Triathlon run calculator
Hi all,
As you may have seen, either in another thread here or, ahem, elsewhere, I created a triathlon run calculator and wanted to throw it out there for feedback.
I initially hacked it together for my own personal use because, well, I'm a geek and I like looking at numbers rather than training
. But at some point I thought others might be interested as well so I cleaned it up a bit.

It was suggested that if others found it useful, perhaps it could be cleaned up/modified and possibly made available as a team resource of some sort.
You can check it out here:
Let me know what you think - corrections, suggestions, etc. I'm all ears.
PS: Just to clarify, by posting this "elsewhere" my intent was not to disrespect EN or share trade secrets - just spread the good word and share information that was already out there in the cloud. It was politely pointed out that I could have gone about it a bit differently and I agree - mea culpa.
In my opinion you've created the best Tri Run Calculator I've ever seen! When you enter your time you not only see your training paces, but you also have a race plan clearly layed out. Brillant! You've got some mad Excel skillz!