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IM Ville Mojo Thread- Week 8, 13-19 July

Time for a bunch of us to get after it.  Testing week.  Be smart, do whatever it takes to get yourself in the zone, and get in a solid workout.  Post your results, how you felt, your highs, your lows, your whines, your happiness... Whatever, just put it out there and get the mojo started.  Time to crank the engine.

Good skill everyone!


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    Well boo, I am being a good girl and listening to my body. Had a fever and sore throat Sunday. Taking a day off today, and hopefully be able to do some easy biking tomorrow. Somewhat bummed since I rarely fall sick, but better now than later. I also have a race this weekend, it's midnight 25K, I usually end up just running it super easy, too hot for anything else and prepared to bail if needed.
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    Anu, don't feel bad. I'm getting crushed under work this week and have gotten exactly zero training in so far. Still living in the threads, but unable to actually get training accomplished.

    How about everyone else? Any stories of greatness that I can be jelly of?
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    Kicked in and Got the FTP test done with my feet and mind dragging.  Not sure it was smart to run at lunch today and have the bike test in the evening.  Felt strong during the run, not so much during the bike.  V02 was 344 down from my last time of 352, and the 20 minute test was 307 down from 312.   Overall, I'm glad considering how I was feeling.  Can't complain.  Felt good to be done with that.  I am not one that enjoys that test!
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    Swam this morning, ran this evening. I've been struggling a bit lately. I am slower than a few weeks ago even when I feel like I'm pushing. Bloodwork shows low ferritin and low Vit. D - so I'm pretty sure that explains it. Hoping I start feeling the effects of the supplements soon.
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    Back home from an 8 day vacation to Maine with the family. Had too much to eat and drink and was only able to squeeze in 4 workouts (5 if you include the 7 miles of walking throughout Hershey Park on Day 1-pit stop for the kiddos). Swam 2x (3000m both times), 1 TM speed work session, 1 11 mile long run that included a 5k race with a high school friend I met up with while there. That's it <img src='http://members.endurancenation.ushttp://members.endurancenation.us/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/sad.gif' align="absmiddle" border="0" class="afEmoticon" />

    Today was the first day home and I didn't expect much out of my run/swim wko. Hopped on the TM (it overlooks the pool where my kids have swim practice) and knocked out 7 miles in just under an hour with 4x1mile @8:00,7:50,7:40,7:25 with a final CD mile at 8:30. About 45 minutes later I hopped into the pool and swam 200 to WU then 3000 straight in 60'. It wasn't an easy day today, but I'm pleased with how well I did given the vacation week. I'm very much looking forward to getting on my bike tomorrow...it's been way too long <img src='http://members.endurancenation.ushttp://members.endurancenation.us/DesktopModules/ActiveForums/themes/_default//emoticons/smile.gif' align="absmiddle" border="0" class="afEmoticon" />

    Keep getting after it everyone, you're doing great!!!
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    I started the IM plan on week 7 and already feel like I'm back in the tiring IM groove. But as usual I am hacking the plans left right and sideways to fit my schedule. So no testing until later this month. BTW - Congrats to Stephan for the monster FTP. I hate you BTW. My hack is designed to follow this schedule:

    Wk 7 - Build week, mostly as scheduled. 18 hours training last week.

    Wk 8 - Build week, predominantly IM week 9

    Wk 9 - Build week, predominantly IM week 10

    Wk 10 - Partial recovery week, FTP test, and Olympic Triathlon race on Saturday

    Wk 11 - Build week

    Wk 12 - Build week

    Wk 13 - Build week

    Wk 14 - Taper and race IM70.3 WC

    Wk 15 - 3 recovery days then back to Build with assigned "camp weekend" slipping 1 day to Sat/Sun/Mon (Labor Day)

    Wk 16 - Build week

    Wk 17 - Build week with heavy bike focus

    Wk 18 - 3 days Build, then taper for Olympic Triathlon

    Wk 19 - Taper week

    Wk 20 - Race week

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    @Paul, thanks for the kind words about my FTP.  We will have to work on our relationship part.

    got in my longest swim of the year following the plan for today.  Felt a little sluggish but got it done ( I did lengthen the rest a few seconds from time to time though).

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    @Jennifer, sounds like you are doing the smart thing. Keep track on your progress.

    @Danielle - full days at fun parks are the very definition of endurance training: Patience, Discipline, Pacing - it all applies image

    @Stephen, given your lunch time run, looks like your bike power is holding steady at worst case, but likely better than your prior test. You probably weren't quite as fresh and snappy as you would have like to have been. Solid work either way!

    @Paul, nice lineout - Are you emptying the tank on that last oly prior to taper time?

