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ITU Long Course training plan

Coaches, there are a number of us on the team who have qualified for, and intend to compete at, the Long Course Worlds in Motala Sweden in late-June 2015. The race distance is "triple Olympic"...seems about halfway between a half-iron and ironman distance, although it is swim-heavy like an Olympic-distance race, i.e. the swim is about the smae as an ironman distance.

It would be useful if you could create a plan for folks to follow in training for this race. I suspect it would probably look a lot like the ironman-plan swims and the half-iron bike/run workouts with some extra weekend ride volume.




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    Matt - the swim will be 200m longer than an Ironman. With the long swim, a 75 mile bike and an 18.6 mile run, I was thinking the IM plan would be the way to go with perhaps with the bike volume being a tad less and the intensity just a bit higher. I am thinking about doing the Florida 70.3 on April 12 then switching to the IM plan... 11 weeks between those events so plenty of time to focusify on Sweden.
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