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IM Canada FAQs

Hi there - I drafted this after last year to post on the wiki, but never got around to it.  Anyhoodle ...  just the opinion(s) of one racer, but these might be helpful in your race intel.   

 Overall / Logistics

1. Does the race take place all on one site?

No! The swim start and t1 are at a lake a short walk outside of Whistler Village. T2 is in Whistler Village.

2. How do I get there?

Fly into Vancouver, from there, I think you’re looking at a 1.5 hour drive. There are limited car rentals in Whistler, but you can recon most of the course by bike, or if need be, by city bus (this is actually the preferred way to cover the climb).

3. What can I do after the race?

Whistler is one of North America’s best year-round mountain resorts. There is a ton is stuff/

4. Where should I stay?

Abundant hotels, running the full range of prices.

5. What should I see before the race?

Stay off your feet and don’t be a tourist - save all this for post-race. I really need to emphasize this when a race is in an interesting or picturesque location: it’s incredibly tempting to stroll and sightsee for 3-4h a day, which is exactly what you should not be doing during Race Week.

A. Staging Area

1. Are the bike spots assigned?


2. can I put a plastic bag on my saddle / computer overnight?

Yes. But not over the whole bike.

3. Are your bike/run equipment bags with your bike or on hooks at a separate location?

Bags are lined up.

4. Do you have access to your bike during the morning of the race?

Yes. The area is floodlit starting at around 4:30am.

5. Are pumps available for inflating tires, or do we show up with 1600 pumps on the day of the race?

Pumps are available. Although the guide indicated ‘no pumps in morning dry bags,’ I think this was to minimize the chance of everyone bringing one. Many racers had them anyhow.

6. Is there a bike inspection?

You, your bike and your helmet will be inspected (and photographed, as an extra security feature).

7. When do I check in?

Day before the race. Check the Athlete’s Guide for times.

8. Best place to put your helmet? (On bike, with equipment bag,???)

You can put your helmet in your t1 bag only.

9. Can I keep my shoes on the bike in t1?

No. Shoes must go in the bag.

10. Are there enough porta-pottys?

Are there ever? Big lineups, but it seemed no different than any major race.

11. Are water, Allsport, bananas, Powerbars, etc. available before the start of the race?

Water is available, but not food. There is (was) a catering truck that that serves coffee on race morning.  Bring Canadian money. 

12. Is the transition area grass, pavement, cement, or ????

Grass, with some carpets on the pathways to the T1 bike exit.

13. Body marking?

Yes. Done when you board one of the busses that run from Whistler Village to the swim start on race morning.

14. How fast does everything (toilets, body markings, bike check,etc.) move?

Seemed to move fast. Arrive early, and you’ll avoid the pinch-points.

15. How good/bad is parking?

There is no parking at the swim start. Parking in Whistler Village is abundant, but spendy. On race morning, most athletes appeared to use the free shuttle buses that ran from Whistler to the swim start.

16. Shuttle busses? Seriously?

Easier than it sounds. These are free, dedicated busses that leave from near the t2 parking lot in Whistler Village (within a short walk from accommodations, the trip takes about 5-10 minutes.

17. Best point for spectators to watch the swim?

They can get really close on the beach.

B. The Swim

1. Shape of the swim course (Rectangle, triangle, out and back,???)

Upside-down “U”.

2. Number of loops of the swim course?


3. Approximate water temperature?

‘Wetsuit legal.’

4. Wetsuits allowed?

Worn by all.

5. Suggestions as to which type of wetsuit is the best for this race (Full, longjohn, shortie, etc.)?

Most wore longsleeve.

6. Number of waves? (one right?)

Single wave, mass start.

7. Does everyone have the same color swim cap?

M AGs in one colour, W AGs in second colour, pros a third colour.

8. How well marked is the course?

Very well. Yellow triangular buoys, and in certain spots, a lane rope.

9. How physical is the swim? (rough, medium, never touched a soul?)


10. How clear is the water?

Very very clear.

11. How much in the way of weeds, dirt, old tires, etc. are in the water?

None I could notice.

12. Is there a ramp when you come out, or do you run up the beach?

Run up a sand beach.

13. Is the sun in your eyes on the swim course?

Yes, on the way out, iirc. Be prepared to bilateral breathe!

14. Are showers available to wash off after the swim?


C. First Transition

1. When running out of the water, what are you running on? (Grass,macadam, cement, carpet?)


2. Does this change as you go through the transition?

Run up a sand beach for approx 10 meters, onto grass, grab your bag, and then into change tent

3. Are there people available to take your wetsuit off?

Yes. .

4. Does anyone use the hot tubs? If so, for how long?

Didn’t see any.