    Forced myself to get out of bed early this morning for a 5 mile jog, it felt great. 2 more 16 hours days in front of me at work and then hopefully it'll slack off. Solid work from everyone.
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    Spent an hour on the trainer, and followed it up with a short run. Got the work done. Now time for dinner.

    @Roy - nice job on the early morning run. I think I'll be following your lead tomorrow.

    @everyone - thanks for posting! Seeing everyone's work helps get me going! image
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    @ Roy - yes, the Oly's are intended to blow out the carbon and gain some sharpness. If I can't refill my tank from an Olympic in 48 hours then I am too old for this. BTW, getting up every morning is the hardest thing I do. It usually goes like this...alarm goes off and I think: "I hate my life." Then: "I should sleep in and adjust my work-outs around." Then: "Do I have time to sleep just 30 more minutes and add something later in the day?" And finally: "Get out of bed, MarshmellowMan 'cause your competition is already out there!"
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    Hopped on the trainer this morning... and hopped off after about 35 minutes. Legs just were not cooperating this morning. HR was low, but PE was high for low watts. Going to finish out this week at work (exercise stops Saturday mid-day), get a couple of good nights worth of sleep, and then try to reset the head and body next week.
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    Never thought about putting an Oly towards the end of my training. Always have them at the beginning of the season.

    Makes sense to get a little speed back.

    It was raining here today and I wimped out on the run and took it to the YMCA where I ran the 5k test on a treadmill.  I put it on 1% grade and averaged about 7:10 per mile according to the treadmill.  According to my Garmin watch and pod I averaged 6:25 or so.  I have no idea how fast I ran it.  7:10 seems more reasonable.

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    Ran 5 miles this morning. Still tired, but still moving.

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    @Stephan jealous of that FTP. last test I was 160ish. I am short and small so that is a decent number but still I feel like a weenie when I hear some of the numbers here.

    @Danielle fast splits on that run

     @Paul Like the breakdown of your weeks

    Me I am now on day 5 of no workouts, on the upside I feel human again. After trying allergy and sinus meds I went straight to Bourbon (seems appropriate since my goal race is in the land of bourbon). I am still waffling on whether or not to run the 25K race tomorrow. It is 5 3 mile loops so easy to bail. On the other hand the race has a waitlist and so I feel guilty about going in half assed. And it will be a gazillion degrees even at night

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    Anu, feel the same way about the FTP numbers and how strong some of them are in the haus. Bourbon is a good choice...kill all the bacteria!!! I say do the race and see how it goes, you may surprise yourself image

    Hacked my last GF week to accommodate my kids 5 hr swim meet on Sat morning. Got my VO2 bike wko on the trainer done yesterday. Was surprised after a week of no riding to crush my Z5 numbers. With the run speed work on Wed and the VO2 work yesterday it was a slog of a long run for me today. Got 8.5 miles done with trying to focus on form, steady breathing and no hr spikes. Pace was blah...may have to have a part 2 later today to get at least a good 12-14 miles in for the day. Looking ahead, swim wko tomorrow after the swim meet and a long 90 mile birthday bike ride with some friends on Sunday. Yeah, I prefer long bike rides over cake on my birthday image

    Btw, Roy you are spot on about the endurance factor at amusement parks. Even more so given I have 4 kids-lots and lots of patience image
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    Rode up Plateau de Beille in TdF with Joaquim Rodriquez yesterday.... Well, I was on my trainer and he was climbing in France but it was good motivation during the FTP test. FTP test yesterday increased to 200. Up from 191 in May. Stephan, with his FTP of 307 and running 7:00 miles, is in my age group. I'm so screwed. Ran some intervals Wed morning with some friends and ended up with 9+ miles. HIM race rehearsal run today limited by time but still 11.5 with the majority in the 8:40. Heat and humidity had even my socks wet. Getting better. Now I need to swim some.

    Anu - glad to hear you're getting better.

    Keep up the good work!
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    Very nice bump Jay!
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    @ Jay - Nice work!

    Everyone here is so fast and strong!

    @Anu - 160 is awesome. I dream of the day I can manage that.

    I'm tapering for next week's race. Swam this morning, and will bike/run tomorrow.
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    Big Day Tomorrow, who all is doing this?  We have thunderstorms scheduled for early morning and early afternoon.  Gotta try to get mine done in between.  Going to be in the 90s here.

    My plan is to hit the pool around 7am at the YMCA.  ride about 72 miles from there.  I've mapped out a relatively flatter course for this area.  One big hill at the end. Can't avoid it.  Then hit a nice trail for the hour. 

    I hope I can maintain aero position most of the time on bike and maintain good form on my run.

    Gonna try to drink 5 - 24 ounce bottles of Gatorade Endurance on the ride plus 4 salt stick tablets.  I may stop at a store around mile 50 and buy some more fluid if I need it.  On the run, I will take another bottle with me. This will be a good test to see if i can handle the gatorade.  It is fairly sweet.

