pace!
  • Jimmy,

    I will see how I feel - might go for a 2200yd PB =).

    Going to have my daughter swim with me -- maybe she'll let me draft...
  • Just booked my prerace message. Having all this extra time during the taper is nice.
  • Jeff- I did! Swam 2000m hard. Pr'd my 1500 and 2000m times. Unfortunately I think it was because I was getting off of the wall better. But I will take it!
  • Nice Jimmy!!

    I swam it at a solid effort - definitely well above IM pace. 34:31 for the 2200yd. Previous best from right before my first HIM in 2011 was 36:12.
  • looking good on the swim, Jeff! that should set up a great race for you.

    I got some serious wind training in on my bike yesterday with 20mph sustained plus gusts. with my 808 front and training wheel on back I was blowing all over the road. leaves were flying at me like Chinese throwing stars. pretty much ignored the intervals to focus on safety...I mean, what are a few intervals gonna do now anyway? happy to get that over with and put the training to bed.

    today I will reward my steed for a season of faithful service with a bath.
  • @Greg - same issues with the wind here yesterday -- though on SRAM 90's. It was 15-20 with 30 gusts. While in the crosswinds I thought of Kona image.

    Missed the run so going to do for a 30' with a few T and M pace intervals of 4' ON and 1' OFF.
  • totally out of the loop last week due to work/life....got a few ez wko's in...not much over the wkend...and this week isn't looking good either...thankfully it's taper time so the rest is a good thing....i'm headed south on wed a.m....will swim wed p.m.
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