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2016 IM Maryland Week 14- Run Focus and Check in

Week 14- Run Focus Week

Alrighty folks- how ya’ll doin?!? We are SUPER lucky to have such a great group leading into Maryland! @Al- Congratulations on your Nationals race!! And @ Tim- Congratulations on your EPIC crazy SwimRun adventure race!! AWESOME!!!! So who else had some epic training this weekend????

It’s AWESOME to read your posts and hear how things are going! Things are certainly ramping up and ya’ll are ROCKSTARS!
So the coaches declared this a “Run Focus Week”.  What that means is if possible, aim for a few more than your "typical" week by either inserting another run day or adding a small amount to every run you do.   HOWEVER- This is entirely optional, it simply plays into their separate build / taper approach for managing fitness by discipline across your Race Prep phase.

In saying that, as we start the week- check in with yourself.  How are you feeling? How’s your body handling the training stress? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE watch Coach Patrick’s discussion on cumulative fatigue under Week 14 IM video.  (Located on the right side of your Training Plan page).
He shares some EXTREMELY important and valuable information about smart training.

Alright Maryland Crew-Make sure to post in the forum or social media so we can see your hard work this week. This is hands down going to be an awesome group of EN'rs and I can't wait for you to crush it. Go out there and make us proud!


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    Here's my update for this week:


    I took the day after the race completely off (except for traveling and napping), and ran, then did a weight session this AM. I was really crisp and sharp for both; my warm up mile for the run was a minute faster than usual, and my overall speed was about 30s/mile faster at the same HR. So I think the week of reduced work did the trick to wash out the accumulated fatigue, getting me ready for the final 5. My Performance Management Chart (PMC) numbers are a bit down - I dropped 8 CTL points Thurs-Thurs (Thursday is usually my long ride), and am sitting @ TSB of +19 this morning. I'm hoping to get back to an average of 1000 TSS/week, which should get me back up over 140 ten days before the race.

    I am planning on running every day this week, hitting close to six hours, and 40 miles - as I;ve got it mapped out on my weekly white board, it sits @ 6:10/41.6, but we'll see how I hold up.

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    @Al Just read the report great racing last weekend.

    @Laura Thanks for the shout out... Report soon... Will see you in OOB 2 weeks !

    Last week - although it may not look like it on the surface was a recovery week for me logging 2hrs and 250 TSS points lower than previous week... Only intensity was a 1 x 22' interval on the bike the remainder all easy...Finished up my week yesterday with the above mentioned CascoBay SwimRun a 5hr "easy day"... Will have a report out soon for those interested... Totals were 15.5hrs , 817 TSS, 15.3k yds swim, 101 miles bike, 29 miles run....

    This weeks plan - VOLUME - started out today with a ZERO day for travel, recovery, prep for what is about to come.... but there are 6 days left!

    @ALL hope all is well.. time to chime in , get active, get pumped, grab some mojo , read some IMMT stuff because its coming fast!
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    IMMD is my last tri for 2016. It should be a good race for a flat-lander from the Outer banks (tried Lake Placid last month but never really biked on looong hills; my watts did me in for the run!). I raced MD several times but last years cold and windy event did me in so i'm looking for payback in 2016. I've added strength training and weight lose to my goals for IMMD. I'm biking about 75% and getting a bit over 15 mph but I think I need more to keep that up for 112. I've been a swimming since youth and never much of a runner so I'm definitely glad to focus on runs this week over some swim time. Using myfitnesspal for calorie counts but it said 2 hours of tri biking = 1700 calories (I wish!). My Garmin suggests it's 800 cals. Much more believable. I'm aiming for 180 lbs on my 6'2" frame at 70 YO and with several hours of strength training each week I hope to have more muscle in that 180.
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    Still trying to focus on having fun while creating fitness. Today, My wife went on a hike up @ Mt Rainier with two of her girlfriends. I had her drop me off at a state park about 35 miles from the top (elevation 1600'), then rode up to 6400'. I left a cooler in the car, so I was able to switch out for another 56 oz of Infinit & GE, then turned around and headed back down. It was a bright sunny day, in the 60's while biking up in the shade, lower 70's on top, then low 80s for the final hour. I waited back at the park for about half an hour, just enough time to rest up for the drive home. Everybody went home happy. To day was my "Saturday" , so tomorrow is a 90' trainer ride early AM, followed by a 60' run. The weekend will be about swimming and running.

    I don't know if I can tolerate any more than 90' on the trainer, so I will be looking at rail trails for 4'+  flat rides in aero, both in WA and CO, where I will be Sept 6-21

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