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Week 20 IMC

The training is done, the taper is underway....all that is left is to race. Let's use this forum to converse with one another until Brenda turns on the GroupMe for us while we are up in Whistler.

Not too late to get your race plan posted and get some great feedback from your teammates.

Rest up, stay healthy, safe and prepare yourself mentally for the race.

I'd be curious to what your "one thing(s)" is that you'll reference at the LINE. For me one of them is the example I am setting for my kids who will be cheering me on about anything is possible with determination and hardwork. I also am filled with gratitude for being able to race with the support of my family.


  • My race plan is to make it out of the water by the time limit this year. I rode the bike course and saw a little of the run course last year.

    My one thing throughout the entire race is to thank God for another opportunity to race and for free given to me by Subaru of Canada. When it gets tough I will be thinking of my friend Jim Buck who has glioblastoma (brain cancer). He has lifted me up more than one time and I just wanted to remind him how important he is to me.

  • From the EN IMLP team to all of our brothers and sisters racing Sunday in Canada - be safe, execute strong, hold the line and represent well!  We will be thinking of you and sending our victory vibes over as we battle through Placid on Sunday as well!!

    Always, no matter what, KMF!


  • Forecast calls for 68 deg 5mph wind partly sunny. niiiiiiiiiiice.
  • Yes, loving the weather forecast. So how many times will we each check the weather before race day. I think I'm at least 3 times a day.

    Had a good long course pool swim this morning.
    Got most of my gear laid out, just have a little laundry to do then will pack tonight
    Doing my best to concentrate at work as I've got meetings to run on Tues & Wed.
  • I HATE those race-week meetings! My head is totally in a different game. Sample DT meeting agenda:

    1. Business Arising
    2. Approval of Agenda
    3. Am I tapered enough?
    4. Should I go out a bit faster in t2?
    5. why do I feel so tired?
    5b. did I pack extra tubes?
    6. Other business
  • Wooo hooo - #letsdothis!

    I have a few "one things" just in case: racing self owes training self, honoring the efforts put in my my support crew and wanting to "be all I can be" are some of the bigger ones.

    Also, re: work - you guys are too funny!  I have a notebook for my daily "to do" and on the left I put work on the right I put personal.  So...

    1 - deliver reviews (left)

    2 - provide interview feedback (left)

    3 - finalize race plan (right)

    4 - leave check for kitty sitter (right)

    5 - do a happy dance for cool weather (right)

    I wanna spend all my time on the right side!  

    Looking forward to meeting everyone!

  • thanks LP crew.

    lots of one things.  

    yes I am trying not to kill too many patients this week with race distraction.

    feeling pretty tapered.    kind of hard to know how I feel with the rapid fire Ironmans I've done.

    IMUA.       (hawaiian for forward motion)


  • and the weather will be a nice change from the recent hot races.

    though I hate being cold on the bike.     i will dress.

  • Hi everyone:

    Here is my race plan. Jeff and Jason - both of yours were really helpful to me. Thank you.

    I appreciate any feedback as this is the first time I have done a plan.

  • Lauren...my race plan was stolen from Shaughn Simmons last year, and just tweaked for IMC.  Full disclosure! 

  • Yesterday included a chiro visit in the am and massage in the pm.....final packing last nite....no swim....seems like work & IM race week are mutually exclusive....can't seem to concentrate for extended periods....Wed is travel day.....I need to whip up a race plan
  • Hi everyone: Not sure if I should transfer this question to group text? So weather now looks rainy, right? Are many of your wearing bike rain gear? AKA cycling jackets? I show a high of 66 with 90% chance of rain 11 - 4 pm.
  • yes.   i have a tight jersey/jacket.       if it gets too hot in pemberton i will deposit at side of road and pick up the day after.
  • robin: rain proof jacket?
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