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IMAZ Training Week 13 - 9/26 - 10/2



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    I made up the Saturday pre-bike run today-4miles LSP with HR control.

    Then I did my 2hour ABP as trainer road Boarstone 3-.8IF. Since I felt like a slacker yesterday on the watts, did the program and stayed aero. My adductors felt fine today-don't know what was the problem yesterdayimage

    Run volume week coming up!
    My cervelo goes into the shop tomorrow for annual tuneup
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    You guys are crushing it this weekend. a 112 TT? 100% weekly compliance? Yikes.

    Not the most ideal weekend here. The weather has changed, we are wet and cold, not my cup of tea for the bike so I have been learning how to use the new kickr. I worked this weekend, hosted my in-laws, and my 9yo son had his birthday party yesterday and a run meet today. Truth is though, my commitments didn't zap me that bad, I am just dragging and I'm not sure why. Neurotransmitters are on the fritz! It has been my longest season in my tri-career, so I am one of those athletes who is struggling to keep the fire going I guess. Weekly tallies: 30 miles run, 61 miles bike and 1hr of swimming. Nothing "big" about the weekend - 2x90 min rides and a solid 40 min run. At this point I have begun lowering race day expectations and trying to just control my appetite.

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    Great job, team! Another week in the books as we move closer to the big event!
    Training IS happening over here but I've moved a bit off my normal routine due to work and my wife returned from a long work trip to the UK.. Knocked out a 5 hour trainer ride on Saturday morning and moved my ABP ride to later today. Having Sunday to rest was key as I was very short on sleep toward the end of the week. Feeling more rested now and looking forward to another BIG week!
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    Lots of solid work over the weekend for this group. That's awesome!

    My Friday swim and Saturday runs both went well, but after that the wheels came off. Five miles into my Saturday ride I flatted and the spare tube that I had would not work with the valve extender in my new wheels. I tried to patch the original hole but after four patches it was still leaking like crazy. Long story short, I got in a five mile ride followed by a five mile walk back to the car. I stopped at the bike shop on the way home and picked up three new (but still wrong, ugh!) tubes. I had a family wedding Saturday night so no further work was possible...

    Sunday started with another trip to the bike shop for zipp tubes, to go with my zipp valve extender and the nice zipp wrenches that came with my bike and that I now understand. From the bike shop I drove over to the trail, got kitted up, loaded up my bike with my bottles, only to realize that my helmet was not in the car. So everything went back into the car for the drive back home to get my helmet. Fortunately, my wife was kind enough to offer to shuttle my car back out to the trail for me, so I was able to just ride straight from the house knowing that my car and all of my refill supplies would be where I needed them by the time I needed them. I love you babe!

    By the time I finally got on the bike I REALLY needed to just ride. From there everything went really well. I got in 90 miles in 4:22 before the rain and pending darkness forced an early end. Still those 90 miles felt really good and I am SO HAPPY to be dealing with all of these disasters now so that I'm better prepared if they should happen on race day.

    This week is a run focus, so I'll be adding some extra mileage on my midweek runs.
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