Michael Webster Official Coach Thread
Here's your personal Coach Thread, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is here to guide you through your first year on EN, so you can always come back here.
As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Coach Notes
Your Races
- Running Race 11/9/2019 Indianapolis Marathon
- Possibly IM Lake Placid 7/26/2020
- IM Chattanooga 9/2020
Season Outline
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won't complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on Final Surge by clicking on Training Plans / My Plans. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
>> Last updated by Coach on 08/01/2019
- On 7/22/2019 Load the -- 2019 Marathon [Balanced], 16 Weeks to end on 11/10/2019
- On 11/11/2019 Load the -- Post Marathon / Half Marathon Plan (2wks) to end on 11/24/2019
- On 11/25/2019 Load the -- Run Durability for Triathletes 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/22/2019
- On 12/23/2019 Load the -- Run Durability for Triathletes 3 (7 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 1/19/2020
- >> Transition Early <<
- Consider the Holiday Run Challenge with Team EN for 25th to 1st
- On 1/6/2020 Load the -- OutSeason for Triathletes (Bike Focus) Plan, 14wks to end on 4/12/2020
- On 4/13/2020 Load the -- Swim Camp to end on 4/26/2020
- On 4/27/2020 Load the -- EN Full Bike Focused to end on 7/26/2020
- On 7/27/2020 Load the -- Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 8/23/2020
Your Notes
I completed IronMan Louisville 2016 which was my first. Prior to that I raced in a few Olympic Duathlon's. I did not do much after Louisville but decided to get back at 12/2018 and chose the following races: Haines City FL half IM this April and IM Chattanooga this September. Haines City was a challenge. It was still snowing in Ohio when I left for FL so I had open water sessions to prepare for the race. And it was hot.My swim was a struggle, My bike was okay, and I cramped the whole run. I've continued training for Chattanooga but due to an infection in my thumb I decided to defer to the 2020 race.
My races as of now are: Indianapolis Marathon 11/9/2018; IM Chattanooga 9/2020; Possibly IM Lake Placid 2020
I have been training with Phil Mosley's Intermediate IRONMAN 36 week (8 - 14 hrs/wk). I used this for Haines City and reset the race date for Chattanooga.
Your Homework
1) Tell me more about this thumb infection. What happened and how is it affecting your overall health (or is it just the swimming)?
2) Let's solve this cramping / nutrition thing. When you connect with @matt limbert please be sure to Outline what you typically eat / drink in traingin and racing so we can start to unpack it.
3) Tell Me Your Season Goals
- What will make you consider this season a success?
- What's your biggest limiter right now?
Contact Points
As part of your journey to becoming a Self Coached Triathlete inside TeamEN, we are prepared to give you excellent support for your first 90 days. Our goal is to transition you from live, in-person support to using our digital resources and the Team to help you continue your progress as you execute your Three Year Plan.
These are all the key points in your first year where we must talk. Please remember to include your phone number.
• Welcome Call in Week One (set it up here)
• Coach Call in Week Two to talk about your season (set it up here)
• End of Trial Call -- We review your experience & Unlock Year One / Race Execution for you (set it up here)
• End of Season Call -- We review your year & Strategize for your End of Year Gap and Year Two (TBD in this Coach Thread)
• Coach Questions - Right here in this thread. Always reply to this same thread, it keeps a record for us as we evolve together!
• General Questions - Simple stuff can go to the Q & A Central Forum for the Team to answer. For example, Best Bike? How to improve run cadence? How to flip turn?
• Need Help? - Please check the EN Help Site first!
• Admin Questions - Billing or orders or whatnot? Use the red chat button at the bottom of the Members Site (not forums) or email us here.
• Specific Questions about a Race or Power, etc? - You can post those into the targeted forum for that topic. Power questions to the Power and Pace Forum. Race questions to your specific race forum, etc. Not sure where to post? Put it in the General Discussion forum and we will sort it out. Whatever you do, PLEASE ask your questions!!
For short or last minute questions, we recommend you use the Red Chat Icon on the main Members website.
We have also organized a complete chart of the best ways to contact us online here.
Your First Month on the Team
You have quite a few things to do when you start up. There are instructions on the top of the website, but you can review them under Resources / Trial Member Welcome.
Your First Year Inside Endurance Nation
This will be unlocked after your trial expires.
Looking forward to working with you this year,
~ Coach P
Mike, Welcome to your EN Coach Thread to get ready for the Indianapolis Marathon and next year's IM!
