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IMC 4 weeks to go

Only 4 weeks to go! I'm looking forward to 2 more weeks of hard training because I do not feel ready yet but I trust EN that my fitness will be there on race day. 

The athlete guide is now out. http://www.ironman.com/triathlon/events/americas/ironman/canada/athletes/athlete-guide.aspx#axzz369QcokHc

See you in 4 weeks.


  • Ran nearly 60 miles two weeks ago. Rode 13.5 hours last week. Big run week and then big bike week. Normal training for another two weeks and then it's taper time.
  • Hi IMC Peeps!

    Finally turning my focus to Canada after racing IMCDA yesterday. Had a fantastic race - will be interesting to see how the next four weeks of recovery/slight rebuild goes.

    Got a report from a friend that was reconing the course that she almost literally ran into two different bears. She was within 10' both times - the first about 5' into the climb up to Callaghan and the other was right in the village where you cross the bridge and turn left down a short stretch of dirt. The bear on the bike turned and ran off but the bear on the run was walking towards her and her running partner. So she did what any smart runner that knows she's faster than her partner, she RAN THE OTHER WAY. I guess it was literally a case of you don't have to be faster than the bear, just faster than who you're with! As of today they are still friends, we'll see how long that lasts...

    Anyway, happy training and think BEAR SPRAY! image
  • @ Jenn , 2 IM's in 4 weeks, thats amazing. I've been wondering about the bears over there, and this doesn't help my level of comfort haha. 

    I didn't do the planned FTP test today because of 2 reasons. 1) my bike is in the shop for a final tune up before we have to drop it off next week. So I rode on my road bike and it doesnt have power. and 2) My FTP usually doesnt change much and this being my first IM I do not want to all of a sudden start riding at a higher FTP. So far I have always felt good coming off the bike after the long rides, and I felt great on the run during RR1, but I am worried that will not be the case if I ride at higher watts. So I did 2 x 20' at FTP by RPE. 

  • Pffffttttt.  Two IM's in four weeks is child's play. 

    (See below schedule)

  • @ Bob: Ha, you go man.  I fold!  

  • I am debating IMCdA vs. IMC for next year, so I'm gonna peek at your threads periodically!  

    Any vets who have done both before and have time to PM me a comparison/opinions/thoughts would be greatly appreciated.  Otherwise....I'll be lurking about!  


  • I posted this in my micro earlier this week but have not heard back from coach P yet. 

    Tomorrow ( thursday) is the scheduled RR run. But because Friday is the 4th it would make it much easier to get the run in on Friday, rather than on Thursday. I would then do the planned bike workouts on saturday and sunday. Probably not the best way to recover from a 3 hour run by biking the following day. Just looking for some advice if I should restructure the week that way or not and just do the long run tomorrow evening after work ( thats when I usually do my long runs).

  • You'll be fine. Just don't expect to be fresh and really hit your numbers on the bike either day. No biggie. It's the training boost/effect you're really after.
  • I found Whistler bike much tougher than CDA.        other folks?
  • I have a few friends that have done both and each said Whistler was a much tougher course.
  • Yes, I've done both.  IMC is much more difficult.   It's not just that it has more gain, but the ascents and descents are steeper so you're grinding up and coasting down whereas at IMCDA you can spin up and still apply pressure down.  Also, IMC has some hairpin turns right  in the middle of those hills so you have to pay attention.  Oh and IMC ends with 20 miles of up.  There is that...   come for the challenge!  


  • Checked out finish / split time analysis on runtri.com. Last year, the average finish times as well as bike/run splits were faster at IMC than at IMCDA. I did CDA last year and it was tough... so I'm convincing myself going into the race that IMC may be tougher but I'll be faster : )

    IMCDA: http://www.runtri.com/2013/06/ironman-coeur-dalene-2013-results.html
    IMC: http://www.runtri.com/2013/06/ironman-canada-2013-analysis.html
  • Keep in mind that the IMC course is about 4 miles short…

  • Posted By Jenn Edwards on 06 Jul 2014 12:27 PM

    Keep in mind that the IMC course is about 4 miles short…

    I had 110 miles on the dot... so two miles short.  Measured with two different devices.

  • Posted By George Yessaian on 06 Jul 2014 10:37 AM

    Checked out finish / split time analysis on runtri.com. Last year, the average finish times as well as bike/run splits were faster at IMC than at IMCDA. I did CDA last year and it was tough... so I'm convincing myself going into the race that IMC may be tougher but I'll be faster : )

    IMCDA: http://www.runtri.com/2013/06/ironman-coeur-dalene-2013-results.html

    IMC: http://www.runtri.com/2013/06/ironman-canada-2013-analysis.html

    George, it's a little apples vs oranges.  The big X-Factor at IMC last year was the 100 Kona slots.  It was the most top heavy IM I have seen.  So it brought out a lot of super fast people which skews the times quite a bit.  You will see what average times will look like this year with only 50 slots and less of a hyper competitive field.

  • Any recommendations on wheel selection for this course? I was planning on using FLO 60 front and disc cover over my power tap wheel in the back. 

  • Whatever wheel you're comfortable with. 60 front, rear disc (cover) will be fine. I don't think wind is a major issue on this course.

    I rode 90/90 last year and was fine. I ditched the front 90 due to a couple of bad crosswind rides (not at IMC) and went with a 70 front. So I will be 70/90 at Whistler.
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