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IMAZ Training Wk 11/7 - 11/13




You all are so close - keep up the hard work - Your MIND and ATTITUDE play a huge part in this….SO lets keep our AWESOMENESS GOING!!!!

This week think about YOUR box, what you learned in RR1 and RR2 and how you can keep the box as large. Remember you are not out there trying to make anything happen on race day. You are keeping that box as large as you can for as long as you can, you're focused, calm, collected and executing ninjas.

All day long you are going to race inside a box defined by what you can control. Ask yourself "What do I need to do right NOW to create the conditions for success at The Line? Is what I'm doing right now counter to this goal?

Advice: On the swim, the Box is the space your body occupies in the water: focus on your form and the rest will come. On the bike, the box is probably about one aid station long. On the run, the box begins as 2-3 aid stations long but often diminishes to "from here to the next lampost/manhole cover/mail box." Regardless:

  1. Keep The Box as big as you can for as long as you can.

  2. Keep in The Box only the things you can control. Let go of the rest.

  3. Exercise this decision-making process inside your Box: Observe the situation, Orient yourself to a possible course of action, Decide on a course of action, Act (OODA Loop).


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    OMG, I'm so hungry. Somebody please make it stop.
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    Ok. This mornings bike was HARD! Also 810 zero charge so only evidence will be pic on strava.
    3x6 @ .95 x2 with z5 HR, .85 x1 with high z4 HR-just lost it on the last one. 45' total, then 30' run with LSP/ low HR for recovery.
    My estimate of 5% decrease FTP pretty accurate. And at .7 IF the difference in watts between a 5 and 10 % decrease is only one watt. So settled on goal watts for the day.
    Also, noted Sunday, in aero, I need to spin at lower cadence to maintain my watts. (I did most of my training on trainer sadly on the hoods as it felt better. Outside I love being in aero.) I actually was hitting my old .7 but at too big of cost in lower cadence with leg fatigue. I will practice again after TTL swim Saturday, but thinking I will accept low to mid 80s, rather than high 80s.

    And yes Clark, my appetite is up too!
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    Coming off the massive weekend, I desperately needed yesterday to rest up, rehydrate and get caught up on work. Feeling great today and about to head out for bike + run. Weather in AZ has been AMAZING so hoping this holds out through race day. We're getting sooooo close now....I just signed up for the Splash n Dash 4km swim out at Tempe Town Lake this Saturday...hoping to see some EN'ers out there! Be safe out there everybody!
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    I had to travel yesterday for work, and had flight delays on both out/inbound flights from/to O'Hare.  Left home at 5:15 am and got back home at 10 pm.  Was a planned rest day, but I don't think I really got much rest.  Also, I am coming down with a cold, sniffles, etc.  So I slept in this am and bagged the bike intervals.   Well, at least it is making me back off the workouts during taper.

    Stay healthy everyone.  Take it EZ.

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    No swim for me tomorrow. It's only a 'm' on the priority.
    My left shoulder has been hurting-top muscle of rotator cuff (supraspinatous). I think it's from the fall off bike 3 weeks ago but it didn't start hurting until about a week after. Rib pain is pretty much gone.
    It seemed to flare at the end of my swim yesterday. So chiropractor today, their cold laser, time, hopefully will feel good for the 4000 m swim in TTL Saturday.

    I will do an extra run tomorrow instead.

    MQ-will see you Saturday at TTL!
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    BK: Heal up. I have a L shoulder issue - during the run RR 2 weeks ago, somehow strained/sprained something. I am able to swim, but gotta go slow and easy.

    SO pumped to hear about the weather thus far. The weather here has plain sucked last 2 weeks. Speaking of hungry, I did a 'work fast' today - involuntary that is. Made the end of that 30' run very interesting (hold on to those rails!!), but I'm on point this week thus far. I am studying my new P1 pedals. There is a ~10 point difference between the pedals and trainer, but lots of drops making it difficult. I know they must be whack, the P1's also say Trump's gonna win image
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    BK: heal fast !

    Happy to see a nice weather coming up.

    I wanna eat everything here
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    Those 3x6 intervals yesterday sucked. The run, however, felt pretty good. We are so very close!

    Great job to GL, DS and FP for posting race plans. Good stuff all around. I still have some thinking to do, but mine will be up before the weekend.

    See you all soon!
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    yeah that one sucked last night.. my butt didnt wanna sit on a bike LOL.

    This morning did the swim.. hacked it a bit instead of 4X600, did 3X800, wasnt able to finish the 2 last 100m cuz of pool schedule.

    Tomorrow is the last over 60' run

    CM - Looking fwd to read your RP
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    @ BK and DS - take it EZ with those shoulders.   A bit of rest will be good.

    @FP and CM - good work.  Almost there.

    I bagged the workouts yesterday and the masters swim class this am due to my cold, sniffles.  Slept in again this am. That's going on 3 days of no workouts for me - forced taper.  Just feeling tired and run down.  Will try to run 2-3 miles tonite if possible.  On the plus side, my legs feel great, no nagging little pains like I normally have the week before an IM.  Oh well, I've been training hard since January so I'll just have to rely on the cumulative fitness built up over time.  Will post my race plan later today.

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    Race plan posted!
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    BT-yes rest and get over the cold. Decreased immunity is a sign of over training. You have the fitness-believe that!!

    As for me, I'm believing my shoulder issue is inflammation around supraspinatus/biceps tendon. There'S a click with motion. And definitely improves with ice. No swim since Monday. If it hurts tomorrow in the TTL 4K swim, I will bag it and rely on my fitness and rest/ice shoulder until race day. Honestly, I have been swimming so much more the last 6 weeks than any previous year-feeling good about that.

    Extra running for me-taking off now.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Hard to believe 4keys and team dinner one week from today!
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    just did the final swim RR.


    Miss 2 additional minutes to have the full distance, but really happy where the swim is.. that convinced me to go start with the sub 60' group.

    I am arriving on Wednesday.. the same day the snow arrives in Montreal ! im lucky hah
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    Forgot to add:

    Weather forecast is SPECTACULAR!

    Gone, is the previously predicted cold front. It's predicted to be low of 58 and sunny, no chance precipitation and high around 80. If this holds, the lake temp should be at least 65. Whoohoo!

    We will find out tomorrow at splash and dash what the current lake temp is
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    FPP-you do not disappoint! Go beat the pros out of the water!
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    @ BK....sounds like you have a good plan for the shoulder.

    I ran a very EZ 6 miles last night, and slept 8 hours last night.  Woke up feeling much better.  Ran 2 more EZ this am. Will try to swim tonight after work (my first swim in 5 days...so much for swim frequency in the last weeks before an IM).  Then I'm going to an event tonight at my local training center Amphibian Multisport (AMS).  Ben Hoffman, pro triathlete who finished 2nd at Kona in 2014 and 4th this year, will be there giving a talk and chatting up people.  I met Ben two years ago when he came to AMS  for a similar reception a month after his Kona 2nd place finish.  I saw that Ben is on the pro bib list for AZ so I'm going to ask him about his preparation.  Should be fun.

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    Good job Betsy. If that shoulder bothers you the DO bag it. You are not going to get fitness in the last week and now is the time to rest AND recover.
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