[SEMINAR PREP] Training and Racing to Not Slow Down in an IM Marathon: mental and physical...
Folks, one week from tonight, we have a Seminar on the schedule To discuss not slowing down in an Ironman (or Half?) Marathon.
Thursday March 28, 9pm EDT
!NOTE! We are looking for One (1) Moderator (Question asker)....please reply to this thread if you are interested.
We can have up to 15 or 20 attendees. Bring your questions. The format is simple:
- Get a topic. Check!
- Set a moderator.
- Invite folks to participate in a video call. Sign up here: http://bit.ly/2BGyrW7
- Folks can talk 3' to 5' to talk about their experience.
- After all The folks who wanted to talk, have talked, the Moderator opens time for Q & A .
- Additional questions can be posted In the forum if you can't attend.
- The entire session is recorded and presented back to the Team.
@Coach Patrick I'd dearly love to help with this (since I think I suggested the topic), but next Thursday I'll be in the middle of the back-to-back Big Days in my Camp Week in Tucson. If it were re-scheduled in June, July, or August, I could either moderate or participate.
@Al Truscott Hmmm...let me think on that.
We need something in the interim for the Team. Let me try to ping our WSMs to see if anyone else can help out...
@Jeremy Behler @John Withrow @Gordon Cherwoniak @Sheila Leard @Paul Hough @Mike Roberts
Any interest in being a moderation for this thursday's seminar? Details ^above^ ....
@Coach Patrick The seminar on June 27th is one that I may have suggested. I won't be in town that night. I really want to make that seminar. Could we move June to July?
Hmmmm...okay, so it sounds like some changes are needed.
@Sheila Leard I moved your focus topic EARLY to next week on 4/4...is that something you could lead? If not, is there a Thursday in April that works better for you?
@Al Truscott I moved your IM Marathon Seminar topic to 6/27/19. All registrants were notified in an email..
Please confirm we are good. And for those of you eavesdropping, the full Seminar schedule is here.
@Coach Patrick
I can do Thursday April 4th "Revisit the Boomer discussion on how to modify workouts, how much HITTS is really necessary to avoid VO2 decline, thoughts on a 2 week on - one week off training plan to promote less fatigue.
Will the format be like last month? Others will bring input and present for 5 minutes? Rapid fire questions at the end?
@Al Truscott any input on your perspectives that you could send me would be awesome. I could present your thoughts if that works for you.
@Al Truscott - unfortunately, 27 June is just 4 days after IM Ireland and I'll still be over there touring the countryside. Too bad, because I will probably have fresh experience on how and why I SLOWED down on the marathon. Over the years, I notice that I have the most problems from about 8-18, then start to recover and pick it back up. The last few years, the biggest problem though has been my right foot feeling like its on fire. I can only go so far before the pain forces me to a walk, or to stop and rub it. No blisters - just a freaking hot foot. Saw a doc about it and he postulated that it is from very tight calves that does not release the foot forcing a fore foot strike. Late in the run, that pain goes away allowing me to hold a better pace. Whatever. Sorry, I'll miss this.
Sorry just saw this I was in the mountains with the family on holidays. Let me know if there another topic that needs to be moderated happy to help.
@Coach Patrick I'm on it...June 27, "Training and Racing To Not Slow Down In An Ironman Marathon"
@Paul Curtin @Derrek Sanks @Mike Roberts @Jeremy Behler Heads up! I'd like to have you as presenters in this Seminar. Each of you IMO has demonstrated success in this endeavor, and have good wisdom to share about how you made that leap from knowledge to execution. If you can be free 6-27 Thurs 9PM EDT, I'd love your help. No need to fret about it now, in a couple of months I'll circle back to refine the work. email me @: al@bikrutz.org if you want. Also, anyone else, particularly those who run slower than 4:00 marathon, who has unlocked the keys to not slowing down in an IM, I'd love to sign you up as well!
@Al Truscott I’ve got 6/27 on the calendar, happy to help if I can. This is one of my favorite topics on one of the most challenging aspects of IM and finding the right balance with the fitness you bring to the race. And all my knowledge was stolen from you and others here. I’ve gone out too fast many times, only to do the classic IM fade. I’ve gone out way too hard and blew up. I’ve gone out too easy, negative split, and produced the same time as the Classic Fade. For me, it’s those races where you push the line just enough the first 15-18 and hold on for dear life with a 3- or 4-min positive split - that’s when I can knock 10-15 min off the usual mary split. Fitness + early execution + embrace of some dark places + a bit of luck.
@Al Truscott I'll be glad to present and will be available June 27. Thanks.
@Al Truscott If you are looking for some insights from the 4hr+ marathon crowd. I'm happy to give some thoughts. Not sure I've unlocked to code exactly as my good races are n=1. Having a 6-7' positive split on the back half of my 6:01:31 in 2017 at Lake Placid there were some real break throughs for me that race. This was after spending ~7:50:XX on the bike. This is off Mike's 3-4' but given he was done in 10:3X I'm not going to quibble over the other 2-3' given I spent another 5+ hours on the course that day compared to him.
Let me know.
@Gordon Cherwoniak @Mike Roberts @Derrek Sanks @Jeremy Behler @Paul Curtin...
I'm sending out this reminder of the upcoming EN seminar June 27 @ 9 PM EDT/6 PM PDT, topic : "Training and Racing To Not Slow Down in an IM Marathon". I have hoped to enlist each of you to prepare a SHORT (5 minute) presentation about what YOU have done both during training and racing to successfully execute the IM marathon, defined as "Slowing Down As Little As Possible". Note this is not about maximizing your inherent speed during the IM, but rather getting ready to, and then actually executing a run which proceeds at a steady pace throughout the 26.2 miles.
As an aid to thinking, here is a wiki article I wrote some time ago on this:
https://endurancenation.vanillacommunities.com/home/leaving?allowTrusted=1&target=http%3A%2F%2Fmembers.endurancenation.us%2FResources%2FWiki%2Ftabid%2F91%2FDefault.aspx%3Ftopic%3DMarathon%2BIM%253a%2BTraining%2Bto%2BRun%2BA%2BSteady%2BPaceIt would be helpful if you respond to me via email: al@bikrutz.org, letting me know if you'll be able to help with this seminar, and if you have any further thoughts or questions.
Seminar is now posted online for your viewing & learning pleasure, under the Learning > Seminars tab: http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/Seminars/TrainingandRacingtoNotSlowDowninanIMMarathon.aspx
This is excellent! Perfect moderator @Al Truscott and full of wisdom @Jeremy Behler @Mike Roberts @Derrek Sanks - thanks to each of you for sharing your successes.