1 cup mixed froz berries (TJ's Cherry Berry blend--yum)
1/2 frozen banana
1 scoop strawberry whey protein
2 tsp L-Glutamine
1 cup unsweetend almond milk
It's delish!!! It even gave me a little ice cream headache, just like a Bliizzard! Next time, I think I'll add a pack of Emergen-C for a little organe flavor too. YUM! ~280 calories, which is perfect.
Big scoop chunky peanut butter. Make my own fun by putting the left overs on SnR noses.
That's freakin hilarious!!! I've used roughly the same mix (minus the PB, thus the reason I have no fun making them I guess!) Think I got it from one of Rich old Crusible days blogs.
P.S. Thanks Steve! I need all the technical support I can get! I'm also video/pic post challenged as well!
My personal favorite mix looks something like this:
1 frozen banana 1 cup Vanilla or Plain yogurt the leftover coffee from the morning pot about 1/4 cup of Trader Joe's Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans chopped up in the nut chopper. A little milk if needed
Last night I did frozen strawberries, bananas, and some Crystal Lite lemonade. Had to eat it with spoon (was thick), tasted like sorbet. I closed my eyes and pretended it was bad for me, vs only about 125cals
Last night I did frozen strawberries, bananas, and some Crystal Lite lemonade. Had to eat it with spoon (was thick), tasted like sorbet. I closed my eyes and pretended it was bad for me, vs only about 125cals
Seriously, it's that good. Whole new world for me. It's all about the frozen banana.
Joanne goes to Costco and buys a pallet of green bananas, lets them ripen and then freezes them. About a dozen flats of strawberries, 12 crates of oranges, apples, blueberries, a small HI farms-worth of pineapples, a flock o' them roasted chickens, sacks of broccoli florets, baby carrots...that's about my entire diet right there, when I'm on my game. But I could do the smoothie thing 3x/day, easy.
Buy the bananas in the paper bag that have gotten a bit brown and cheaper.. they are sweeter and then you can freeze them when you get home. perfect for smoothies. just a thought. if you don't want a pallet of bananas. * I need a high calorie recipe for teenage sons/sports? the peanut butter probably huh? m
Buy the bananas in the paper bag that have gotten a bit brown and cheaper.. they are sweeter and then you can freeze them when you get home. perfect for smoothies. just a thought. if you don't want a pallet of bananas. * I need a high calorie recipe for teenage sons/sports? the peanut butter probably huh? m
Yep, peanut butter. However, I recommend you measure the ingredients of your typical smoothie (8oz this, 8oz that, 1 cup this, that, 1tbl spoon peanut better, etc) and calc the calories. The calorie content of a smoothie can get away from you pretty quickly, especially the volume and calories of liquid contents. Very easy for an extra 8-12oz of OJ to hide in that big blender = a lot of cals. My standard mix is about 650cals but I'm sure, before I started measuring, I was north of 900cal!
I copied Coach P's, but sometimes add a few other things. I've never actually calculated the calories, but I'm curious, so here's my recipe along with calories:
8 oz skim milk = 86 cal 1 medium banana = 105 cal 2 Tbsp whey protein = ~100 cal (all the calorie counters say "1 scoop", I use 2 Tbsp, so no idea what a scoop is, so just guessing) 6 ice cubes = 0 cal Total = 291 cal
Additions: 1/2 a mango = 65 cal 1 small peach = ~50 cal 1/2 cup plain yogurt (full fat if we have it) = ~125 cal
I guess my base shake is pretty lean, and even if I do all the ad ins, it's pretty good.
I guess my base shake is pretty lean, and even if I do all the ad ins, it's pretty good.
It's kind of an eye-opener isnt' it? It seems like a ton more calories than it is, and it's so incredibly satisfying--filling and delicious. I've been freezing some almond milk ice cube trays to use instead of regular ice. Very vew calories and it really creams it up.
Next up--I'm going to do a short video on how to make your own Magic Bullet with your blender.
