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Leaving the EN Haus after five years

After five years with EN it's time to switch things up and fly away from the nest.  I'm not one for long and drawn out goodbyes but I'd like to thank Rich and Patrick for putting together a top notch program and team.  You guys are the best!  It was a pleasure working with you since 2010.  I learned more than you can imagine.  Special thanks to Brenda for being the glue that holds a lot of this together.  Great job!

The best part of EN is the team.  I have met some very awesome people over the years, both in person and online.  The team is what has kept me around for most of this time.  I'm sure I will forget someone but I'd like to give shout outs to the usual suspects I banter with and/or look forward to reading on a regular basis... Al Truscott, Tim Cronk, Paul Hough, Robin Sarner, Dino Sarti, John Withrow, Matt Aaronson, and Dave Tallo.  Dino's finish line celebration at Couer d'Alene a couple of years ago will forever remain etched in my memory.  It's in the Hall of Fame!

I'm Facebook friends with a lot of you already but feel free to find me.  Email is sa19030@gmail.com .

Headed to Hawaii for two weeks of vacation starting Sunday.  9 days in Ko Olina, Oahu and then 5 days in Kona.  Moving into a new house soon after we return.  Then it's time for me to finally turn my attention and focus back to racing.  Doing Arizona and Austin 70.3's later this year and Texas 70.3 and IMTX next year.  Looking forward to seeing the EN colors while I'm out there.


  • Bob, Thanks for being part of the Team. You will be missed.
  • Bob, while we have never met, I have learned much from your posts over the years. You are one of a handful of people I would always make a point of reading. You've been a great asset to the Team and no doubt will be missed by many.

    Best of luck in your endeavors, stay safe and injury free.

  • Bob ... Feisty, insightful, inquisitive. Thanks for livening things up around here all these years.
  • Bob, happy trails! I look forward to meeting you - in person - at Austin 70.3 in Nov!

  • Posted By Al Truscott on 04 Jun 2015 08:32 AM

    Bob ... Feisty, insightful, inquisitive. Thanks for livening things up around here all these years.

    What he said ^^.

    Best of luck to you Bob and thanks for all of the knowledge and bantor over the years.

  • Best of luck to you. I have learned a lot from you and your discussions, thoughts and experiences. Look for my facebook request.
  • Damn...hate to see you go Bob, but I will engage on Slowtwitch. And I hope to meet you in person at IM Texas April 2017!!!
  • Good luck, Bob!

    train hard & HAVE FUN out there!

    Thanks for all of you time and insights.
  • You will be missed. Hopefully, I will still see "gman1911" on ST.

    The good news is that right or wrong, I feel like I have moved up 1 peg on the seniority list. image

    Cheers, Bob!
  • Hey Bob, best of luck to you.
  • Hey Bob,

    Thanks for your having been a valued member of the Team for so long and good luck! Hopefully we'll see you at race someday!

  • Sorry to see you go Bob.  Best of luck (and health....you deserve a few years' break for sure!).  


  • Thanks for the kind words everyone.  Best of luck in all your future endeavors.  It has been a pleasure!

    My email: sa19030@gmail.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ironbob.mccallum

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