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Leventhal's IMCDA RR #1 Plan

  • This will be my first full IM. I've completed two 70.3 distance races (5:19 & 5:50)
  • 40 year old male 185 lbs
  • FTP: 250 / VDOT: 47.2 (I have not retested since I injured my calf back so I am 100% certain that I've lost some VDOT points but I don't know how much speed I've lost & I'm not planning on retesting before IMCDA)
  • I will test at White Rock Lake in Dallas. It will provide me with a 10 +/- mile loop on roads that are either closed to cars or where drivers are used to seeing tons of cyclist. It will be a bit of a mental beat down to circle the lake 10-11 times but since my two greatest bike fears are (1) getting hit by a car & (2) getting lost - I think the lake repeats suite me fine. Also it's relatively flat (I'll stay off the hills) and I can stop at my truck for fuel, etc.
  • I'll test this Friday, May 23rd (I'll skip going into the office that day) & I plan to have wheels turning around 7:30-8:00 a.m.
  • Plain bagel with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • 12-24 ounces of Perform
  • Small coffee
Bike (Riding)
  • First 30 minutes at 162-172 (65-69% of FTP)
  • Rest of ride at 175-180 (70%-72% of FTP)
  • Garmin is set to auto-lap every 5 miles & I'll just dial into the Lap-NP field
Bike (Nutrition)
  • 1 1/2 bottles of Perform (using 25 ounce Camelback bottles so 37 ounces per hour) - (315 cals; 855 mg sodium)
  • 1 Gu per hour at the 30 minute mark of every hour - (100 cals; 50-75 mg sodium)
  • If needed - 1/2 Powerbar per hour at the top of the hour - (120 cals; 100 mg sodium)
  • If needed (i.e. temps are warm) - 1 S!Cap per hour at the top of the hour - (0 cals; 341 mg sodium)
  • TOTAL PER HOUR: 415-535 cals; 905-1346 mg sodium
Run (Pacing)
  • 6 miles at Z1 (8:58 pr/mile) + 30 seconds - 9:28 per mile pace
Run (Nutrition)
  • 4 ounces of Perform after each mile (210 cals; 570 mg sodium)
  • 1 Gu per hour at the 3rd mile mark (100 cals; 50 mg sodium)
  • 1 S!Cap per hour at the 3rd mile mark (0 cals; 341 mg sodium)
  • TOTAL PER HOUR: 310 cals; 961 mg sodium
Side Thoughts / Questions
  • I’m a bit meh & uninspired about my breakfast selection but am not sure what a kick butt RR breakfast should look like. The coaches suggest 600-800 calories; but what are some better ways to get these calories?
  • After reading the comments on Peter’s RR I’m a little concerned about the whole “get most/all your calories from fluids.” I’ve been training with 25 ounces of Perform per hour but have bumped that to 36 ounces for this RR plan so this will be a first for me. Is that enough?


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    You should have the Joule prior to this ride so start reading up on it functions.

    Regarding your plan; I found that after about 4 hours I could NOT handle the bars I took. Luckily I had a couple extra GU's. This wont be such a problem for you as your looping every 10 miles. But have a couple GUs ready just in case. I found that about 350 calories was just about right for me. Your fluids look pretty good although it will be much warmer for you in Texas that is was in Idaho. Breakfast for me is usually greek yogurt and a banana, but I tried the Applesauce with protein powder and realy liked it, it went down easy and kept me going without the full feeling. The idea behind liquid calories is that your body can process them easier and your gut doesn't have to draw water from blood and and other organs to digest it. GU's are considered liquid, so your good.
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    Bike nutrition - you are younger and larger, so the relatively high calorie intake may work well for you. But the whole point of this RR will be to discover whether that's true. Keep in mind it;s an experiment, a learning experience, and you have another one coming up to fine tune or correct big mistakes.

    On the run, 4 oz of fluid per mile ain;t gonna cut it, either in your RR in Texas, or on race day in ID. You can get away with it in the RR if you have maintained hydration on the bike, cause you are only going for an hour. But 4+ hours on race day? You'll slow down and walk from dehydration 2.5-3 hours in. So you've gotta get used to taking in 6-10 oz of fluid per mile. If this were all perform, you;d way overload on calories, so either dilute it 50%, or switch to water at some point.