    One thing you may not know about me is that I had bariatric surgery 7 years ago and too much sugar can get to me.

    Let's do this!



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    Yeahhhhhh..... its 1100 Saturday for me and I'm sitting at my desk at work, so no big day for me. But anxious to hear all the stories and learning that occurs. Good luck everyone!
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    Good luck today Stephan, I hope the Gatorade works for you!!

    Ended up running again last night to give me a solid 13 mile run yesterday. Heading to the pool later for an hour swim.
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    How did the big days go? My big day will be my race next Saturday.

    Today, I biked for 2 1/2 hours and followed it up with a 20 minute run. Saw some lightening, heard some thunder, and got caught in a crazy downpour on my last descent. Good times. Rain in LA in July. Weird, but I'll take it.
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    So Big Day finished. Links below if you want to see my stats.

    Thunderstorms last night kept my dog up (and me with him).  I didn't get to the pool until 8:30 which meant that my run ended up at a very hot time of day. More on that later.  Nutrition wise, I had coffee, english muffin, some granola cereal, and did I say coffee, lots of it.

    Swim went well, didn't push my 1000 T Pace and ended up with 1:49 average.  I think I've gotten faster because I was holding back and that is what i got when I went all out last test time.  I do get cramps in my calves after swimming for a while.  Happens almost every swim.  Drank a bottle of water and ate a gu before and after swim.

    Bike: I then went out to my bike and headed out with 5 bottles of Gatorade and 6 salt sticks,and one more gu.  I felt strong and had to hold back to keep my watts down.  It was good practice for me to hold back. I ended up with IF65 for the first 30 minutes, with a NP 190. Heart rate 121.  Felt strong.  Picked it up a slight bit for the rest of the ride.  IF .70,  Heart rate 127 avg,  NP 206.  Altogether,  71.8 miles, 3:52 time,  IF.70,  VI 1.00 HR 127 avg.    I finished the first 5 bottles after 3 hours, and stopped to buy two 32 ounce bottles of gatorade and visited the bathroom.  Didn't pee as much as I should have.  I was going to try to practice peeing on the bike, but didn't do it.  I think I need at least 2 bottles per hour when it is this hot.   Noticed my neck getting sore right away.  Practice moving my head around.  Stayed aero a lot of the time, but towards the end I was sitting up more where I feel more comfortable.   The last 30 miles were into the wind and had more hills too.

    Run: Felt good getting off the bike, I went without socks on the bike, but put on socks for the run. (I ended up with a big blister on my small toe, not sure if that was from the Hoka's and sweaty feet, or from the bike).  It was super hot for me, upper 80s, near 90.   I am supposed to run at 9:30 pace for IM, but I was having difficulty going slower than 9:00 miles.  This is a problem for me.  I tried to slow down but was unsuccessful.   I kept getting hotter and hotter, had one bottle of Gatorade Endurance on the run with me which I drank.   By mile 5 I hit a hill and decided to walk it because my heart rate was cranking up and I was starting to feel overheated.  I cut the run a little short because I was getting nervous about the heat.  I'm racing a half iron next weekend and didn't feel a need to over do it.

    Noticed that my breathing was feeling labored by the end and I was having a hard time.  This rarely happens to me, but I do remember the same feeling last summer when I started doing longer bike rides.  Cooled down in the YMCA, took a cold shower, and ate some protein. 

    I'm tired.

    I think I will need more calories on the bike than I took in plus a few more salt tablets.  I purchased a new bottle since I had run out with my 6.   I think my stomach can handle gatorade however I started getting sick of drinking it on the run. 






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    Storms have not helped my swimming this week. In lieu of fighting storms and battling 110 degree heat index today, I slept in then road 3 hours on the drainer to Spinervals #13, Tough Love. Killer! Spent some admin time this afternoon travelling to a hilly area for a 5.25 mile run in primordial swamp humidity, but overcast conditions. Good training day.

    @ Stephan - for the first 6 miles of the IM, I'm almost always ahead of target pace.  So as I approach each mile and I see that I'm coming in ahead of pace, I walk until I'm back on target.  I'll typically have to do that for 4 or 5 miles until I finally get into the assigned groove.

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    Nice work Stephan. Sounds like you're ahead of the game. As for me, this weekend has been a bust. 2 long days at work leaves no time for training. Tomorrow I load up the IM plan and join y'all on the road to Louisville!
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    In the 'something is better than nothing' theme, I got a 2 hour trainer session in on Sunday afternoon. My morning was hated on by a trip to the airport that I had to be the taxi for and the afternoon was hated on by rain.

    Ended up watching Expendibles 3. I couldn't hear any of the dialogue or follow the actual plot because my fan was louder than the TV. I think that may have actually made the movie better...
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