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8 More Weeks....Actually, 6 Training Weeks Left.... ;)

Happy Monday image

8 weeks out.  This summer is really flying by. Before we know it we'll be prepping for our first Race Rehearsals! 

Well, my goal this week was to actually follow the plan as written-but in my 4.5 years of being with EN, I've never been able to stick with it exactly...so why start now? image  

So while today was a scheduled swim, I didn't want to pass up a beautiful morning so I got out on my bike and rode. Last week was nutty and I did my long ride/ABP ride in the middle of the week, so after just swimming and running this weekend, my legs felt ready to push a bike ride. So I went out and pushed for just shy of 3 hours this morning.  Averaged 19 mph (which is pretty solid for me) and my watts were in my mid Z2 for the majority of the ride.  Pushed a few long Z3 intervals but ended up in my Z2 range.  Very happy to start off my Monday on such a good note.  But, my workouts will be all jumbled up again this week.  Maybe one week I'll actually do the plan as written....

Alright all-let's hear how those workouts are going!


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    Great job on the on the solid ride Lauren! Hard to believe 4 weeks of training in the bank already.

    Hit the dread ill after work for the 12 min at 3% incline. The run went well. It helped mentally that there was a thunder storm outside. image

    Heading to the pool now to bust out some laps. I was dragging butt big time this morning. AM pool work out just wasn't happening!

    Crush the training team!
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    12 minutes at 3% incline? Way to go! That's beast image How was the swim??
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    Thanks Lauren! Swim was good I ended up with 3800 yards before the pool closed. I'm not quite the torpedo you are in the water! image
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    You guys are animalsimage My brother sherpa'd my race for me on Sat, and it seemed like he caught a bit of the triathlon bug…pretty excited that he might want to get into the game, though looking to get him on board on a very reasonable budget, so set him up on my road bike last nite, then spent today's swim working him through some of our swim camp drills. Only got about 1500 yds in the pool myself. Did the run tonight, and though I thought it was going to be much slower than normal, I hit the mile intervals in splits of 6:55 and 6:52 - pretty happy about that, and felt that I was just in a zone 4 at most. Work works. Looking forward to getting on the steed tomorrow night for an interval ride home, then running to work+ on Thursday.

    You saying only 6 more weeks of real training left has hit home - getting closer on figuring out my nutrition on the bike, so really going to work to get it dialed in so I'm not constantly bonking on the bike.

    Have a great week ya'll.

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    Sweet Mark! Its cool have a relative share in your experience.

    I had a short pool workout yesterday as well yesterday. I had to gut up to get out the door to get the run done. I was glad I did. I hit both mile intervals at pace.

    Fatigue is setting in. I can't seem to get enough sleep and I'm hungry all the time. Major butt dragging this morning.

    Keep up the good work team!
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    Hey Gang!

    Sounds like you all are killing it!

    Mid-week check-in, ramping up here after my 'bout with massive sinus congestion the new meds are really helping. Mon / Tue / Wed workouts are in the bag. I was on empty the last 4 min of my bike FTP ride today, if someone walked by with a Snickers Bar I might have just killed them for it, but I gutted it out and finished the workout strong. :-) Going to hit the hay here after I get some food so I can run in the AM.

     I am planning on heading up to Madsion this Saturday to ride the loop and start getting familiar with the course. I will ride the loop at least once, it is a long way to go for only one loop but my buddy who is going with me is not as strong a biker so I am not sure he can do two - I will push him though... :-) I am also coming to camp, so I will definitely get more time on course before the big dance. Any word wisdom for me?

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    Great news on the meds working Mike! Too funny about the snickers! I know the feeling.

    Hope you have a good time in Madison wish I could join you. My advice on riding the course for the first time would be use as a reckon ride. Take it easy on your riding Buddy image. Get an initial feeling for the ride. You will be so much more ready for your race rehearsal at the camp. Take it easy on the hills especially if you decide to ride the loop twice. How you ride the hills makes or breaks your entire race. Good riding and have fun!
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    Training going pretty well this week; haven't got all the yardage in the pool, but feeling good about the swim nevertheless. Should be a fun weekend with rain of the forecast (just Sat/Sun of course).