5. Does someone give you your bike gear bag, or do you get it yourself?

You get it yourself, unless you are one of the first out of the water.. Race crew will use it to transport your wetsuit to the bag collection at the end.

6. In the changing tent, is someone assigned to you or are you on your own?

On your own.

7. In the changing tent, is there water, Allsport, bananas, etc.

Don’t know.

8. In the changing tent, is there sunscreen?


9. In the changing tent, is there Vaseline?

Don’t know.

10. In the changing tent, are there chairs for you to sit on?


11. How far from the exit at the water to the changing tent?

about 200 m.

12. Is there a table for people to put their glasses?


13. Do you get your own bike?


14. How far from the changing tent to your bike?

between 20 and 300 meters.

15. What is the ground surface in this area?

Grass, with some carpets on the pathway you would follow to the T1 exit.

16. What do you do with your wetsuit?

Put it in the t1 bag, and leave in the change tent. Volunteers will transport the bag to the finish line for your collection at the end of the race.

17. What do you do with your suit, goggles, cap, etc.?


D. The Bike

1. How often are the aid stations?

I think every 20 k, but be prepared for some longer stretches where there are no stations.

2. What do the aid stations have?

Water (thin plastic consumer bottle ~750ml), powerbar drink (750ml consumer bottle, different colour cap), bananas, Honey stinger waffles, gels, chews.

3. Where is the bike special needs bag?

TI think these were in Pemberton, which is about 60 miles into the ride (confirm with the guide).

4. What did you put in your bike special needs bag?


5. What are the road conditions? (Smooth macadam, rough concrete, grassy trail, etc.)

Very smooth. Excellent surfaces. But be prepared for many many pylons, and a lot of rumble strips.

6. Is the bike course windy?

Moderately. The descent to Pemberton is a headwind, as is the out through Penberton valley

7. Is there shade on the bike course? What percentage?

On parts of the climb / descent, a little. But there is little shade throughout the remainder of the course.

8. Is the bike course marked? Turns, etc.

Course is very well marked and closed to traffic.

9. Are the distances marked on the bike course?

Yes. Distances are noted in kilometers. Miles are not marked.

10. If yes, how often?

It seemed like every 10k.

11. If yes, are the bike course distances marked in miles or kilometers?

Kilometers only.

12. Are there people directing the racers on the course (as it turns)?

Yes. It seemed like there was a freakin’ army of volunteers out there.

13. how bad is the climb (Callaghan or from Pemberton?

Moderate. Ride this with patience and discipline and you’ll be fine. I took the tactical decision to ride this in ‘EN Gear 3’ - AND NOT TO GO INTO GEAR 4 - and did a lot of mental preparation in anticipation of the anguish of being passed. And you know the EN story: passed by hundreds on the climb, and 99% of those riders came back to me in the flats or the run.

14. How fast are the descents?

Some are very fast (I topped out at 49MPH). Most Curves are gradual and wide.

15. Where is the big climb located?

I think it comes from miles 92 to 110 into the ride.

16. Are there other hills?

See the course profile. The course is hilly, and aside from the ride in Pemberton Valley, you are either going up or down, all day.

17. Would the rest of the bike be considered "Rolling", "Flat", "Vertical", etc.?


18. (For the gear heads) What size rear grouping do you recommend?

I ran a compact with 12-28 at 4.0k/kg. I would suggest nothing less, unless you are a very very strong rider.

19. Disks allowed?


20. Is the course closed to traffic?


21. If not, how much traffic is there?


22. Two or four lane road?

Two, with four in some areas. Dividing lane marked in most (but not all) places.

23. Size of shoulder?

Wide, however, roads are closer. Note rumble strips on most shoulders.

24. Course Marshalls?


25. Is there any mechanical help on the course? (Flats, broken cables, etc.)


26. Are there any Porta-Pottys on the bike course?


27. How often?

I THINK at every aid station.

28. What liquid supplement did you use on the bike, that worked?

I used on course nutrition: water and powerbar drink.

29. What liquid supplement did you use on the bike, that did NOT work?


30. What food supplement did you use on the bike, that worked?

clif bars, gels.

31. What food supplement did you use on the bike, that did NOT work?


32. Where is the best place for spectators to view the bike?

The bike is a two loop course, and from Whistler Village, spectators can see riders go out, and return. Roads are closed, so driving along the course to see the rest of the bike is not possible/advisable.

E. Second Transition

1. Do volunteers take your bike, or are you responsible for racking it?

Volunteers take your bike.

2. Do volunteers give you your run equipment bag, or do have to get it?

Your bag is waiting for you in a line of bags, and volunteers help you find it and hand it off.

3. In the changing tent, is someone assigned to you or are you on your own?

You’re on your own, but there are plenty of volunteers.

