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Peter Noyes 2019 Training Forum

Hi @Coach Patrick ,

This is my new forum for 2019. My AAA race for 2019 is the Austin Rattler Run. I am finally ready to start training after a 5 month hiatus. I have put together a draft of a plan and I would love your feedback.



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    edited November 10, 2018 3:21AM

    @Peter Noyes

    So proud you made your own forum!!!!! 💪

    Ok, to Rattler Run it is. And thanks for the plan...here's my feedback.


    1. Durability starts now, and doesn't involve running. Hiking bro...get out there and do some 2 to 4 hour long hikes. Can be tough terrain, involve gear whatever. Bonus it will prep you for those long run weeks (8 thru 14).
    2. Also cycling time. You have minimal cross training right now. You are ramping both bike and run up at same time. It will hurt, but I suggest you find some 2.0 to 2.5 rides in Zwift and put in time. Or just stalk folks. You can ride 90' on a bike right now, which will help boost your fitness, and the potential downsides are wicked slim.
    3. Cycling intensity. One short Zwift race a week (the one lap kind, 20-ish minutes) will do you wonders to accelerate your return to aerobic dominance. Do this in Weeks 4 to 7.
    4. Long runs are too suddenly added. I would go 60, 75, 90, 105, then sit at 120. During the first three weeks, add another short easy run so you get time in, we just don't want it to be on after the 60' mark.


    1. Break your Speed Phase weeks into 4 speed, 3 hill. Don't add both at the same time. In speed time your EASY runs can be on hills (but easy!) and in hill time your easy runs can have some strides at end for Fast Twitch.
    2. No intervals on long runs please.
    3. Add in an easy detox spin of 30 to 60 minutes later in the day or day after the longer runs. Will make a big difference for you.
    4. Be patient with rest early on...you might just need a day off (or better, a day EASY SPIN ONLY) in the first few weeks. Remember, the "ramp rate" (how quickly you return) is your enemy. Too much, too soon Is no bueno.

    Feel free to adjust your plan in a new tab (copy and edit) and I can czech it out!

    ~ Coach P

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    Hi @Coach Patrick

    Thanks for the feedback. I have updated my plan. I still have some questions:

    1. Is the hiking that you suggest in addition to the light running I have outlined? I am still planning to run during the week as I have laid out.
    2. Do you like the idea of run/walk during my first long runs? Does the breakdown look good?

    Realistically I can't do a long hike until next week. This weekend I travel for wedding :(

    Thanks again!

    Yolo brobeans 11:11

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    Biking would be in addition to whatever you’re doing on the weekend. Or rather, you could drop or we can run and just make it a long hike day. I just wanted to remind you that long periods of time on your feet even if it’s not measured by a HR number, can still be an effective training focus.

    Thank you for making the run walk edits on those long runs. I like how that works now. It’s important to remember that history has shown your Fitness comes back very quickly. You have a great deal of anxiety about it and you work very hard and you typically tip the scales the other way pushing into an over training zone. My goal here is to have your builder be a little more steady so that we avoid required time off.

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    @Coach Patrick I failed and didn't train for rattler 😭😭😭

    I am completely untrained and 9 months away from IMAZ. I really want to do this. What do you think is the best approach to start building a base? Should I just start riding my bike and see what happens? Or should I jump into a plan of some kind?

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    @Peter Noyes No worries....here's how you should do it...

    1. Update your profile pic on le forums.
    2. Define consistent. We need 4 Bike sessions a week...the other days are optional, but we need 4 training sessions. What are the best days to train for you? Set up a counter, from 28 to 0...once you are at 0 we can start to build you up.
    3. I am not worried about your run as training...let's get you biking first, then we can tackle the run stuff. The bike is just more logistically challenging to execute, so let's get 100% all in on that. Also because  soon biking will be fun to do outside and we want you ready to do that.

    Workout Types:

    • 30' aerobic spin...free session.
    • 60' endurance ride...just steady riding at whatever your version of steady is.
    • 45' ride with spin ups....steady ride...After 4' of steady you do 1' at 100+ rpms, then back to normal. Goal is to build this to 2 minutes by adding 15" per week.
    • 45' ride with standing intervals. After 6' of steady, you do 2' at 60 rpms, standing. Goal is to build this to 4' steady, 4' standing over the course of 4 weeks by swapping 40" per ride from sitting Side to standing side.

    To make it easier, set it all up on Le Trainer and get Le Discord working so we can be social...then by St Patrick's Day we can drink a green beer and get you situated with some REAL TRAINING.

    Deal? 👍

    ~ Coach P

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    @Coach Patrick

    I have updated my profile pic

    I have now trained 3 weeks consistently (I am behind a week from the previous target...). I did enjoy beers yesterday. I will continue with the final week of the 4 week plan this week.

    I have been doing lots of group rides with friends on Discord. I have been mostly following the workout types you laid out but some have been adapted because of riding with friends.

