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Week 9/12 to go

We should have a full complement of people now training for the race, in week 9 of a 20 week plan. I like to think the other direction, so this is week 12 (to go) in my mind. I like to post my workout travails and successes several times a week, and find that a weekly thread from here on out helps with the accountability and sharing of anticipatory anxiety.

This week, I spent M-F in Arizona, and got to ride Wed/Thurs with ENers Tim Cronk and Dave Tallo. Those were my "Sat/Sun" rides, going 4+ hours on Wed and then 3 hours up to the top of Mt Lemmon, another 1:15 back down. The route I took went from 2850' to 7850' in about 24 miles. Makes for an astounding temperature differential. It was 70 F when I left the top at 12:30 PM, and 97 when I got back to the bottom. My IF for the uphill trip was 0.74, and 0.27 back down. A good way to kick start my long course training!



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    Thanks for encouraging dialogue - I know it'll help me as I prepare for my first IM. Just finished my long ride for the day - 4 hours 10 minutes - 70.43 miles in 20-24 mph wind - felt really beat up when I was done. Followed by what was supposed to be a 30 minute brick run that was a total fail - I bonked at the 20 minute mark - really light headed, stomach upset, seeing funny colors. Totally my fault as I didn't pay attention to my nutrition during the last 45 minutes of the bike & it came back to bite me on the run as the temps were the highest they've been in a while.

    I'm still having some residual calf pain from IM Cali - where I got pretty bad cramps in my left calf halfway through the run. Totally derailed me. I still can't figure out why that happened - I've not had calf issues in years. Not sure if it was the hills on the bike (which were more than I'm accustom to in Dallas)...riding on the bars more (spent most of the outseason on a trainer & not much time in the aero position). I'm a little discouraged that two weeks post-race I'm still having pain..after I've basically done no running since the race.

    Anyway - looking forward to the dialogue with you guys.
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    This week I should have been following the plan but I aggravated my achilles tendon in Oceanside 2 weeks ago so I decided to take 1 more week of recovery. I have only run 8 miles or so since Oceanside, but I am feeling much better now. I also did a crazy bike challenge yesterday that I wanted to rest a bit leading up to it. I am taking today off to recover from yesterday's insane ride (120 miles, 13,000 feet of climbing). I plan to start the IM plan Monday and follow it closely from here on out.
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    I just dropped into the IM plan and finished week 12 as well. I did my long run Thursday....10 miles and felt great afterwards but on Fridays 45 minute run I aggravated something below my calf near my achilles. Completed the 4hr bike in 73 miles and took it super easy on the run. Finished a 50 miler this morning a little short of 3 hours. Let's hope this calf thing clears up this week!
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