I picked up a jar of the BiPro Whey Protein. I really like that it's pure whey and nothing else. It's also the same cost as Hammer Whey for almost 2x as much. It doesn't include the L-Glutamine that Hammer has but that is relatively inexpensive if you purchase the powder separately. Mixes nice and smooth without clumping.
a thought/ Yoplait now sells smoothie, small bag of fruit and yogurt pieces and you just add milk for a smoothie which got me thinking.. for less time on busy days.. get the ziploc bag and put in it the blueberries, cut up bananas, not sure why if you can freeze the protein powder but maybe... and then just open bag (like you would this Yoplait bag) and pour in the almond milk into blender. then if you were at work, you could pack your magic bullet, the frozen bag of fruit into small cooler which would keep the almond milk cold. Now, I need the blender for the car and not for "at work" since I am at home mom! The Yoplait bag btw has a decent enough taste but I am cutting out sugar/and the other stuff i can't pronounce! and it has that in it plus some other stuff so I would use the greek yogurt by Oikos plain if I wanted a yogurt base. but I can so see me after a hot bike or run at my car, blending up a smoothie!! so now to figure out the blender part cuz a smoothie then packed up and even in cooler, looks way nasty when you wanna drink it hours later!
but I can so see me after a hot bike or run at my car, blending up a smoothie!! so now to figure out the blender part cuz a smoothie then packed up and even in cooler, looks way nasty when you wanna drink it hours later!
I agree, I just found this out this weekend for the first time. Trying to think of options as well. I wonder if we could get a car adapter for the magic bullet? When I hit the grocery store this week though I'm going to pick up an extra bunch of bananas to try this frozen banana thing as well as the almond milk. Why would you go with the Greek yogurt Marianne? Nutrient profile? Taste?
If you whip up the smoothie ahead of time and freeze it in cup, it still is fairly good later after long bike/run. Not the same consistency exactly but still fairly good as it thaws out while you are working out.
I'm toying with trying out a choc, peanut butter with banana for the weekend.... can't wait for those long rides!!
FWIW- I've tried using Hammer Soy now a few times in the smoothie and, well, yuck. I need to find another protein powder that doesn't add a funky taste or grainy feel to the smoothie.
FYI- when I was a kid my mom made these for me with raw eggs. That was waaaaay back in the day before we all worried about saminela
FWIW- I've tried using Hammer Soy now a few times in the smoothie and, well, yuck. I need to find another protein powder that doesn't add a funky taste or grainy feel to the smoothie.
Hey Nemo,
I really like the whey protein that is used in the video - BiPro. It's unfalvored and is very fine so mixes smooth. Not grainy at all.
The greek yogurt has more protein.. look for $Stonyfield "Oikos" and compare it to regular yogurt. both have the live bacteria. Plain is what I use. Walmart has it in regular dairy and in Kroger's in the organic foods. It also doesn't have any "extra" stuff in it. Okay Kris might try the freeze in cup idea of smoothie. m
I second the Oikos...it's great. A few more calories, but lots o' protein. Nemo - you should find a co-op and look there. I get whey protein at our food co-op (which by the way is AWESOME). It's in bulk in the refrigerated section, so no idea what brand it is (guessing generic). I looked at the ingredients, and it doesn't have eggs but does have natural vanilla flavor which I like. It's really inexpensive like most things bulk. I dump a bunch in a small plastic bag and it lasts for 3-4 weeks drinking 3-4 smoothies/week. It seems almost free.
GRATUITOUS BRAGGING ON MY KIDS: on Saturday I was leaving to go to Boston for the marathon at 8:00 a.m. My 10 year old daughter Ellie got up at 6:00 a.m. (she's usually up around then, so not particularly notable) and made me a send-off breakfast. She made berry smoothies, pancakes, and mini-banana muffins. She arranged all the muffins on a tray and spelled out "Good Luck Dad!!" in Nutella on the muffins. How great is that?
Link is HERE
All in on that!
Just back from masters swim and I made one:
1 cup mixed froz berries (TJ's Cherry Berry blend--yum)
1/2 frozen banana
1 scoop strawberry whey protein
2 tsp L-Glutamine
1 cup unsweetend almond milk
It's delish!!! It even gave me a little ice cream headache, just like a Bliizzard!
Next time, I think I'll add a pack of Emergen-C for a little organe flavor too. YUM! ~280 calories, which is perfect.
My smoothie is:
That's freakin hilarious!!!

I've used roughly the same mix (minus the PB, thus the reason I have no fun making them I guess!) Think I got it from one of Rich old Crusible days blogs.
P.S. Thanks Steve! I need all the technical support I can get! I'm also video/pic post challenged as well!
