Zwift Racing Series - WTRL
Who wants in? Post your questions and suggestions here. We'll see if we have enough interest and organization to form a team(s).
Here are the basics:
- 10 races (Oct 13 - Dec 15)
- Tuesdays at (4AM, 2PM, 7PM, 10PM EDT) - each team picks a single race time
- Teams are set by Zwiftpower rider category (A, B, C, D)
- Teams are single gender (male or female, not mixed)
- Teams can have unlimited riders
- 6 compete in each race
- Teams pick their race time on Tues
- Each team needs a captain, who can also be a rider
- 1 manager can cover multiple teams
- Team registration starts 1 Oct
Example. We could field a category "B" Team with 10 riders, who will race on Tuesdays at 7PM ET. The Team Manager and Captain would be responsible for coordinating with 6 riders to compete.
Each team picks their own riders and the time they will compete on Tuesday.
Sign up here
More details here
I got into the forums and, thankfully, a fellow teammate signed me up. Discord for all races I assume?
@Ralph Moore Yes Discord. It should get even more interesting with several EN teams racing at the same time.β οΈππ³π
@matt limbert @Scott Giljum @Sid Wavrin
Maybe an update on who's on which team, who the captains, managers are, how team selection will occur for each race, etc.?
I know there's been a lot of chatter about this, and probably all been answered on the Geneva Zwift Chat, but, really, it's so hard to roll thru all that and cull out the info I want. How about a forum update for the time-challenged, and those of us not glued to phone/tablet at all hours...
"It's in le chat" vs "It's in les forums"
@Al Truscott and others. In regards to Al's post , here is what I know. Team captains are @matt limbert for the A group. Team name EXN. @Scott Giljum for the B group. Team name Killer B's. And @Sid Wavrin for the C group. Team name Endurance Nation C2C. I am not sure how to handle team selection for each race other than first by discussion leading up to the race to eliminate those with conflicts and then by some agreed upon rotation. You can see who has signed up for each team by opening the google sheet Matt has linked in his message above. The C group has 12 riders signed up as of now and we are registered to race in the league at 7:00 eastern. I think that time slot eliminates @Jeff Phillips, so I guess 11 racers. We almost have enough to form anther team in which case we would need another captain to recruit a couple more people and form a second team. It is important to note that you must race in your Zwift power category or higher. You cannot race down. So some of the C's are capable of racing up to B. The forums have become tricky to access so I'm not sure what is the best way to communicate on this as we select the team that will race each week and other details. I think we still have a little time to form teams if there is interest.
@Al Truscott I agree with @Sid Wavrin in that the "rosters" are available via the google sheet @matt limbert created. As for selection, I was basically thinking the same as Sid in that I would ask the folks listed if they are available. Once we see who is, I either try to start to recruit (if we are light), or I try to set up a rotation where someone gets the night off. Based on the B roster, I think pretty much everyone will be racing because we only have so many that are in. And I do think a lot of the communication on that will happen in the chat because it is easiest to access. I am certainly open to suggestions.
Oh, and I really think this is going to be awesome.
@Alexander E Evis @Sid Wavrin @Scott Giljum I updated the Zwift Team Racing spreadsheet to make it easier to track who is available and who is racing.
I set the columns for our first race Oct 13. We can set deadlines to figure out who is available and race rosters without a ton of emails.
For example, we know the Team EXN will race every week at 7 PM ET. We could confirm availability by Sunday 7 PM ET, then set the racing roster by Monday 7 PM ET.
Or something like that. The sign up sheet is still in there, along with the race dates, courses, rules etc. I'll post in the forums too.
We are still light in the A group. We would love to race with a full 6.
Updated the google sheet with 2nd/"overflow" C team ... to be populated once the orig C Team is filled with 6 racers ... so Plenty of room for additional C Racers to sign up!!!
Everyone should be aware that there is WTRL racing channel in Geneva. I think that is a good way to communicate regarding these races as the messages won't get lost in the other chatter on the main Zwift channel. Make sure to monitor that also for information leading into the races.
I am out for Thursday's time trial :(
@Sid Wavrin & @Rory Gumina - not clear to me where to sign up. I am a C and can be availalbe most thursday evenings.. I need to get into zwift racing more.
appropriate class (A,B,C) ... looking fwd to racing with you!!!
On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 6:58 AM scott dinhofer <> wrote:
> [image: Endurance Nation Community]
> ------------------------------
> scott dinhofer mentioned you in Zwift Racing Series - WTRL
> @Sid Wavrin & @Rory Gumina - not clear to me where to sign up. I am a C
> and can be availalbe most thursday evenings.. I need to get into zwift
> racing more.
> --
> Reply to this email directly or follow the link below to check it out:
> Check it out
@scott dinhofer Thursday evenings is not the Zwift racing league time trial but the WTRL TTT series. We have teams racing both and you let us know you want to race by updating the spread sheet which I will attach. Make sure to monitor the Geneva chat for all the current updates.
@Sid Wavrin - what is Tuesday night format?
this is my zwift profile, I added my name to the C section of the team sheet. I understand i have to toggle to YES/no for my availability..
what do I need to update on Zwift power or Zwift itself? is there an idiot's guide for this I missed?π
@scott dinhofer Tuesday night alternates between a scratch race and a TTT with different courses each week. If you race you will need to update your name in Zwift Power to reflect your team. For example Scott Dinhoffer (Team EN C2C). You will do that when you are asigned to a team each week once you have indicated your availability. So first thing is is just to let us know when you are available, provide an email address and we will let you know.