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2016 EN Ice Cream Time Trial Challenge.....You in?

If you are considering taking part in the 2016 Ice Cream Time Trial Challenge you probably want to know some details:

Date of Challenge: October 8th & 9th, 2016 (one day is good enough, but if you are an overachiever you could do both days 

Sign Up Sheet Here

Here are some video's from years 2009 - 2015 to get you fired up:

2009-2012 ICTT Highlight Video

2015 Bill Eckert ICTT 

2013 Joe Machette ICTT

2013 Johnathan Brown

John Withrow 2013 ICTT Video

Coach Patrick and the Girlz ICTT Video

Type of Ice Cream:
 Traditionally Ben and Jerry's. When we started this challenge B&J only had regular icecream, but now they have dairy free and vegan options. Suhwheat for those of us with food allergies and sensitivities. Now everyone can take part!!!!

Scoring System:  The scoring system was created years ago by some pretty creative EN members. If you wish to find out how the scoring system came about, you can read below, or if you are like me and you really do not care, then just sign up. The form that was created is straight forward and does not require you to calculate anything. It does the work for you 

So, what do you get if you win the challenge......HIGH FIVES, FIST PUMPS, BRAIN FREEZE AND PERHAPS A LITTLE BIT OF WEIGHT GAIN, IF ONLY FOR A DAY :-). We are all winners!!!!!

Scoring System Explanation:

  • This isn't a straight up Time Trial (best time wins). We realized back in '08 that there could be advantages gamed by choosing a less calorie rich/ high fat ice cream. So WSM Cramer came up with an ICSS (Ice Cream Stress Score) and ICIF (Ice Cream Intensity Factor) to provide a normalized time for everyone to use as the TT score.
  • However, we then also realized that smaller peeps would have a bit of a disadvantage as well. So the factors were further weighted (thanks to WSM Blazer) to account for weight. (the WMICSS)

The math looks like this (get ready for an ice cream headache just reading this!!!) 

ICSS = ((kcals from fat)^2 / (total kcals * duration in seconds)) * 100 

So, let's take a pint of B&J's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. It contains 1080 total kcals, of which 520 are from fat. Our ICIF is the fat kcals squared divided by the total kcals, or (520^2)/1080 = 250.37. 

Our Ice Cream Stress Score (ICSS) has an inverse relationship to the total duration (IOW, our score must go up the faster we consume the ice cream), so we divide our IF by the total duration and multiply the result by 100 (just to make it a more impressive number). Pursuing our current example, if Rich plows through his pint in three minutes flat (or 180 seconds), that gives him an ICSS of (250.37/180)*100 = 139.09. Similarly, if Beth eases her way politely through her pint in 15 minutes (900 seconds), that gives her an ICSS of (250.37/900)*100 = 27.82. 

The ICIF and ICSS metrics really serve to equalize the stress of different types of ice cream, so those of you who can take a pint of non-fat vanilla yogurt in 45 seconds don't gain an unfair advantage over the Chunky Monkey crew. 

WMICSS (weight modified ice cream stress score) = (((fat Kcals)^2/(total Kcal))/time) * ((1/weight)*1000) 

SO...substituting my estimates at Rich and Beth's weight, you get the following for B&J Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough example: 

WMICSS (Rich) = (((520^2)/(1080))/180)*((1/170)*1000) = 818.20 

WMICSS (Beth) = (((520^2)/(1080))/180)*((1/110)*1000) = 252.90 

Rich still wins, BUT...if Beth substitutes a slightly tougher Coffee Heath Bar Crunch for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and gets her time down from the BOP 15 minutes to a solid MOP 5:56, then you get the following: 

WMICSS (Rich) = (((520^2)/(1080))/180)*((1/170)*1000) = 818.20 

WMICSS (Beth) = (((600^2)/(1120))/356)*((1/110)*1000) = 820.81 

Beth Wins!!! 

SOOOOOOOO, my point here is this: Pick your Poison carefully!!! 

Any questions??????


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    Ha, Bill wins again for most adorable EN member!
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    I am in again.  I love me some ice cream.  Did anyone else even participate last year?


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    After watching on the sidelines for two years, I'm in.
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    The Ross's will be in Connecticut with Kim Dubord. I am going to try to encourage her to join me and Steve in our attempt to get a pint down.
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    Still debating - after arguing with the scale this morning after getting back from vacation, I'm not sure it wants me to participate...
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    Well it took a lot of hard work, sacrifice and some some help from the family but my Ice Cream Time Trial is done post IMWC. Not up for math at this point but I believe this is high scoring ice cream though the 28' time is woeful. The video is sped up in the middle such that total length is somewhat bearable at 4+ minutes.    Weight is 127# if anyone cares to calculate the score.  Aloha!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xeV6DSsdT8

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    Completed mine this afternoon. I think I let the ice cream melt too much last year. May have not let it melt enough this year but it was fun. Added a little twist with a Sam Adam's Toasted Caramel Bock as a chaser.
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    Completed it after dinner. Well, after the family finished dinner. I basically skipped dinner to make room for the TT. Preparation began earlier in the day with an 80' trainer ride and 5 miles on the treadmill. This would nearly break me even against the onslaught of calories that I would be consuming. Throw in brawts and a beer at Oktoberfest for lunch and it was a full day of calorie consumption.

    As for the ice cream in question, I chose the Ben & Jerry's flavor with the second highest fat content: Peanut Buttah Cookie Core. 1280 calories, 760 from fat. The flavor with the highest fat, Peanut Butter Cup, would involve way too much chewing.

    I had the family cheering me on, when they weren't making me laugh, and almost have it come out my nose. TMI I know. Final time was 3:34. I wrapped up "dessert" with a slice of homemade pumpkin pie and a couple scoops of B&J's chocolate brownie ice cream.
    Calories 1280
    Fat 760
    Time 3:34
    Weight 173
    WMICSS Score: 1218.77

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    Jenn Edwards - what is with the bowl???? Nata!!!! The ice cream stays in the container. I will let this one pass since you just finished IMKona, but next year.......
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