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    Thanks for the feedback Al. I'll definitely up my fluid intake on the run. I'll shoot for 8-10 ounces per mile of a diluted Perform mix. I just saw a comment from Steve (on his RR post) that mirrored a thought I had after reading your note - I've not been drinking enough on my runs - either in training or in my races. I'm sure it's related to my RPE - and since I do most of my runs before dawn the temps are cooler (or at least they have been...we're about to get HOT down here in Texas) so I don't feel as though I need it. Gotta learn to be more disciplined in this area.

    Also...I'm going to try the applesauce / protein power / banana option for breakfast.  I've seen a pretty wide range on how much applesauce to eat - from 1 1/2 cups up to 4 cups.  I figured I'd shoot for somewhere in the middle.

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    Try the applesauce breakfast for sure....i find it very filling and max out around 2.5-3 cups. I find it easier to digest than a bagel and pb. I'm upping my hydration as well on the run....glad we still have time to test, learn, and dial in our nutrition.
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    So in what I find to be a tiny bit ironic - I got my swim in this morning (4400 meters) & decided to do my run at lunch. First time in a while I've run in the afternoon when the temps are up. I was only slated to go 45 minutes and so, heeding Al's advice I did something I NEVER do - I grabbed a 20 ounce water bottle of Perform mix to have with me while I ran. I figured it would only be a 45 minute run - call it 5.5 miles so 20 ounces should be plenty...or so I thought.

    Clearly I know NOTHING about hydration b/c I ended up needing almost twice that. And fortunately enough for me there was a restaurant with a patio that bumped up to the trail I was running on...they had two coolers of cold water for runners and I was able to refill the bottle with water just over half way through my run. Temps were in the mid-80's with quite a bit of humidity. My heart rate was 12-15 beats faster per minute than the same run done at 5:30 a.m.

    Lesson learned...& I will be prepared with lots of fluids for the RR this weekend!! I might even break out the fluid belt - even though I hate running with.
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    Race rehearsal is in the books. Felt really good about my nutrition on the bike...went through about 9 bottles of Perform (25 ounces each). Went through a stretch between miles 25-25 where I had to pee 3x & not just a little. I think the 20 ounces I had at breakfast combined with what I was taking in the first hour just sent my tiny schoolgirl bladder into overdrive. Tried not to get frustrated by it - reminded myself that in the race I won't be stopping at a Port-o-Potty and wasting valuable time. By the time the ride was over I'd peed 5x - so I'd say I was hydrated.

    I finished with a 0.72 IF & a 1.04 VI. The IF is where I was shooting, but if I understand the whole concept of VI then I think a 1.04 is a bit too high, right? Is that a result of not riding steady/smooth?

    Here is the bike file:

    Big thanks to Al on the exhortation to increase my fluids on the run. The six miles took me about 55 minutes and I took down about 45-50 ounces of 50 Perform / 50 water. I think I needed every bit of too - so that was a really helpful tip.

    Here is the run file:

    When I finished I was a bit surprised at how good I felt. I mean...I was tired for sure...but I wasn't as fried as I'd expected. Hoping I can get some solid rest for tomorrow's long bike.
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    David - unless you're on a closed, flatter course, 1.04 VI is pretty darn good for RR#1. You probably had to deal with lights, congestion, etc? Don't give it a thought, just keep thinking steady.

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    We're you able to try out the Joule?
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    Steve, I found myself getting stressed about trying to learn how to use it the night before the RR. So I opted to get it set up for this upcoming week, after "camp" is over.
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    @Steve, I used the Joule this morning for the Wed interval session (on my trainer). I also recorded it with my Garmin so I could compare the results. I used the method that Al prescribed (i.e. hitting the interval button at the appropriate spots in the workouts) & hold the interval button so that it would display the lap data; rather than the entire ride data. The results between the two were very close with some very small differences in watts during each interval. Some matched exactly...others were off 1-3 watts.

    The UI will take some getting used - for me to get used to where my eyes need to look for key data.

    I downloaded the data to PowerAgent this morning.
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