4. What do you do with your bike equipment? (Shoes, Helmet, shorts, etc.)

Put it in your t2 bag, and leave it in the change tent. You can leave your shoes attached to the pedals, but cannot leave your helmet on your bike.

F. Run Course

1. Two loop?

Two loops to feel the love twice!

2. How often are the aid stations?

Approximately every 2 kms.

3. What do the aid stations have?

Same as the bike, as well as ice in powerbar cups, gels, chews, chicken soup, coke, and probably other stuff. All fluids are in disposable cups.

4. Where is the run special needs bag?

See athletes guide

5. What did you put in your run special needs bag?


6. What are the road conditions? (Smooth macadam, rough concrete, grassy trail, etc.)

Dirt/gravel Trail and paved bike trail. I don’t think you go on any automobile roads until the finish chute.

7. Is the run course windy?


8. Is the course hilly?

Yes. There are not major hills, but you are constantly going up or going down. There are very few completely flat sections. I wasn’t running uphill continuously for more than 90 seconds at any time, though.

9. Is there shade on the run course? What percentage?

A lot of shade - I would guesstimate 75%.

10. Is the run course marked? Turns, etc.

Very well marked.

11. Are the distances marked on the run course?

The course in marked in kilometers. There are no mile markers. Learn how to divide by 1.6.

12. If yes, how often?

See above.

13. If yes, are the run course distances marked in miles or kilometers?

kilometers only.

14. Are there people directing the racers on the course (as it turns)?


15. Is the run course open to traffic?

The course is completely closed to traffic.

16. Is the run course on a two or four lane road?

See above.

17. How crowded is the run course?

It’s a two-loop course on trails that are the width of a normal bike path, so there is plenty of company. That said, I didn’t find that anyone really got in anyone else’s way. Be prepared to run on the right (or yell “on your left”!)

18. Are there crowds cheering on the run course?

In many areas, yes.

19. How cold does it get when the sun goes down?

Not too bad. Most appeared to be wearing tri jerseys well after sunset.

20. Size of shoulder?

No shoulder.

21. When the sun goes down, is the run course lit?

Mostly. Glowsticks are available.

22. Are there any Porta-Pottys on the run course?


23. What liquid supplement did you use on the run, that worked?

Powerbar drink.

24. What liquid supplement did you use on the run, that did NOT work?


25. What food supplement did you use on the run, that worked?


26. What food supplement did you use on the run, that did NOT work?


27. Where is the best place for spectators to view the run?

Whistler Village. The crowds are huge, and there are lots of things to do in the intervening periods. Remember that it’s two loops, so there are plenty of opportunities for your posse to see you.

28. Wifi zones to track athletes?

I think the Olympic Park is free wifi. And there are at least 5 starbucks in the village.

29. Kids across the finish line?

No, you’ll get DQ’d

G. After The Race

1. What food/drink is available after the race?

Pizza, fruit, pretzels, sandwiches, chips, etc etc.

2. Are massages available?

A tent with about 30 tables.

3. If yes, how long of a wait? Cost?

Depends on your finish. Free.

4. Do you have access to your bike after the race?

Yes, and you must present your pickup ticket (or provide this to your sherpa), and have your photo taken with your bike as you wheel it out of T1.

5. How far is the finish line from the transition area/bike area?

1 k or so.

6. How easy/hard is it to find family/friends/other racers?

Very easy.

7. Are results posted anywhere?


8. Are there stands to sit on?

Yes, and there are plenty of outdoor cafes, beers gardens, etc to lounge at!

9. What type of medical help is available?

It looked like there was everything.

10. Are showers available after the race?


11. Where is the closest open ice cream store?

There are a few in Whistler Village, and a Dairy Queen in Olympic Park.






  • Dave--Thanks so much for posting these here for all to see. I had come across these awhile back as I was doing my initial IMC planning just after I had signed up. A great demonstration of the value of Endurance Nation when you have teammates like yourself willing to compile all this knowledge and share.
  • My pleasure, Jason. I kinda switched from "I'm training for a race" mode, to "it's on" mode over the last few days, so revisiting this stuff was a helpful exercise for me as well. Now the challenge is not getting too twitchy and in the weeds for the next six weeks!

  • x2 Dave.  Thanks for sharing.  I'm scared to death of this bike course, at 3.2w/kg!  Looks like I'm going to need to back my IF to 0.67 to be able to keep TSS under 285.  Best bike split tells me I'm looking at a 6:20 split if I do that and don't try to hammer up the climbs....

  • One thing to note is if you are concerned with any GI issues, carry your own meds. In '13, the aid station was able to give me tums after i signed a paper, but last year, they couldn't, and I suffered through a severe stomach pain, and had to walk the last 13 miles.
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