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Rattlesnake Encounter

Having just read this article    http://zelle.runnersworld.com/chatter/running-on-coming-back-from-near-death     a few days ago and then having a snake encounter today I thought I would share!

2/7/15 Tucson Az.... Nice sunny day with high temps predicted to be in the low 80's...But first...

 I start out around 9:30 am for a 20 mile trail run with Heather on her MB... At around mile 2 I kick up a little cactus ball and it sticks to my left calf.. I think its cute and leave it there for Heather to see... I stop at mile 3 to very carefully pluck it off (they like to stick to you anywhere)... Step off the trail to pee and 3 more get stuck to my foot...While trying to pull these out one sticks to my fingers on my right hand really good, I cant get a hold of it with my left so I try to grab it with my mouth, now I have them in my tongue, finally using my glasses I get them all removed, and now have them in my glasses.... Once again I never said I was smart...

Around mile 9 almost to my planned turnaround point I think I have a blister on my right heel... Stop at 9.5 to check... Sure enough a big blister... WTF I have run 355 miles since January first and ZERO blisters (just a black toenail)... Grrrr Heather suggests greasing it up with her chapstick and that was all I could do... Running home was fine mostly downhill ... But I still have a blister and my race is next weekend .. 

OK the Snake!  Read that article I posted up top.... So I turned around early due to the blister , I was already on alert having ran by one bush and hearing something that sounded more snake like in movement than small rodent where I did actually stop and look for it (nothing)... I start running again and I'm cruising along a slight downhill and as I approach the unforeseen rattler he coils up , head high, tail up , full panic rattle warning goes off , and all this happens about 1-2' off the trail in my 2 o'clock position in my periphery at the last second... Scared the living shit out of me... I mean I think I could have hit his head with my hand if I wanted to ... They say they can strike 1/3 length of their body and I was definitely within reach as I went by.... Stopped about 20' past and turned to yell at Heather to stop... If you read the above article it was a combination bike and runner that spooked the snake into biting her and that snake I ran by was still in strike mode and she was almost ready to ride by it! She stopped, walked around it, we took some pictures.... and ran home... I was seeing things the whole way home ! 


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    That's scary. I had nearly the same thing happen years ago trail running in San Diego. Except the snake tried to bite me. I jumped what felt like 5 feet into the air just as it struck. Luckily, it missed.

    Glad you're okay!
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    Smart move to call back to Heather.  Glad you both are ok.
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    Tim, Your training is an epic adventure all by itself. Today was one you two will remember for a long time. I am very glad all three of you (you, Heather & the snake) are safe. I can't wait for next weeks race report.

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    A general surgeon here in San Antonio was bitten by a rattlesnake last summer while running the trail that courses around/near the medical center.  It hit his saphenous vein.  I heard about it a couple of days after the bite....by then he was of course in the ICU, etc.....but on a ventilator and it did not look good.  I haven't heard if he recovered or not.....it sounded like he was not going to.  I think he was running alone and I'm not sure how quickly EMS was able to get to him.  

    All you trail runners PLEASE be careful out there.  Try not to run alone but if you have to, make sure you have your phone and someone knows how to find you and/or get you help ASAP.  

    Rattlesnakes are no joke.  Fasciotomies suck....I've done one....but never want one.  Nor do I want to hear that anyone I know has to have one.  

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    We have diamond back rattlers. The rednecks around here think it's a manly thing to try and catch them after they have shed their skin. The snakes are lime green.  We end up with several bites every spring. The Darwin award is alive and well in Douglas County. 

    Glad you are ok. Have fun next week.

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    I agree never a dull moment and good to hear you are safe. 

    As for the heel blister that is odd given the mileage you have been putting in.  Did you change anything, socks, new shoes, no socks?


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    OH my gawd! so glad you are OK. I've had jumping choya on me and couldn't get the buggers off! my brother ended up removing the spines with pliars. OUCH.
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    @Gordon... I never get blisters ... EVER... No change , I been rotating thru lots of shoes/sock combo's and this was one I use a lot!

    Local guy told me that was a pretty early sighting for a Rattler ... Usually the stories start coming in around Mid/Late March.... That is when I started to see them last year (from road riding not on trails)....

    About all ya can do is make sure your with someone or at a minimum bring cellphone and know location!
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    Wow! Glad you're ok. Can you post a picture?
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    Not good with photo's but I'll try.

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    WOW! That is awesome! Great photo.

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    Pic led to the hair on the back of my neck standing up. 

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    I've been very nervous about trail running around here in North TX during the summer. MTB'ing too, since it's all the same trails. Not a fan of snakes! Glad y'all survived!
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