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Tim Jenks update

Hi EN gang-

I've been a bit absent lately, but now I'm ready to emerge from underneath my rock and give you all an update on things here in Ames.  I am very proud that (after a few silly but extremely time consuming roadblocks) we are announcing the inaugural Timothy Ryan Jenks Memorial Scholarship in Ames.

Thanks to the many members of EN who supported us in the immediate aftermath of the accident and to the many of you who helped us with gifts so we could endow this memorial award...and to several who helped when I had questions about a 501(c)(3) corproration.  We will be able to give an award of at least $1000 (inflation adjusted!) every year indefinitely to an 8th grader in Timothy's school who is pursuing a sport or music or other activity with passion to assist them in making that big step to high school level competition/performance/etc.  The school has agreed to announce the award at their "graduation".

Details are at a web site we have put up here:  http://thetimfoundation.com

I don't want to say things have been easy for us; they have not.  But I am extremely proud of how Chris (now a sophomore in college at UNC) and Olivia (OJ, now a freshman in high school) have handled it.  Both help with our decisions and have moved forward.    We got PTSD counseling for OJ and it seems to have helped.  I'm afraid it's my turn now in that I am still not "right", but I'm ok with that and I'm ok with having waited to start my own serious healing to ensure i could be there for Cynthia and the kids without being a wreck when they needed me.

Again, thanks to all of you who sent pictures, prayers, quiet thoughts, or anything else our way.



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    William, I'm so glad to hear this and I hope over the years you can grow the foundation in its focus, flowering as Timothy would have done.
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    Thanks for the update, William. I think the legacy of the award is really fitting tribute.

    I wish you the best. Even tho we have not met, I think of you and your journey often. I appreciate your wit and intelligence on Facebook. I hope you get "right" and find a higher level peace.

    Best wishes, friend.
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    Thanks for the update William. I'm glad to hear things are moving along. I hope the foundation flourishes.
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    What a fantastic way to keep Timothy's memory alive. It's wonderful to hear from you again William!
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    Another nice update: We just named the first recipient of the TRJMS. Ethan Johnson, it turns out, knew Timothy pretty well, and they share a lot in common. He's a great choice for our first awardee and he's already started talking about some really excellent things he may be able to do with the scholarship funds that his family could not otherwise afford.

    A quick profile and photo of Ethan are here: http://thetimfoundation.com/journal/

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    Wonderful news William!
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