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Any friends/family want to help work a bike aid station??

Hi IMSR racers!  @Julie Pfeifle here... I live in the East Bay about an hour from the race course, and will be Aid Station Captain for Bike Aid Station #4.  Somehow, a phone call last week from IM to local tri clubs looking for more volunteers turned into me running an Aid Station!  If you know anyone interested, please share the below: 

Here are the deets so far:
* We're at Bike Aid Station #4 at Eastside & Trenton-Healdsburg Rd
* It is on the "stick" of a lollypop course, so racers will only pass through once
* Time commitment is 8:15 - 1:15
* Need minimum 25 volunteers - PLEASE SIGN UP HERE - https://vmodcui.active.com/…/ev…/599503/jobGroups/90104/jobs
* Don't think there is any pre-race meeting for volunteers; there are for me, and I'll "train" you all! :)
* Food provided for volunteers
* Volunteer Party: Dinner, raffle prizes, and fun! July 30th @ 1:30pm - Courthouse Square 

Link for volunteer sign-up: https://vmodcui.active.com/responsive/eventGroups/599503/jobGroups/90104/jobs

Thanks! ... and good luck to all the EN racers - Execute like a ninja!!


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