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JOS 2020 - Run Thread Week 11

Hi All, I'm getting this started since @Daniel Ballin is probably running like crazy just to keep up with the latest developments surrounding Covid-19, much less thinking about the Out Season. Hang in there Daniel, we're all pulling for you and the health care industry.

I ran to work today. Actually I got up and went for a run, then took a shower and walked to my pain cave which is doubling as my office for the foreseeable future. 35 minute run with a 4:1 run:walk ratio. I'm happy to report that my legs are feeling good but I'll continue the run/walk routine indefinitely. It was a beautiful, cold, clear morning with a waning moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars just above the horizon. Scorpio and Libra were up as well and Mount Rainier was silhouetted as the eastern sky started lighting up from the sun. Not a bad run at all.

Get outside and run or bike if you can, just keep your distance from everyone. Stay safe.


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    Thanks @Mark Maurer for your kind gesture, and my sincere apologies to the team for the late post. I have been crazy during this COVID 19 outbreak, but I still take daily inspiration from the team. I know our coach is doing a webinar tomorrow at noon EST on training during this pandemic so hopefully most can listen live. I will be there if my schedule allows. In the meantime, get out there and exercise, and if you feel you have to mask up - please save the surgical masks and N95 respirators for your healthcare peers as those will be in desperate need in the coming weeks!

    Week 11 we start to see intervals moving towards half marathon paces to prep for the end of out season half marathon races.

    Run Focus

    • 5/6/7 are the number to remember for the # of times to run this week
    • Intensity: Half marathon intervals on the weekend run - 12/15 minute intervals at 10 seconds faster than z3
    • Note: A steady long occurs run during the week (Wednesday) between 60-80 minutes

    Bike Focus:

    • 5/6/7 are the numbers to remember for # of times to run this week
    • Intensity: Half marathon intervals - 8/12/15 minute intervals at 10 seconds faster than z3
    • Weekend: You run after the bike for 1:30 with TRP, z2 and z3 work

    Stay healthy my friends!

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    Thanks @Daniel Ballin and @Mark Maurer.

    @Mark Maurer Sounds like a really good morning. I am a Scorpio so I love it when I see that constellation.

    I just hope everyone stays healthy through these times.

    Where I run is either a dirt road or a small subdivision. I see almost no cars on the dirt road and very few in the subdivision. I also was using the Planet Fitness on rainy days but obviously that is out of the question right now. Hopefully they will not limit single person outdoor activities. If they do it will just have to be okay. Not doing anything fancy this week as far as running. Just planning to get in 5 runs at 3 miles each with a 0.5 mile walk after to cool down and add some easy mileage.

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    Keep at it everybody as best you can! I drove to a nearby lake today for a change of running scenery, one lap is about 3 miles.

    I did 25 min at TRP, then 15 min at Z3 + 10 seconds, which felt okay. The three minute break wasn't near long enough, but the second 15 min interval was done at a pace 3 seconds faster per mile than the first. I did the last 22 min at the upper end of TRP.

    All in all, a challenging, but solid, workout.

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    Well done @Jeff Phillips. I had the same plan as you, but was less successful, with my 2 x 15 more like HMP - 5 seconds. Legs were tight and sore and I couldn't get the pace up quite high enough on the intervals despite my HR being pretty low.

    Didn't sleep well so I probably wasn't recovered from a hard day yesterday - 2 x 20 at ftp was difficult. Also, tough to stay motivated to keep my weight down with my end of OS half marathon cancelled so may have gained a couple of pounds, which seemed to make a big difference. Not my best run, but got it done at least.

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    40 min very easy treadmill running this afternoon, after 60 min of core and strength work.

    I set the treadmill to 6.5 mph and zoned out. Kept HR in Zone 1 the whole time.

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