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2017 IM CDA- Run Focus

Week 14- Run Focus Week

Alrighty folks- how ya’ll doin?!? Let’s all check in and hear how things are going! Things are certainly ramping up, CTLs goin up and ya’ll are ROCKSTARS! But I wanna hear MORE!!!!!

So the coaches declared this a “Run Focus Week”.  What that means is if possible, aim for a few more than your "typical" week by either inserting another run day or adding a small amount to every run you do.   HOWEVER- This is entirely optional, it simply plays into their separate build / taper approach for managing fitness by discipline across your Race Prep phase.

In saying that, as we start the week- check in with yourself.  How are you feeling? How’s your body handling the training stress? Make sure to watch this weeks videos- LOTS of important information about the critical volume push and where to put the long run in the final weeks.  (Located on the right side of your Training Plan page).

There is some EXTREMELY important and valuable information about smart training.

Alright Crew-Make sure to post in the forum or social media so we can see your hard work this week.  Make sure to tag EN and friend  your teammates (and me, if you haven’t done so already!!!)  This is hands down going to be an awesome group of EN'rs and I can't wait for you to crush it. Go out there and make us proud!

*** SPONSOR OF THE WEEK:  Roka- Check out this AWESOME gear!

Website: www.rokasports.com

We are honored to have the opportunity to support Endurance Nation

T-EndurNat-25 This will give you 25% off on swim products, such as wetsuits, swimskins, swimwear, and swim equipment. It is valid through the end of the year.

T-EndurNat-RUN20 This will give you 20% off run products. It is valid through the end of the year.

T-EndurNat-CYCLE20 This will give you 20% off non closeout cycling products. It is valid through the end of the year.

T-EndurNat-SG20 This will give you 20% off sunglasses. It is valid through the end of the year.

T-EndurNat-TRI20 This will give you 20% off triathlon apparel. It is valid through the end of the year.

These codes are used when ordering from our website, www.rokasports.com.  We ask that you're discreet with the discount code and refrain from sharing it with non-club members  Please do not ask retailers to match your team discount.  Please note that the code is not active during a site wide sale and you cannot combine your team code with any other discount.

*** EN GEAR:  Make sure to check out our AMAZING store at Trisports! http://www.trisports.com/endurance-nation.html


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    Think the training is going ok, frustrated at times with the whole eating/drinking thing on the bike. Not sure on if this is a normal type effects but after Sat long ride and run off I lost 5 plus pounds which then leads to my total body  weight going down the next day. Example: started the day at 153.8 and ended at 148. After what I thought was a good day of eating/drinking the next morning I weighed in at 151.  It has been hot in SW Montana 90 plus which is not normal but looks like it will be the same for the next week. My sleep is off because the house is very hot since we don't have AC so not sure if this has something to do with it. Just keep trying to hit my workout distance and times and for the most part doing so. Looking for the big run this week and see how it turns out. Dave
  • Options
    Hey Dave,
    How was this week?Did you still loose lots of weight on your ride/run? This is def something to check into if it is becoming a pattern. Heat will certainly play a BIG part. Whats the update?
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