Where's the Thursday 6/17 Long run thread??
Not to ruin anybody else's fun, I'll start this week...
My Long run which was supposed to be 2.5 hours today was modified to 1hr 45min for three reasons... (Yes, I'm making excuses already but hopefully somewhat justifiable)
1) Did my long run on Sunday at the IMUSA rally on the race course, which def. worked me over with the one loop.
2) Only running on about 4 hours of sleep today (work related)
3) I did teach 2 spin classes today (9am and 12pm), and worked pretty hard in the first one as we were testing some pretty cool softward for Suunto on our A/V and computer system... Pretty fun and motivational stuff as it shows all the participants HR, Max HR%, and what zones they are in (I know, I know, not the same as power training but sometimes all I got due to nature of work, etc..) Anyways, legs a little fried from that but I thought would be good simulation to the run being I had like a 4 hour T2 from the second class to the run.
Anyways, still got approximately 12-12.5 miles in at a pretty comfortable (i.e. slow) pace... stayed mostly in Z1 but did the 12 min Z3 accelerations as best as could based on feel. (Dont have a garmin or pace watch at the moment but am getting the TIMEX GPS watch from REI anyday now and will give feedback on how it is.)
Used this run a bit more just to get the volume in vs. blowing it off and to practice my hydration and fueling along the way.
I had to take some interesting zig-zags through Liberty State Park in Jersey City as they are setting up the area for the Red Bull Extreme Airshow (or something like that) over the weekend. I guess there is going to be some crazy @$$ plane flying all around lower Manhattan and the Hudson River this weekend...
Anyway, would have gotten 2hrs in except hit some major stomach distress around 1:35 (i.e. needed a bathroom break but no bathroom around.) Luckily was not too far from where I work so I could get back to the building, hit the locker room and bathroom.
Not the prescribed workout but I'll take it and rest the legs for the ride on Sat.
How was your run's today people?
Thanks for starting this, Sean. That's a solid run after the LP rally. Nice job.
I've been playing catch up with the training plan on the long runs. Since coming back from ToC, I've done, 12, 14, and 15 miles last week. I packed my bags so I could run home from the office today. Last time I did this was in 2008 training for LP. Oh, how I dreaded those runs. I wasn't dreading it today as much as I was wondering how I'd do and how much faster than 2008 I'd be.
Sticking to my comeback plan, I just ran how I felt at LRP and tried to negative split. I also kept the clock on for all stops, nature breaks, stretching, fuel belt adjs, etc since that's how a race is timed right? Started off feeling pretty good and weather was perfect for running, overcast and drizzly. Halfway thru, my pace was 8:16. Hmm, I felt as if I was a bit faster, but here's where I'm a completely different long distance runner than I was in 2008. I was able to pick it up and dial in a faster pace. On these long runs in 2008, I was just plain shuffling and suffering. Today, I felt like I could pick it up and hit my negative split goal.
With about 5 miles left, my wife drove by on her way home and I signaled her to pull over so I could dump the fuel belt and my water bottle. Ahh, to run free again.
I hit my street at about 2:17 and was ready to call it a day, but I felt good enough to push for the full 2.5hrs so I kept going. My legs were shot at the end, but mentally I felt awesome. I negative split the run by 1:57.
Duration: 2:30:01 (2:30:01)
rTSS: 217.9 (0.879)
NGP: 7:34 (212.8 m/min)
Distance: 18.363 mi
Min Max Avg
Speed: 0 10.8 7.4 mph
Pace 5:33 0:00 8:09 min/mi
I am jumping into the OS next week and have nothing planned but decided to run 10k, not sure if that qualifies for a long run. It was my first bit of exercise since Eagleman. I just wanted to run and barely looked at the watch. First 5k out at a 8:16 pace and the return 5k at 7:56. So I was right around HMP/MP which was fine with me.
@ Dave (or others),
Dave,Solid run as well. I have a question, probably sounds dumb and maybe the info is out here somewhere...
How do you get the TSS for the run? Is that something featured on your watch? What watch do you have?
18+ miles today? Nice, ...okay, now I'm feeling like I wimped out
@Sean, you can get TSS from WKO just like you would for cycling.
Anyway did a solid 56 mile bike today at .85 in 2:24:32. That was some WORK
I headed out for my long run and timed it right. We were supposed to be getting 2.5+ inches of rain over last night and today. I only got the odd sprinkle and my shoes even stayed dry mostly.
I did 1:45 and the plan called for 1:50. I have been working up the long runs slowly and this is the closes I have come to the plan time. There was 12' of z3 and 15' z2 the rest was z1. As a mental bonus I finally climbed very close to the 10 mile point in my run, it was 9.87.
First time I've ever been under 8 min/mi for a long run. But this was only 70 min the week before IM CDA, so does it really count?
Entire workout (129 bpm):
Duration: 1:03:49
Work: n/a
rTSS: 100 (0.921)
NGP: 7:34 (212.7 m/min)
VI: n/a
Pw:HR: n/a
Pa:HR: -0.27%
Distance: 7.998 mi
Elevation Gain: 1233 ft
Elevation Loss: 1330 ft
Grade: -0.2 % (-96 ft)
Min Max Avg
Heart Rate: 57 171 129 bpm
Speed: 0 11.1 7.5 mph
Pace 7:59 min/mi
Altitude: 24 286 176 ft
The first hour was fine. Hit it no problem, but around the 80 minute mark I started to fade from the heat. At the 90 minute mark, I stepped up the effort (at least mentally) very hard, but i wasn't getting significantly faster than LRP/EP. Given that i have a race rehearsal on Sat and it was so hot, I decided the better part of valor was to keep up the mental work and finish at a respectable 8:15-8:30ish pace but not destroy myself by getting all the way back up to the 7:15 pace. I have not been having trouble making the workouts in more moderate temps.
Good decision or would you have taken the risk to really hammer the body to get up for that last 30 minutes?
@ William - You're training, not racing. As you note, you have to live to fight another day, after day, after day, especially with a very big, important day tomorrow. Heat adaptation is not about speed, but about how your skin and kidneys manage fluids and sodium. You can be "adapted" well, and still have to go slower.
@Al - it counts
On Thursday I did nothing and it was everything that I thought it could be. Felt great to take a day off. Had planned on going to masters but the end of T Ball party went long so I had cake and went home instead.
After digging a pretty good hole in LP last weekend on Sunday am I flew to Atlanta. Natch I decided that a longish run about 4:00 in the afternoon was a good call. It was only about 97 million degrees. Breezy which is usually good but it just felt like someone was blowing a hair drier on me. Kinda painful and slow. I ran Monday am early and it was still hot. So then I flew to Mobile where it only got hotter. While doing the 8 miler on Tuesday afternoon I thought actually physically melting was a real possibility. After running again Wednesday am I was feeling pretty cooked. Hopefully the heat training will come in handy if it is hot on race day sometime.
This morning I felt like myself again, even threw in one at sub 7 to see how it felt. All good.
Wow that is a long way of saying I did not run long on Thursday...