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2016 IM Canada Week 14- Run Focus

Week 14- Run Focus Week
Alrighty folks- how ya’ll doin?!? It’s AWESOME to read your posts and hear how things are going! Things are certainly ramping up and ya’ll are ROCKSTARS!
So the coaches declared this a “Run Focus Week”.  What that means is if possible, aim for a few more than your "typical" week by either inserting another run day or adding a small amount to every run you do.   HOWEVER- This is entirely optional, it simply plays into their separate build / taper approach for managing fitness by discipline across your Race Prep phase.
In saying that, as we start the week- check in with yourself.  How are you feeling? How’s your body handling the training stress? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch Coach Patrick’s discussion on cumulative fatigue under Week 14 IM video.  (Located on the right side of your Training Plan page).
He shares some EXTREMELY important and valuable information about smart training.
Alright Canada Crew-Make sure to post in the forum or social media so we can see your hard work this week. I am so unbelievably proud of you all for the talking going on in the forums. This is hands down going to be an awesome group of EN'rs and I can't wait for you to crush it. Go out there and make us proud!


  • OK Gents! We have 7 weeks left. Mine will go: 2 more build weeks, 1 week rest/recover/race, 2 final build, 2 wks taper.

    Today - Tropical Storm Collins came through with all day rain and winds. I slept in. Tonight I went to Snap Fitness for my weekly 45 mins strength maintenance followed by 10 miles active recovery (Z1-Z2) spin on the trainer.

  • Got up and did 90 mins on the bike trainer including 1 x 60 mins at high Z2. Watched a shitty movie in the process. PM - 4.63 miles with 4 x 3 mins hard on grass. TS Collins rand bands finally cleared this afternoon leaving lots of flooding and OMG humidity! Depending on where you lived we picked up 8" to 13" rain in the past 24 hours.
  • Wow, that is a lot of rain.

    I've had a couple of good swims this week and run intervals today. I'm racing Victoria 70.3 on Sunday, so I'll start my taper after tomorrow's brick. After the race, recovering and setting up for Camp Week / RR #1. The Whistler paving work has been pushed back to June 20 so it looks like I can do the RR on the full course.
  • Washington staters.

    Friday night swim race this week.    by Raise The Bar.           I will be attempting the 2.4 miler.              in Kent.  

  • I am driving up to Victoria tomorrow (well, Port Angeles anyway, ferry to Vic Friday am). I am going to do the race, even if I am walk-running the course. Short answer, my ankle is much better, with tightness for 10-15 of a slow run. I have completed 3 runs since Saturday without any real sign of injury, just slow as hell. Training is otherwise well.

    Looking forward to the weekend. Looks to be cool.
  • @Robin, good luck! I would be there for the long OWS practice if not for Victoria on Sunday.

    @Doug, glad to hear you are up for Victoria! The cooler weather will be a nice change...as long as it is dry.

    I went out for the bike intervals today but the legs just didn't have it. I think it's residual fatigue from the weekend biking, plus reduced sleep the past few days. I'm going to focus on rest and recovery until the race.

    I'm also trying to track down an annoying clicking sound on the bike that started over the weekend. First only when I was going hard, then progressing to any time I was pedaling. I've re-torqued bolts all over and checked the skewers but no luck. I may replace the bottom bracket next but will probably wait until after the race.

  • @ Doug: Great news! Just remember - training effort only.
    @ Mike: Uh, same issue here!

    Got up this morning at 3:45 thinking it was 4:45. Started shaving then realized I was too early and went back to bed. Got up again an hour later and off to the pool. I thought I was going to drown when starting the first set, but finally got my wind and went on to a solid 4500 yards making up Monday's swim workout. Followed that up with a short 2.4 mile run in tropical moisture...ghastly. Tonight I got on the bike for the FTP workout and pulled the plug at 5 miles knowing I was too tired. Going to try for a little more sleep tonight and then try again tomorrow. The long run ain't happening in this heat anyway.
  • Took the coach's advice to never follow a plan into a hole. So after bailing last night I slept 10 hours and threw out my planned Thursday AM run and started over tonight. This time I got the job done. Instead of 2 x 20 mins, I pulled out Spinervals #22, an FTP time trial workout and did intervals as:
    20 mins at 93% FTP
    15 mins at 95% FTP
    10 mins at 100% FTP
    5 mins at 105% FTP

    Followed that with a short 2.25 mile transition run. The humidity is still sky high!
  • Great adjustment, Paul. It sounds like the rest is what you needed.

    I had an easy 40' run yesterday and a mostly easy one-mile open water swim today. It was windy this morning so a good amount of chop; the return leg into the wind was slower by 20 sec / 100 y. Tomorrow is off before the race. 

    I've been spending more time tuning up the bike, trying to find whatever is clicking / rubbing. I cleaned the derailleur pulleys, aligned the rear derailleur, and re-taped the disc cover. It's closer to a race than I normally like to do a lot of bike work, but I really want to get this thing fixed.

  • Good luck Mike. I ordered my race tires for IM Switzerland - going with Continental Grand Prix TT, 700 x 23, in anticipation of smooth clean roads. I'm thinking of ordering a ceramic speed chain also. I'm using this race as a testing ground because I'm going to throw down when I age up next year.

    Friday - 5000 yards swim w main set of 4 x 1000. Followed by 3.16 miles at TRP. PM - another 5.31 miles but at Z1 and walked about 150 yards after each mile to cope with the humidity. Supposedly we have one more day of tropical weather before we go back to normal levels of miserableness.
  • Not racing this one but I follow the topic. Nice to hear you are doing Victoria Doug!

    Others, keep up the training!
  • Saturday - Savage humidity, or as the weather channel said, "tons of tropical moisture." Opened up with a 100 miles on the bike. Same time as last week but slightly higher IF -- maybe because there were a few more hills this week? Swam 1500 yards and short run of 2.25 miles.

    Constant battle to stay hydrated. Last night I jumped out of bed twice -- once for a cramp in the left calf, and once for a cramp in the left hamstring. Took a pickle juice sport before the ride today and a dozen S caps during it. Even so, I felt a cramp coming on about 75 miles. At 80 I stopped at a bench and sat for 10 mins while drinking a whole bottle. Got going and about 2 miles later, Scotty called up from the engine room and told me the hyperdrive was back online!
  • Sunday - congrats to the Victoria studs. Tough day here in Humidville. Easy 30 mile ride this morning - really had nothing. Went out running after 6pm into the sauna - had hoped to go 10 but I was sopping by 2 miles and only made 4. Misery.
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