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12 Weeks Out

I cannot believe we are 12 weeks from IMWI!  Most of us will be starting our 12 week build to Madison today.  Unfortunately, I am not starting today (may have to wait till tomorrow) because I am still pretty exhausted from the Horribly Hilly Hundreds ride I did on Saturday. Ended with 127 miles and 12,500 feet of climbing!  Pretty stoked to have such a big ride in, but paying for it now. Probably will try and swim tomorrow, swim/run Wednesday, and try to pick up with the plan's long run Thursday.  Post your workouts here, team.  Hope you are all ready for this amazing journey to begin!!!


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    I'm feeling the same Lauren. I'm so excited to finally get to gettin' on the 12 week build! Great job in getting the HHH done! I rode the Kal-Haven trail Saturday along with some other local trails for a total of 104 miles. Oh and all after running a 5k that morning so my legs are a bit fatigued as well. I'm going to get my swim and run in this evening. Looking forward to the journey and sharing with the team.
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    Nice weekend Eric! That's a great ride for this early in the season! I can't even remember the last time I ran a 5K-I do remember them being painful enough to where I wouldn't feel like riding a century afterwards, though image Good Work!! Can't wait to hear how the swim/run go!
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    Had big training day on Saturday - great swim for an hour - torture on the bike for last 1 of 4 hours - followed by 6 mile run - ok/neg split.  Definitely need to get some more time in the saddle - upcoming weekend long rides should solve that nicely.  Time to get to work!!
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    I am tapering / prepping for Rev3 Wisc Dells then jumping in to race prep phase after a short recovery. I feel a little behind the 8-ball, but I've been working various out-seasons and race plans since Jan so I think I am in a pretty good place.
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    Thanks Lauren. Run went well tonight. I warmed up on the dread mill foe a mile then got right to work at the 3% grade at 7:17 pace for 8 min, The incline work was tough. I finished out the run at 8:30 pace. It was nice to be back in the pool again. I have only been swimming for the last couple of weeks. I felt great for the first 40 min after that I was spent and struggled just to keep going.

    Nice work on the big training day Mark, I'm feeling the need for more saddle time too.

    Sounds like your in a great place Mike tapering for a half. right now a half would not be pretty for me.
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    Mark-Great training day! Yes-the consistent 4 hour+ weekend rides will get ya ready!

    Mike-Like Eric said, you will definitely be good to go stepping into a plan after Rev 3 Dells! Can't wait to read a race report from you! Best of luck!

    Eric-Awesome job! I'd love to hit those paces! Coach P told me to stay in recovery mode till Wednesday, when I should pick up with the bike/run brick then back to the regularly scheduled plan Thursday with the long run. I'm definitely itching to get moving again-until I walk up stairs and my quads start crying!

    Keep going folks! Ya'll are killin it out there!
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    Good advice from Coach P Lauren. image The fitness you have gained from the HHH will more than make up for the 3 days off of training this week. Rest up!
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    Felt sluggish in the pool today but gutted it out. Off to the track for the intervals. Giddy up!
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    Track intervals were hotter than hot Whew! Got the two mile respts done and ended up with 5.5 miles. I feel spent. Hope everyone else is doing well with there training.
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    Great job Eric! I finally got back at it today-did a 3500 yd swim in 1 hour flat, then hit the bike for an 18 mile 1 hour shake out ride. Not necessarily the plan, but wanted to ease back into it before tomorrow's long run. Really hoping these relentless storms hold out a bit for a nice morning run!
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    Great job on that swim and Wow 18 miles after all that climbing! How do your legs feel? It has been thunder storming all day here. I had to ride on the drainer indoor. 1st 10 min interval went well but the next one I blew up. I could not hold the threshold watts at all. I did my best effort and just got through it. I feel the same about the storms. I hope morning brings a nice cool dry run time. Good luck!
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    Legs actually felt ok-didn't worry about power numbers, just went out on some FLAT roads (for once!) and enjoyed the ride. Unfortunately my run did not happen this morning, so looking for an evening long run (I know not ideal, especially considering I'm going to attempt my long ride tomorrow morning due to an out of town wedding this weekend. Should be interesting! Planning on doing the long run tonight all in zone 1 just to see what my legs have in them, and then the ride tomorrow morning probably the same-all zone 1-unless I start feeling better!

