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2016 IM CDA Week 15- Camp Week

Week 15- Camp Week/ Race Rehearsal
Ok IM CDA Crew- I know you are out there!! How did your week go?? What is goin on?? Fill us all in! Let's hear some chatter so we know what's up!
You have made it to WEEK 15! WOOHOO!! With each week comes a little more excitement for the BIG DAY! So let’s talk about this week.  Remember to pay extra attention to the Coach Notes in the plans.  They will give IMPORTANT information about this week. ALSO- Coach P did a great video about how to approach this week of training- check it out!, read more in depth in the forums on Race Rehearsal weekends.  I would recommend if you have specific questions for Coach Rich or Patrick, GET THOSE IN THE MICRO/MACRO forums NOW! Don't wait to ask them a questions on Friday night for Saturday morning!
Things to Remember:

Rest! Cumulative lack of recovery can impact race rehearsal - Can take a break Monday or Thursday if you need (If you're going to camp then this works out great as Thursday is your travel day)

Workouts that are focused and require the most dedication:

Good interval bike
Good Interval run

Think at the start of this week.

What do I need this weekend to get ready. Get your equipment dialed in.


Get out there and JRA - 1 hour 1.5 then to steady pace

Fueling plan

Run - first three miles LRP plus 30” per mile. First three miles to settle in - mark the transition and take stock of how you feel

Keep on CRUSHIN’ it CDA Team!!!


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    Laura, thanks for being the whip and keeping this going. 

    It seems like my run legs are back. Going back to last Sunday I got 5 runs in this week and covered 38.9 miles. To give some perspective, in the 4 weeks leading up to CDA 70.3 I was only able to run 45 miles. So this was a huge week for me confidence wise. 

    I got the Wednesday ride in but didn't get and Vo2 work in just the FTP work. Saturday was rainy around here so I switched the Sunday workout and did the 90 minute ride on the trainer. I also changed it and put in 4X2 Vo2 intervals. The run off the bike felt great. It seems like running off the bike is easier for me because my legs are really warmed up. So that bodes well for race day. I did a pre-ride run this morning at RTP and my legs felt pretty heavy especially my quads. I taped my IM power gears to the handlebars and decided to work on my IM pacing, nutrition, and hydration instead of the planned workout. The main reason for that was the amount of miles I had run this week, a huge bump, and the way they felt when I did the pre-race run. A little less than two hours into the race my quads were feeling it and I was really considering turning back. I stopped at a grocery store to use the restroom and refill my water bottle. While I was there I decided that I would do what it takes to get the ride done so I got a Dr. Pepper (made with real sugar) and some chips and sat out front for a few minutes while I "had lunch". That added up to an additional 410 calories and salt and vinegar on the potato chips. That did the trick. I got back on the bike and continued. The last hour I noticed that my power was falling but it wasn't my legs, it was my concentration because when I brought my mind back to the ride the legs responded. I don't know about the rest of you, but at about mile 80 I find I just want to get off the bike and start running. I wasn't quite there when my mind started wandering today, but it was getting close. I ended up with 88 miles in just under 5 hours. I'll take that into camp week and build on it next weekend.

    Speaking of camp week. I have to work on Friday so I'll probably do the Sunday run on Thursday and then do the RR and the 2nd long bike on Saturday and Sunday. Good luck everyone. Take a few minutes and let us know how things are going. We're all in this together and we're all going through pretty much the same thing. 


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