    Curious to know what kind of gears folks are planning on running. I've been on a 11/25 for a few years, but seriously thinking about switching out to a 11/28 for this race. Any thoughts? Run a 50/34T up front, not a sub-6 bike guy, and have a tendency to spike HR while climbing. Is it too late to switch and get comfortable with?

    Jealous of you riding the course Mike! So much to be gained, and hoping that I can get a little bit of insight by driving it before race.

    Good and safe riding this week team!
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    @Mark, I've been lurking and following the teams prep for IMWI. I biked 5:40 twice on a 12-27 and I would have used a 11-28 if it was available. You will not be sorry and I have never heard anyone that raced IMWI not appreciate having easier gearing. It is up to you to decide how long it takes you to feel comfortable with new gearing. I don't need long. But what I would emphasize is to make sure your shifting is flawless on whatever you ride because it is critical. Be sure you check your setup when you arrive in Madison and get any problems sorted. image
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    Brian, welcome; and thanks. I'm not a 5:40 guy, but hoping this gets me way closer to 6:00 flat - I would consider that a very good day. Will definitely look at ensuring I'm shifting well; having a few hiccups right now, but will figure it out. Planning on doing some big hills tomorrow for APB ride - hopefully last one with 11/25 setup. Come on FedEx!
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    I agree with Brian. I used a compact 50-34 with 12-25 the first time I raced WI. I had a 6:15 on the bike. I could have used another gear easy on the hills. I switched to an 11-26 which helped a lot.
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    Hey Mark-I run a compact crank and 11-28 cassette and wouldn't change it for anything. Having more gears on that course is always the better choice-like Coach Rich says, the Mo Gears the Mo Better image After doing your hill workouts with a 12-25, the extra gears will truly make an immediate difference. And for the record, I'm no 5:40 biker either. My "could" bike split is around 6:10 but "should" bike split closer to 6:25.

    And Mike-That snickers bar comment is hilarious. Not sure how you all react to these workouts, but I've found that days of longer workouts (lets say 1.5 hour plus) I really can't eat that much-but the day after-Watch out. I've literally been having my stomach wake me up some days image

    Alright-my week has been a little all over the place, but I was able to get in my long and ABP rides, long and tempo runs, and a 4000yd swim. Heading to the pool now for my second swim of the week followed by a recovery run. I failed this week with following the plan in the order it should have gone, but happy with how my swim/bike has been going. Run, on the other hand, is not where I'd like it. My long run this week sure hurt!

    Great job team on the workouts....keep it up!

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    My "crash training" strategy with swimming isn't going as bad as I thought. Swam 4000 yards yesterday and another 3000 today-and my arms are actually feeling good still image Had a blast "racing" this guy in the pool today-well, I'm pretty sure he didn't know we were racing, but the Type A in me turns most everything competitive. Great job finishing up the week guys, and I can't believe we are flipping to 7 more weeks tomorrow! I looked ahead and I personally am thankful the long run doesn't get any longer next week (at least for me, intermediate plan). I have had some terrible long runs the past few weeks and am really excited to try and get this one right!
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    Well, this weekend was pretty good, crazy busy, but good. Friday night I got out to the local pool and swam a bunch of laps at the 50M pool. I also get up to Madison and rode the loop Saturday morning. I am glad I did, it helps a lot to know what your challenge is and be familiar with the course. I am also glad those that said the course was not as bad as Rev3 Wisc Dells were 100% right. It is going to be okay. :-) Finally Sunday was an ABP ride followed by a mini-brick.

    I was hoping to swim in the morning, but I will have to pick-up my daughter at 11:30p so I am pretty sure I will not be able to get up in the morning... Sigh
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    Awesome job Lauren! I always feel like that in the pool too (racing others) but most peeps smoke me. (makes me try hard though)

    Glad you rocked out on the course Mike!

    Last week was absolutely crazy! Saturday had an awesome 5 hour bike ride. Hit the zones and felt spent at the end.

    Adjusting my schedule this week for my mini camp in Madison Friday-Sunday.

    Everyone have an awesome Monday!
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