    Did you get your run in Eric?
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    Always good to spin the legs on flat roads after a serious race or training ride. I'm having a hard time adjusting my schedule to the increase training load. I'm trying without success this week to switch to earlier morning workouts. I have been pretty tired and dragging ass in the morning. Short answer no I didn't run this morning. image I'm looking to do the same as you this evening on the long run. After an hour I'll see how the legs feel and maybe try to bump up to zone 2 we shall see. I'm planning on next week being different and getting the majority of training done in the mornings. The first few weeks of IM training are always the toughest for me.
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    Definitely understandable-but once you get the routine down (which it truly takes me quite some time to get into) you'll be good to go. For me, it's just forcing myself to get to bed early. It's so hard to do with it staying light so late-when it doesn't get dark until close to 9, my mind doesn't go into sleep mode for a couple hours-then that 4:30am/5am alarm just comes WAY too early!

    I can't wait to hear how your run went. I did attempt mine tonight-lord was it humid. I was pretty nervous going out for today's run being my first real run since HHH. My first 5 miles went extremely well-I couldn't believe how comfortable my pace felt (while I stayed in Zone 1, my legs truly did not feel tired and I was prepared for the worst!). So I was extremely happy-until I turned around to come home. It literally felt like someone turned my strength off. I had absolutely nothing left after 6.5 miles-the last 3.5 home were not pretty. Yet, I'm not disappointed because I know that is just last weekend's event still. Happy with the 10 miles I got in, and really looking forward to being completely recovered from last weekend-whenever that is going to happen image
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    I do most of my workouts after work - I just hate getting up earlyimage Not sure I recover near as fast as I would like to, but got my 90 mins in tonight. 1 hr at 9:02, 15 mins at 8:26, 15 mins at 8:00. Have also been trying to get comfortable in some new Hokas, but to me they seem to be a bit sluggish compared to my old faithful Nike Free's. Looking for body to adapt to the increased training load, but may have to tone down some of the other runs if I feel any kind of overuse injury coming on.

    Also on a mission to lose a bunch of weight. Was 209 back in Feb, 201 about 10 days ago, and right about 196-197 now. Would really like to get down to 180 to reduce the effort required on the bike, as well as increasing the comfort level.

    Good work all…keep pushing!
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    I hear ya Mark on "hate getting up early" but for me I have to get at least one workout done in the morning especially when were doing two a days or the runs on Thursday that are 2 hours long. :/ Great job on the run! With the increased training load shedding some weight should be manageable. I'm at 176 and would like to lose some as well. I have been using my fitness pal to track my cals and exercise to keep myself accountable and on track.

    Lauren- I'm hoping i can start establishing the routine next week. I'm the same way as far as trying to go to sleep while it's still daylight. I want to just keep getting stuff done in the light. image Great job on your run! Your legs should start feeling more normal (well at least training for an Ironman normal) by the end of the weekend.

    Well long run went well. I got 12 miles in the hot humid evening. image The zone 1 8:30 pace went well. I tried stepping up to zone 2 but I was at only able to get to 7:50 pace. Finished out the run at 7:20 pace. I felt good but I could tell my legs were fatigued from the added training load this week. I'm draggin today and thankful for only having a swim workout and an easy run.

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    Mark-Smokin' pace out there! Great job on the run. I tend to have a problem dropping weight this time of year-because with the increase in training volume, I like to think I can have a great increase in food....not always the case-thus, the weight stays the same image I'd like to get down about 5 more pounds though by September. It's doable! Keep up the great work!

