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2016 IM Boulder Week 17- 4keys

Thanks for checking in Jeff!! Nice work!! How's everyone else doing??? How did this weekend go?? We'd love to hear about it!!!


Well Boulder Crew we are 4 weeks out from race week and there are 4 Keys of Racing within EN. What sets EN athletes drastically apart from other athletes is the ability to know to race. You're putting in the training  and lets post your information with the team to discuss...... but as you wind down your training in the next couple weeks you need to put your head in a space to have the 4Keys down pat. Even if you have been with EN for awhile, there is always something to learn or something you can teach to help someone else's race experience.

Not to reinvent the wheel here is a mixture of coaches perspective and a couple other race captains:

X - Race day is about execution NOT fitness

Theme for this week is important.  Start visualizing your upcoming RR2 and Race Day in terms of simply Executing your Fitness:

The majority of athletes on race day are fitness-focused (look at my T-shirt, look at my abs/veins/etc, look at how fast I can go in the first hour of the bike, etc.). They think of race day as the application of their fitness to the course, the distance. They are wrong. Race day is about the application of sound execution skills to a long day. Your fitness is just along for the ride. Through our observation of many, many races we can tell you that fully 90% of athletes out there do not understand this and do not know how to execute properly. For the Endurance Nation athlete then, race day is largely an exercise is doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing!

Easy to read/comprehend the above, difficult to actually apply on race day, when you feel rested, invincible with adrenaline and the best you have felt during the entire training cycle.  So important to start thinking and scripting this concept now.

Good Job team.... keep chipping away, two more weeks left of fitness


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    well another big training weekend in the books....sat was a long s/b/r day....s=2...b=103..r=5...the bike was on a new/hard course...weather added to the challenge...heavy rain/cold till noon....then sun/wind to get home...9 hrs later on the couch exhausted...somehow managed 3 hrs bike/run on sun....didn't want to get up this am...FATIGUE is ever present....I keep telling myself only 2 more hard weeks...
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    3 hr RR run done ....17 mi....2:53....in heat/humidity....negative split ...ice bath afterwards...feeling decent today
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    Completed my RR too...18 mi in 3 hours felt good after too
    Due to personal schedule I am moving my last RR to this weekend...prepping to pack this week...heading to Boulder on July 26th
    Anyone else going to be there during that time? I will be available to swims, rides, and runs.
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    Team EN I arrived late last night and started the day early with a swim in Boulder reservoir. Water temp today July 27 is 73.4. There is a 750 meter course available for swim practice on Wednesdays from 7-730...was able to get in 2 laps and they charge 10 bucks to pay for lifeguards. I heard Tuesday's and Thursday are available at 6 am for the Boulder Aquatic Mater group and they charge 15 bucks. I am a first timer here and setting is beautiful
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