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Edge 500 or Joule

OK, I'm thinking of finally upgrading my PT hub to ANT+ and am looking at either an Edge 500 or a Joule.  I could search for the likes and dislikes of either but if anyone has tried both of them which would you recommend?  Any and all input is appreciated.




  • The Joule provides real time on the bike TSS, IF, NP etc. which I think is pretty cool. The Garmin units do not provide that info.  The Garmins do provide GPS which the Joule does not.

  •  I am an Edge 500 user and would not recommend it. Too many issues freezing up. In retrospect, I wish I waited for Joule 2.0. You can search slowtwitch.com with Edge 500 and atasic and you can read up on it. I use mine with Cinqo. Cinqo is great, but cannot say that for the Garmin unit.

  • No experience with the Edge, but I love my Joule
  •  I am very excited that my Joule will be here today.  Full review to follow.  The decision was pretty easy as I do want the on the fly IF TSS NP etc and could care less about GPS.  If I ever get really lost I can always pull out my phone and look at google maps [think I have done that once ever].  Never been a fan of GPS as a bike computer and not impressed with my 310 as a power head unit.  The LYC was as good or better in every way.  Other than a bigger display not sure what the Edge would offer.

  • I love my edge 500, have used it multiple times a week since Decemeber and zero issues. For $220 the price was right and it was available when I needed a computer. Plus the size and mount is so much better than the other edges and joule.

    I originally wanted a Joule, but wasn't willing to wait and beta test it for Saris...now I would be hard pressed to pay and additiona $180+ dollars to gain TSS/IF/NP.

    If realtime TSS/IF/NP is worth $180+ dollars go for the Joule, if not go for the edge 500. I think GPS is a nice to have, but would not make a decision on that factor alone.

    Here is my outdated review: http://ironmancona.blogspot.com/2009/12/quarq-cinqo-garmin-edge-500-and.html

    The edge has been downloading directly to WKO since about february with no issues.
  • Love the Joule. As a former Ergomo user, I am used to IF/TSS/NP in real time. Now that it is directly downloadable into WKO, even better!!

  • Thanks for all of the input.  I'm thinking along the same lines as Matt, not sure TSS/IF/NP is worth an extra $180.  I will continue to ponder the purchase.

  • Not sure what you see on the Garmin screen, but what I really like about the Joule is all the info infront of you, not just IF and NP. I've got it set up to show current power, NP for the ride, mph, rpm, HR and ride time. The current time is always displayed. Move cursor over a field and get related data. Exampe cadence would get average and max. Big enough font for old eyes.

    Lots of other data you can swap around very easily.
  • I agree with everyone that the Joule offers more features (mainly TSS/IF/NP + more repprting on the unit). However the edge is the better buy if you are trying to save money. Of course the PT LTC is the cheapest, but least flexible.

    FWIW, the edge has 3 screens (plus another one for workouts or courses) that can each show between 1 and 8 different data fields. Therefore up to 24 data fields if you really wanted to go crazy. Of course the less you show the bigger the font is. The part I like about the edge is the screen is 100% customizable and you do not have to have any piece of data anywhere... heck you can set it to one screen only and have real time power showing full screen with nothing else if you want it easy to read.

    My main screen when doing EN workouts is 3s Power at the top in big font, with lap time, lap average power, cadence and 30s Power (makes it easier to do 30/30s) all below slighly smaller. I also have a totals screen that I use to see where i am in the ride, total miles, time, ave power, etc. The last screen is my everything else screen with stuff like grade, temp, time of day, etc.
  • Ok, people are starting to make me lean back towards the Joule...my wife will love you all!  One question, how current is the TSS and IF that is displayed on the screen?  Is it truly real time or is there a lag? 

    Thanks for all of the great input.

  • Posted By Dave Barr on 26 Jun 2010 12:37 PM

    Ok, people are starting to make me lean back towards the Joule...my wife will love you all!  One question, how current is the TSS and IF that is displayed on the screen?  Is it truly real time or is there a lag? 

    Thanks for all of the great input.

    TSS and IF are real time.  I'll watch (and cry) as my NP is dropping and you can instantly see the IF number drop a decimal point or two.

    The formula is a moving 30 second average I believe, so you don't see the NP, IF or TSS for the first 30 seconds of the workout or interval, but at 31 seconds it starts up.


  • Thanks for the information.

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