    Eric-Great job on the run! Man I wish my Zone 1 was an 8:30. One day image The humidity yesterday and today was ridiculous. Due to an out of town wedding this weekend, I didn't do my swim/easy run today-I did my long ride. Got in 70 miles with about 3500 feet of climbing. Legs did not appreciate that much climbing yet. This recovery is taking longer that I hoped-I am eating well and resting well between workouts, but still waiting to feel great on a workout. Because I am now out of town, I'll just do my Friday easy run tomorrow morning and hopefully get in my ABP ride Sunday when I return home. Who knows though, legs may appreciate just a swim on Sunday since I definitely do not feel recovered yet. The 70 miles today was not easy-especially with the humidity!

    Keep rocking it guys image
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    Awesome job Lauren! 70 miles on tired legs is tough and climbing to boot!

    I missed the swim and the run on Friday. Work was crazy and to many family things in the evening. On top of that I was still dragging from the long run Thursday evening.

    I ran 4 this morning then I got my long ride in. 75 miles in the heat. I packed four bottles with three scoops in each of perform. (210 cals each). I didn't drink much the first hour but after that I drank a quarter bottle every 15 min. The first 1.5 hour was rough legs were just not wanting to fire. After that though things turned around and I was able to hit my watt zones and keep my rpms in the low 90s upper 80s. I was glad to get this one in the bank. I'm ready for the ABP ride tomorrow.

    How was everyone else's ride? Hope you are all crushing it!
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    Great work on the ride Eric! I certainly know that feeling of the legs just not wanting to get moving early on in the ride. I got in an easy 6 mile run Saturday morning and was really hurting during it. Legs so tired from the week/last weekend-so I decided to take today totally off in an effort to hit this next week's workouts strong. I'm looking forward to hitting many of the workouts this week-hopefully feeling much stronger than this past week!
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    Good week team! Today's ABP was "Always Be Pedaling." An ok effort to get some more saddle time in - have a lot of work (years) to become a stud cyclist like many of you - think I'm shooting for about a 6:15 bike at Wisconsin - did 6:35 or so last year at CDA, my first year of long course training. Work works, so better get to work! Here's to another week in the books and another week closer to race day.

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    Nice job on the run Lauren. Running on tired painful legs helps build that mental edge to get the marathon done on race day. HAve you been wearing compression and ice bathing during your recovery?

    I hear ya on the "Always be Pedaling" Mark Whew! Great job getting it done! I did 6:15 at Wisconsin back in 2010 (my first Ironman) The course is challenging but if attacked correctly can be rewarding. We are all working at becoming that Ninja cyclist one pedal at a time. image
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    Not enough focus on recovery for me Eric-I've been doing protein drinks after every workout longer than an hour and took one Epsom salts bath-but haven't spent anytime in my compression shorts yet-which I really should be!
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    I myself find it hard to actively focus on recovery too. image
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    Raced Rev3 Dells Sunday (a story in itself). Early and long day at work yesterday, hit the pool at 7:00 and by the end of the second set of 200s my hands and calves were cramping up. Probably a result of more standing on the bike than I am used to and gripping the handlebars so hard in the descents! Called it a workout and headed for the foam roller. Today was worse, more sore and complete wiped out exhausted. Fell asleep waiting for a customer but plugged the workout into my iMotion app, set to go when I got home...and now I've spent the last 3 hours getting my 16 year old son to the ER, exam, x-rays etc. Broken clavicle from the brand new MTB terrain park. But I did have a chance to read the slowtwitch forum on the race when they took him down for the happy snaps and feel better that others (more experienced) are experiencing the same after effects I am.
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    Take the time to recover; I get a great benefit from of the pure act of taking it easy. Good to have you on the forum and look forward to meeting you and the rest of the team in Madison.
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    I agree with Mark take a little time to actively recover. Everything I have read about the Rev3 dells race sounds like it was a very hard one. 1/2 irons are like 1/2 marathons your body will be getting back to normal by the end of the week. I'm glad your sons ok. Keep your chin up you will be back to full training mode in no time.
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    Steven-I know it typically takes me a full week to feel recovered after a half iron-don't beat yourself up over it. Glad your son is ok-just get some rest and be ready for the longer rides for the weekend! image
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