I think I've made one every day since Kris postd that video! Now I'm branching out into concocting a choco-version. Yet to perfect.
I love the comment about, "crap in a cup"! LOL!!
1 frozen banana
1 cup Vanilla or Plain yogurt
the leftover coffee from the morning pot
about 1/4 cup of Trader Joe's Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans chopped up in the nut chopper.
A little milk if needed
Yummmmmmmmmm. I have no idea how many calories.
Last night I did frozen strawberries, bananas, and some Crystal Lite lemonade. Had to eat it with spoon (was thick), tasted like sorbet. I closed my eyes and pretended it was bad for me, vs only about 125cals
Seriously, it's that good. Whole new world for me. It's all about the frozen banana.
Joanne goes to Costco and buys a pallet of green bananas, lets them ripen and then freezes them. About a dozen flats of strawberries, 12 crates of oranges, apples, blueberries, a small HI farms-worth of pineapples, a flock o' them roasted chickens, sacks of broccoli florets, baby carrots...that's about my entire diet right there, when I'm on my game. But I could do the smoothie thing 3x/day, easy.
Buy the bananas in the paper bag that have gotten a bit brown and cheaper.. they are sweeter and then you can freeze them when you get home. perfect for smoothies. just a thought. if you don't want a pallet of bananas. * I need a high calorie recipe for teenage sons/sports? the peanut butter probably huh? m
Had my first yesterday with the almond milk, mixed berries frozen bananas and whey protein. Yummy!!!!!!!!
Yep, peanut butter. However, I recommend you measure the ingredients of your typical smoothie (8oz this, 8oz that, 1 cup this, that, 1tbl spoon peanut better, etc) and calc the calories. The calorie content of a smoothie can get away from you pretty quickly, especially the volume and calories of liquid contents. Very easy for an extra 8-12oz of OJ to hide in that big blender = a lot of cals. My standard mix is about 650cals but I'm sure, before I started measuring, I was north of 900cal!
8 oz skim milk = 86 cal
1 medium banana = 105 cal
2 Tbsp whey protein = ~100 cal (all the calorie counters say "1 scoop", I use 2 Tbsp, so no idea what a scoop is, so just guessing)
6 ice cubes = 0 cal
Total = 291 cal
1/2 a mango = 65 cal
1 small peach = ~50 cal
1/2 cup plain yogurt (full fat if we have it) = ~125 cal
I guess my base shake is pretty lean, and even if I do all the ad ins, it's pretty good.
It's kind of an eye-opener isnt' it? It seems like a ton more calories than it is, and it's so incredibly satisfying--filling and delicious. I've been freezing some almond milk ice cube trays to use instead of regular ice. Very vew calories and it really creams it up.
Next up--I'm going to do a short video on how to make your own Magic Bullet with your blender.
I picked up a jar of the BiPro Whey Protein. I really like that it's pure whey and nothing else. It's also the same cost as Hammer Whey for almost 2x as much. It doesn't include the L-Glutamine that Hammer has but that is relatively inexpensive if you purchase the powder separately. Mixes nice and smooth without clumping.
I agree, I just found this out this weekend for the first time. Trying to think of options as well. I wonder if we could get a car adapter for the magic bullet? When I hit the grocery store this week though I'm going to pick up an extra bunch of bananas to try this frozen banana thing as well as the almond milk. Why would you go with the Greek yogurt Marianne? Nutrient profile? Taste?
I'm toying with trying out a choc, peanut butter with banana for the weekend.... can't wait for those long rides!!
FYI- when I was a kid my mom made these for me with raw eggs. That was waaaaay back in the day before we all worried about saminela
Hey Nemo,
I really like the whey protein that is used in the video - BiPro. It's unfalvored and is very fine so mixes smooth. Not grainy at all.
GRATUITOUS BRAGGING ON MY KIDS: on Saturday I was leaving to go to Boston for the marathon at 8:00 a.m. My 10 year old daughter Ellie got up at 6:00 a.m. (she's usually up around then, so not particularly notable) and made me a send-off breakfast. She made berry smoothies, pancakes, and mini-banana muffins. She arranged all the muffins on a tray and spelled out "Good Luck Dad!!" in Nutella on the muffins. How great is that?
That is very great! Can we have a sticky thread where we can just brag about our kids?
I'd be all over it.