Our goal is to help you get as fit and as smart as we can for Indy and your IM. This is Coach Thread is the best way to get a hold of us.
For any questions you have getting started - chat with me here in this forum or schedule a call with me here: https://calendly.com/new-member-phone-call/1
Here are some easy steps to get the most out out your training plan, Coach Thread and Final Surge.
Again, Power user tip! Click on the red star and check box just to the right of your thread title. This way you will get an email when you get a response in your Coach thread. See video here:
I'll monitor this thread for your first thirty days and help you get up to speed with your plan, your basic schedule, terminology, and all of our resources (i.e. Coach videos, forums, best practices etc).
Next, getting setup in Final Surge. You have already loaded the Marathon Plan and Coach Patrick has just laid our the rest of your season plan in Final Surge.
You can further customize your workouts in Final Surge. We need your average heart rate for a 5k. If you have recent race we can work with that. Otherwise, we can work a race or test workout into the schedule.
Once we have that, you can customize your own training plan. For example, your workout will read something like: 20" @ (135-142) vs 20' @ zone 2.
Here are the instructions:
Final Surge: How to Update Your Integrated Training Zones – Endurance Nation Help Site
https://endurancenation.vanillacommunities.com/home/leaving?allowTrusted=1&target=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.endurancenation.us%2Fhelp%2Ffinal-surge-how-to-update-your-integrated-training-zones%2FHere is the "how to" video:
Also consider downloading the Final Surge App. This might make it way easier to add comments about how you felt, ate, weather etc. These comments will be super helpful to you in preparation for your race. Getting smart about your pacing and nutrition is very personalized, so comments about how you felt, what you ate (before, during, and after) are really key to dialing in what works best for you - and then repeating it in your race rehearsals.
Final Surge | Mobile Apps
It makes it super easy to add comments about your workout. Click on the "pencil" icon to tap "how I felt" or "perceived effort." Then add a few notes about what you ate/drank (helps to figure out what works best for you on the bike), how you felt mentally, the weather or any aches etc. Just a quick not goes a long way.
Those comments are really handy when you are comparing workouts, tailoring your own training, evaluating progress and planning for your ride. It also makes it easy to look at and plan for your upcoming workouts.
Even the most basic comments about "perceived effort" and "how I felt" are key to understand how you are responding and recovering from training.
You can also setup Final Surge to send you emails with your workouts every day.
Let me know how I can help. I look forward to hearing more, helping you build your fitness and learn how to execute your race!
My goal is to make your first month of Endurance Nation as simple and as awesome as possible! Again, for any questions you have getting started - chat with me here in this forum or schedule a call with me here: https://calendly.com/new-member-phone-call/1
Talk with you soon.
Remember to fill us in on your background: Have you run a marathon before? What have you been doing since the half IM in Florida in April? What are your goals for the marathon? What is your biggest limiter right now?
Nice job this week! You have good consistency streak starting. Run frequency is your friend.
@Michael Webster Hey Michael, just checking in. How are things going? Do you want to make any adjustments to your training program? ~Matt
@Michael Webster
Welcome to your THIRD MONTH inside Endurance Nation!
Our goal this month is to help you be race ready for your next big event and make sure your connected with your teammates!
First OFF, be sure to check out Coach Patrick’s video online here.
Step One: Master the Four Keys
Head over to watch our main Four Keys video on the Race Central page. While the Four Keys was originally created for triathlon, the lessons extend to all endurance sports (and beyond)!
Step Two: Research Your Race
Leverage your teammates To make sure your race is the best it can be.
Step Three: Connect with Fellow Racers
** Additional Support **
In addition to The Forums and other Team-related support, you still have the chance to connect with Coach Patrick across your first year. Right now it’s time for your three month call with Coach Patrick; and you can book it here.
If you are looking for support above and beyond the traditional Endurance Nation experience, you can book a consult with Coach Patrick. These are billed at $100/hour and Can be on almost any training or racing topic. Please click here to learn more / get started.
Congratulations on moving forward with you training as you build to your race goals. We can’t wait to see what you are capable of this season!
~ Team EN
Hey @Michael Webster, Brenda shared her notes with us about your call. What a crazy fall! We are happy to hear that you have the time to get back into into training and are looking to change up your season plan.
If you submit a new Season race plan - Coach Patrick will knock out a new roadmap for you. Submit here: http://bit.ly/yourraces
We would like to hear more about your foot issue too!
