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Trainer Road


I am new to EN, just started my trial.  I have been using TrainerRoad for about 8 months and I really like it.  How does the training plan that EN provides work with this.  Can I find workouts that are similar, or am I going to have to manually create them?

Thanks for any insight.


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    All of the EN OS workouts are in Trainer road. I believe that the interval rides for both the HIM and IM plans are also in trainer road. It's a great resource that many of us use, but you need to have special permission as a full EN member to get access to them.
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    Love the EN interval rides on TR for my IM plan. I do my weekday rides before work (and usually before coffee), so it's nice just to hop in the saddle, pull up TR on my laptop and go without doing much thinking!
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    Gary - I do not think you get access to the EN team on TR as a trial member. But, you can use the TR workout creator to make the rides based on the plan. Once you join fully, look up the teams in TR and find the EN team. I believe there is a link to be added to the team, then you have access to all of the EN rides in TR. As someone else said, most of the rides (sans the long weekend rides) for myriad plans are in TR already. It is plug and play, and very convenient! Good luck and welcome to the team.
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    Thanks for the responses, that helps. I guess I just have to be patient to find out everything that is available. This trial period is kinda goofy. You sign up with your credit card, but have to wait to see what you signed up for.
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    Hi Gary, Welcome to EN. I've been here for about 9 months. The above info is correct. And the workout creator is pretty easy to use on TR. I can tell you as a trial member the workouts are nice to have as a guide and to get an idea of how things work, but the real value as a member is the amount of information/knowledge/expertise this team has and shares. As a full member you'll have access to this info. I'm amazed at how much I've learned just from reading through all this.
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