    I am feeling pretty good on the bike now, I can sit for an hour no problem. My power is still really low but at least I am seeing signs of improvement. Strangely, top end watts I can still hit on sprints. I set 2nd all time 5s power record the other day.

    I am just reaching out to get a jump start on what might be next for me after these 4 weeks.

    Also, I haven't signed up yet, but I am thinking about IM Santa Cruz 70.3 on Sept. 8th as a nice lead up to IMAZ. I want to get more experience swimming in race conditions because IMSR last year was a swim disaster for me in terms of panic and anxiety. Santa Cruz is logistically super easy because I can drive and my sister lives in town.

    Thanks brobeans.


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    By the time I found this, you have hit four weeks! I am super pumped. The fact you can hit those high and watch as a sign that your athletic infrastructure exists despite all the training up and down. Unfortunately, you are not doing super sprint triathlons which is where the consistency comes in. As we think forward here are some thoughts for you:

    I want to keep your run portion of your training to 30% of your total hours. So 60 to 70% bike depending.

    Swim frequency will be key. I’m not sure I knew that you had that freak out, so obviously spending time in the water will make a difference especially in the last two months to your race.

    In addition to shopping for races, I suggest Publix for some kind of century ride in the middle of the year. Those are great ways to boost your fitness and would be a good counterpoint to be intensity what you were doing on Zwift.

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    Hi @Coach Patrick

    We do not have Publix on West Coast.

    Would May 18th be too soon to try for a Century? I could do this one:

    Last year when I consistently got up to 7 hours of cycling per week I started to feel really good. Is that a reasonable target to hit again building up over the next month or so? I am at like 3.5 hours now... I could add 1 hour per week and then just sit at 7 hours adding intensity via races.

    As for running, I am just starting with 2 mile runs. I am thinking of building up to 4 45' runs per week which would put me at 3 hours and that 30% if I am doing 7 hours of cycling. How does that sound?

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    You can do a century, you just have to take it easy please. Yes to your build program. I think seven hours a week is an excellent target for you. I hope bro beans stays healthy this weekend.

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    Hey @Coach Patrick ,

    Thanks for chatting me up on Discord yesterday. I wanted to just be clear about what we talked about:

    Run: Frequency is most important, so do 2-3 miles 4 times a week or so?

    Bike: Better to keep rides to an hour and keep increasing power rather than try to go long. As a compromise perhaps do a longer ride every 3 weeks of 50-60 miles, to help ramp up toward doing longer distances.

    Vasa: Keep to 10 minutes at a time for now.

    The goal is to be able to load the "Ironman Bike Focus Plan" on July 8th. I like that one because the bike volume matches roughly what I have done in the past.

    My biggest question is the run. Week 1 of the plan has a long run of 75-90 minutes. When should I start thinking about extending the run?


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    I think the best call for you with regards to the run is to focus on weekly mileage and set up a long run number. Ideally you are doing 4 to 6 separate 4 mile runs for the first few weeks. That will move you from 16 miles to 24 miles put in the average somewhere in the middle. And 20 miles a week has a great baseline after a few weeks to begin a proper race prep training plan.

    As for the bike, that’s right. Think of it as 31 mile our workouts per week. Every third week you can go out for a three hour ride, just keep it fairly steady. All of the one hour ride should have a good amount of intensity in them. Think of it is doing a 15 minute warm-up a one lap or 20 minutes zwift race and then after you recover, as much time in zone three for the remainder of the hour.

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    edited July 1, 2019 5:48PM

    Dear @Coach Patrick ,

    Training is going well. My CTL is up to 54 or so and I things are humming along. I am biking 3-4 times per week. My longest bike has been 2 hours. I am running 16-20mi per week, longest so far is 6.2mi. I am just getting started on the Vasa.

    Do you think that switching to the Ironman Bike Focus Plan on July 8th (20 weeks out from IMAZ) is still a good idea? I am also 9 weeks out from IMSC 70.3. That race is a 'C' Priority race.

    Thanks Bro!

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    I love following your progress, you are doing a great job right now. I feel like you would be better served using a behalf I can plan into Santa Cruz and then transitioning to the IRONMAN plan after. The only add it to the house PLAN will be making sure you had one or two weekends with Iron Man distance rides in them. Say six weeks to Santa Cruz and three weeks to Santa Cruz should both have a century ride on those weekends. Everything else can be half specific with the goal for you to do the intermediate Rincon and advanced like workouts.

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    Ok @Coach Patrick

    I loaded the bike focus half plan into Final Surge ending on September 8th. (It populated past days with workouts, is there a way to avoid that?)

    I will make the modifications of a century 3 and 6 weeks out. I will then load up the full plan after.

    Thanks Brobeans!

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    That sounds perfect. Yes, if you only want to load specific weeks of a plan you have to get a little crafty. There’s a video on how you do it on the help site: www.endurancenation.us/help.

    Let me know if you want me to take a look at it.

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