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Pete Lautenslager - IMLP race plan

This will be my second time at IMLP - 

2015 was my first race.  11:12, 10th pace in AG

Current numbers:

FTP - 280

VDOT - 49

Bike - Felt B12, Flo 60/90 

By the numbers I am significantly better trained then the last time I did this race, however at this point it’s all about execution and this is that period of thinking “did I do enough?”. Yes, I  have KQ on my mind, but I’m not sure how realistic that is.  There are some FAST people in the 55-59 this year (as there are in all AG’s).  I’ve read all your comments about being all-in if your going for a KQ - trust me once a number is around my waist I don’t care if it’s a fun run or an IM I’m pretty motivated to race and hurt. I just have to find that extra desire to push myself when needed.  For me it’s a building process.  The better I’m doing the more I can talk myself into pushing.  If things don’t go as planned all is not lost, it just gets incredibly hard.

We will be arriving on Friday this year.  I live about 4.5 hours from Placid.  IMLP is always a family vacation for us (my wife and 2 other couples we stay with also are doing the race, my daughter will be life guarding).  For us, it simply makes for a better vacation arriving on the late side.   A Wednesday arrival equals 4 days of mostly sitting around worring about the race - i.e. not a great vacation!  Much better to load the backside of the vacation with post race joy.

Swim - 

Goal time - 1:10 - maybe a tad faster, I’ve been improving.

I’m not sure if I’m a fan of the cable.  Yes it can be fast, but I also think the fight is not always worth it.  Last time I got boxed in on the cable and I think it hurt more then helped. I found some open water off to the left and it was smooth sailing.  I’d be interested to hear other thoughts on this.  To cable or not?


Run to it, get in, get out.  Helmet on, shoes on and go.


Goal time - 5:35 - 40

Two goals for the bike:  1. drink!  I have a tendency to slow down with my drinking, I have to stay on top of that - especially if it is cool.  Goal - 1.25 bottles / hr.  2. Keep my Vi in check.  Best Bike Splits puts my power on the hills at 245 - 250.  That’s super hard for me to do - I typically will hit 300+ and I know that will hurt in the long run.  So I really have to work on keeping the power consistent as well as keeping my HR in check (especially in those first miles).   I’ve ridden the course many times and I know it pretty well, so mentally I feel well prepared for the ride.


Sock on, shoe on, hat, sunglasses, race belt - go


Goal time - 3:45 - 50

Try to keep my pace in check those first miles.  I have a tendency to run too fast off the bike and pay for it later.  Keep HR in check.

I do walk most of the water breaks just enough to get fluids - something like 5 or 6 seconds.  Depending on weather and heat and mental state I usually will run the last few and skip the last one before the finish.

Hills.  With any other race hills are my strength.  In Ironman’s however I often will walk part of the hills just to manage HR.  I’d like to hear some of the thinking from the hardcore (AKA KQ’s) crew out there on how they approach the hills.  In most cases a steady fast walk versus a run plod isn’t much different in terms of pace, but for me it controls my heart rate.  If it’s a good race and I’m doing/feeling well, that last loop and the hills could be the place where pain and the will to have a great race come together...

At the turn around on Mirror Lake road it’s’ everything I have and strong finish.

I really look forward to meeting you all and watching /cheering everyone race.

See you soon.


  • Options
    Impressive numbers and goals.... With a 10th place 2 years ago I'd say your in the running... Yes sucking the cable and getting a few lumps for a measly minute is worth it if your racing.. T2 should read, socks, shoes, GO.....everything else is in hand or bag while moving!
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