I look forward to hearing from you.
@Michael Byerts ditto what Matt said! 😱 I’m standing by as you need my help!!
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually Monday & Friday each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Coach Notes
Your Races
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Your Notes
Other than a couple Olympic Tri's this year I raced in the Haines City FL 1/2 IronMan. I struggled with major leg cramps and was forced to walk much of the run portionI have recently picked back on weekly training from your plans available. As I mentioned to Brenda when we spoke, my right foot is in bad shape. I have an appointment with a podiatrist this Friday and hope to get some relief.
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P
@Michael Webster
Just checking in. How are things going? What did the podiatrist say?
@Brenda Ross Hi Brenda
@matt limbert
Thanks for checking in Matt. The feet are doing much better. I received cortisone shots in both heels and one between my right toes (OUCH!). The heels are 100% better and now going through physical therapy to eliminate the problems.
I just finished a phone call with Brenda and she has helped me with the struggles I was having navigating on the EN site. I look forward to a solid, strong year.
Thanks again for your note Matt. I really appreciate it.
@Coach Patrick
Brenda helped me get sorted out on the EN site so I'm good to go. I have downloaded the Out-Season Bike focus plan and will begin it today. I noticed there is no running. If this is due to my feet problems, I believe I will be okay to add running if you think it would be beneficial. I received cortisone shots in both heals and between the toes on my right foot. I am also going through physical therapy to continue to eliminate the planter fascistic.
I will get the pics of bike and running postures/positions to you soon. I did have my bike set up for me by a licensed tri-bike guy so I feel very comfortable while riding. I've been experimenting with my feet positions and believe my heels may have been too high in my pedal stroke, causing the calf muscle cramps later in the ride. Interested to hear your thoughts on this.
Thanks for everything Coach! I'm excited for 2020.
Hi Patrick,
Would you mind looking at my training program? The reason I ask is I am heading to Florida 1/28 for a golf trip and wont get back to my normal routine till 2/10. There may be an exercise facility with bikes, but if not, it would be easy to run as much as I need to. Right now I'm on the Out Season Nike Focus which has zero running. I continue with the physical therapy on my feet and the are feeling much better. What do you think? I'll do whatever you say to do. Thank you!
Totally! I know you aren’t running because of your heels, but I’m hopeful that they are much better now that we have been deliver it with resting them and building up your bike fitness. It will be helpful to know the current health status there before we go too crazy with it running.
I know you aren’t running because of your heels, but I’m hopeful that they are much better now that we have been deliver it with resting them and building up your bike fitness. It will be helpful to know the current health status there before we go too crazy with our Running.
I have modified yourTraining program to include alternate days of short runs and I Deleigh some form of a cycle or cross training. I know that you will be golfing so there will be some walking, I think, but our goal with your is to allow you to have fun while also doing baseline work to maintain what you have been so far. Anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes it’s great. I just listed 30 minutes for the run because I want to be cautious with your return to frequent running.
let me know what you think.
@Michael Webster Hey man, thanks for submitting your check in form! With 15 weeks until your race, I realize a lot is still up in the air given current events; but we press onwards!
You've been crushing the bike, but we'll need to get some kind of a baseline with the run going. It's been a while since You put in some multi run weeks. How can we get you re-energized on this?
Here are some quick thoughts:
What say you?
~ Coach P
Hello Coach!
I am excited to reestablish the running into my routine. I will definitely start with the 1 mile runs unless your are okay with longer distances starting out. I will add cross training too. Fortunately, I golf once or twice a week, walking and carrying my bag. It averages 6 miles up and down hills so that has been good too.
Let me know when we update my training plan and I'll be ultra vigilant to hit the goals.
Stay safe
@Michael Webster - yeah man...nice work going on there. I have uploaded the Swim Camp Replacement Plan for 4/13 plus and modified your runs, etc. So we are good through 4/26...take a look and let me know what you think!
@Michael Webster Hey, great to hear from you!!! Here is your Remaining schedule of training for 2020:
Even though Lake Placid up in the air, we still recommend training for it to build off of what you've done so far this season. If you're OK with that, give me the green light and I'll be sure to implement that into your account. If the race should change then we will find an alternative plan that achieves the same goals and keeps you on track with your overall progress.
Thank you coach, and I will get started. Point of clarification...my full is Chattanooga in late September. Thanks again!
😎Got it, sorry for the mix up!!!