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Montana's Ironman Distance Race

Hi Ladies and Gents

Need some unofficial polling here. I am currently working with my hospital/health center to organize the only Ironman distance triathlon in Montana. We are thinking of holding it sometime in August and having the route encompass the best of the Whitefish/Kalispell. Some in the group are concerned with Coeur d' alene being in June and only 3 hours away. What do you guys think? If there was a race in Montana, mid-late August, with a course that included pristine glacier formed lakes, lots of hills (like a climb to the top of a ski resort in the Rockies) and a great lake front run with plenty of post race beer and goodies, would you be interested? Or are there two many races out there already? I need to know pronto as the pitch is coming up soon. Thanks!


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    The Grand Columbian (September - http://thegrandcolumbian.com/ - near Grand Coulee Dam - September 18) offered an IM distance race race along with a half IM distance and an Olympic distance race for many years. A couple of years ago they stopped the IM distance because of such a small turnout compared to their other races and the logistics of rounding up and keeping volunteers on the course for the length of the race. The local people seemed to continue to be willing to help in half IM distance events but over the years got a bit weary of the long days involving supporting an IM distance event.

    The Grand Columbian had 63 IM distance finishers in 2006, 72 finishers in 2005 and 48 finishers in 2004 - what numbers are you hoping for to declare the race a successs and/or break even on costs?

    In addition you will have some semi local competition from half IM distance races during the same time frame (Viterra Ironman 70.3 Calgary on August 1, Spokane's Troika Half IM Distance race also on August 1 and IM 70.3 Lake Stevens on August 15) so your work will definitely be cut out for you to generate interest (competitors and volunteers) in your race.

    But of course you may not be considering these races as competition with your race if you are looking at it as a destination event - and for those who have not yet visited your magnificant, breath takingly beautiful part of this great country, it would be a real trip to remember.

    Will you be swimming in Flathead Lake? - is so I suspect that those waters are a bit take-your-breath-away brisk all year round.

    Good luck if you decide to pursue it

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    I don't want to be accused of WTC snobbery, but my thought is that when I invest so much time into training for an IM, I want the full hoopla associated with the IM brand. No matter how spectacular the scenery, how well organized the event, or how much cheaper it is, I don't want to compete in a "minor" race with just a few other participants like the Grand Columbian. Locally, we have the Great Floridian which is lucky to get 200-250 finishers (which is why I haven't signed up). I understand that many years ago they were offered the license for IM Florida but didn't want to pay the fee. Given how IMFL sells out in minutes I bet they kick themselves every year. Bottomline - I want independents to survive and even thrive, but you are fighting an uphill battle without major sponsorship. But that doesn't mean it's not possible. I understand the Beach to Battleship Iron Distance race did very well the first year and is poised for growth. There are also rumors that Roth wants to add some North American races to compete with WTC. Maybe that would drive the prices down.
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    What Paul said. Many, many races have tried to offer an alternative to WTC, nearly all have failed. Also, I think an IM is such a serious training and...everything...investment that it's not something that people do on a whim, ie, "cool, I'll do this IM that just opened up in MT!!"  Rather, people plan these things months, years in advanced and take the scheduling very seriously.

    If it were me, I'd do one day with a Sprint, Oly, mtn bike division for each, an aquabike for the Oly...all the fun stuff. You'd attract many more people and the community would be more likely to get behind it. Not sure how jazzed they'd be to support the 12 people who showed up for your IM.

    There's an Oly up north at June Lake, a little resort town in the Sierra's, about a 300 mild drive from me. I love dirtbiking up there and have always thought it would be great to do that race but it's early July and I always have something going for EN, etc. at that time.

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    @ Greg

    Having been there from the BEGINNING in organizing/setting up/orchestrating IMCDA....

    DON't DO IT!

    sure fire way to loose money for the sponsor.  Do a great race, but do it shorter.  So much stuff happens right up until Labor Day you could even shoot for the Sunday after Labor Day, do Olympic Distance and do it really well.  Great sway, post race party, etc, etc.

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    Fascinating information guys. I really appreciate the input. Im thinking we should go half IM distance. We already do a sprint distance one to boot. I'll let you now how it goes. Again, thanks. Real eye opener.
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    I would be very interested in this race, particularly if you're going to change it to a HIM.  Although I love the Ironman distance, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle work, family and Ironman training (we have young kids), and I'm planning to dial it back for a few years.  That said, my parents have a place in Whitefish, and I'd LOVE to plan a trip up there to see them, the place and race, if I can.  That would be awesome.

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    Beach 2 Battleship seems to be doing very well at offering a full IM distance. BUT, they also offer a HIM on the same day which draws a bigger crowd. I think the HIM race helps suplement the IM race there. The other thing B2B has going for it is time/location. It's in November and there aren't too many other races in this neck of the woods around that time (except of course Florida- but if you want to race "close to home, B2B has ya covered).

    Cheseapeakman is another example. That race is in September (I think??) and has offered an Aqua-Velo category in addition to the full IM distance. That's a race run by a director who has run Eagleman for years (much of the course is the same) and yet they are struggling. The Aqua-Velo actually gets a pretty good size crew because people have been using it as a training event for IMFL. My understanding is that they are planning to offer a HIM along with the full distance this year to try and draw a bigger race crowd.

    Just a few more examples where the full IM distance sounds like a great idea, but the Half seems to be better from a business POV.
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    The business aspects of also having a 1/2 at the same time have already been pointed out.  From a course logistics you could set up two loops.  As for the number of races yes there are some choices and  getting the new race up and running very early is a factor. 

    If you are planning a 2011 race I think it needs to be announced very shortly because people will be signing up for the Ironman races in June and July and most don't do more than one.   Also for a destination (lakes and resort) this race in August would have to compete with IMC in Penticton.  A benefit that your race may have is that there are really high prices for hotels and 5 day minimus at may places, but pentiction has the IM draw and a reputation for great race/support. 

    If you only have 100-200 athletes this will require more voulntees from the host community vs the 2000+ athletese that have volunteer family members.

    One of the biggest challenges is getting your race out there and having people believe that the race director/organization group can put on a quality race.  With no background for purchasers this can be a challenge the first year. 


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    FWIW - another thing that folks like about B2B in addition to the time of year and central location, is that it's pancake flat.
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    Awesome guys. Thanks again for the input. Yeah, I think I'm going to recommend the half IM route. See how that goes first. As we have the sprint in place, it hopefully wont be too hard expand. At this point we are looking probably in 2012. Maybe call it Trout Man, because of all the trout here. PotMan would also work. I can even throw in the line "race higher than you ever have before!"
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    Keep me posted - You're lucky to live in one of the most beautiful places in the country ! I've got a place up in Whitefish - don't get there enough ! Would definitely be interested in whatever you end up with - Thanks !!
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    All I can say is that I work with my health club to organize and put on a sprint tri and that is a helluvalotta work...can't even begin to fathom the additional stress something as huge as an iron distance race would bring. Ugh!

    Also, I don't know how high the elevation is there but the longer in the day events go here in CO, the more likely one is to have horrible surprises with the weather which could be scary from a race director POV.

    Another thought...There's a guy here in CO who has been trying to get an iron distance race going in the Denver / Boulder area for years and years and years and it hasn't come together. I couldn't tell you why, but I could probably get you guys in touch if you wanted to discuss directly.
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