IM AZ or IM FL in 2011? Which One Should I Do?
Hi All:
Been noodling my IM dreams for 2011 and I am considering AZ or FL. #1 reason I am looking at these venues . . . . . cuz they are flat. I am a big guy and really don't like to climb all that much and figured it was time to choose a course that suits my strength. I just love to be down in aero on the flats and hammer for long periods of time. I do live on the west coast, but I am not concerned about travelling to FL.
Also, doing these late season events will give me the opportunity to NOT train through the winter for once. I plan on just doing cross training gym stuff this coming October - March.
Lastly, any feedback on best way to register for these events would be appreciated. I understand FL sells out fast?
So, with that said, I would love some feedback on the pros and cons for each venue, if you have any.
John, I am considering IMAZ for 2011
John- I have done both races and both have/had their merits.
IMFL- Essentially a flat course, great crowd support, perfect weather, PREVIOUSLY beautiful beaches. Us folks from the southeast call PCB the "redneck riviera", nothing too remarkable about the city. Unless, of course, you want an airbrush T shirt. And, yes, I saw a LOT of drafting on the bike.
IMAZ- Essentially a flat course. Cold, narrow swim ( I found it to be pretty rough and am a MOP swimmer). I like the venue quite a bit, Tempe is pretty and the weather was perfect. The 3 loop run course IS a bit mentally taxing.
AZ is advertised as being very spectator friendly, but my family found it harder there to navigate and see me than @ FL. If I were picking one of these again, I would likely go back to AZ.
Lodging is way cheap (I paid 300 bucks for a 1 bedroom condo next to the finish for a week!)
Southwest Airlines now flies direct to PCB as of May? So EZ bike tranportation via plane
Our weather in Iowa always seems to turn for the worse about Mid October. I'm always shifting my RR around but I've built some flexibility into my schedule.
I would recommend AZ. Timing is good, course is flat, lots of lodging choices, good food vs Waffle House-only, and you can drive = save major $$$$ vs flying and shipping your bike.
Huh, never even thought about the potential oil issue in 2011. Glad I asked.
Goos stuff so far from everyone.
And I am fine with the swim in AZ. I can climb over other swimmers with the best of 'em.
I would just prefer the warmer water of The Gulf.
Any thoughts on the bike course? How are the roads for each? I understand there is more turning and technical riding at AZ vs. FL?
I've done both. I prefer AZ because:
1. Triple loops are fun - easier to scout out course ahead of time in race week, always lots of other riders and runners around to share the pain, get to know the aid station people.
2. Run course is SUPER spectator friendly. WIth a little planning and a little walking, someone can see you 8-12 times on the run.
3. Weather is better: temp will be reliably upper 60s lower 70s, with no clouds and dry air.
4. Hills? "technical"? No way; the "hill" on each lap is 2-3% grade max for 4 miles. There are turns, but this is PHOENIX, where the roads are wider than some small towns in New England.
5. I'm not a redneck rivieria kind of guy; I found the 20-something drunks in the condos on the run course bothersome.
6. OK the swim is cold, but it is one loop, so the fight at the first turn buoy doesn't happen. FL is two loops, isn't it?
They are both PR courses, but I think AZ is easier, cause of the weather.
That is UNLESS Coach P has some good news for Europe?!?
As a relatively poor swimmer, the ocean would put me at an even bigger disadvantage.
Thanks everyone. Looks like I will do IM AZ in 2011. Main reason is the oil spill (and Al's persuasive points). May not be an issue next year now that the flow has subsided, but don't want to risk it.
Thanks again for all the feedback.
09: 61-2F
The water temp is dropping every day in the two weeks leading up to the race. Despite the sun and air temps reaching 70s, the shorter days, lower angle of the sun and the buildings next to the "lake" which provide shade all conspire to make the swim very un-desert like. I found it "brisk", but did not need a neoprene cap nor booties. Slower swimmers (1:20 and above) may be generating less heat and be in longer, and have more issues.
Looks like we should have a good showing as I am planning on signing up.
Me three. Can someone in the know post as soon as we are able to sign up online...THANKS!
WTC's policy as quoted from the IM AZ web site:
All remaining slots will open for registration online via at 12:00 p.m. local race site time (subject to change) the day after the current year's race.
IOW - Monday Nov 22, 2010 12:00 PM MST
Good Luck! Unless my life changes, I'll probably be there too - I love this race.
Al - Thanks once again for all your feedback!
Paul - You are funny. How long you been married? Not long enough I would assume cuz that will change.
Just kidding. IM is not a vacation for my wife. That is really the issue. And if we are going to go that far . . . . Nuf sed.
Dave, Steve and Scott - Very nice. Gonna be fun with you guys, Al, and the others next year.
Lastly, I think we should start in the 2010 September OS and make it last 36 weeks.
Thanks again for all the feedback.
Aaron - AWESOME!
Leigh, chant with me, "IM AZ, IM AZ, IM AZ." Do that until you change your mind.
Love to see ya in 2011.
FYI - Had dinner with Dave Ambrose and his wife last night and it looks (tentatively) like he will be joining us in AZ in 2011 as well! We had to do the sell job on his wife (wasn't much of a sell cuz she is such a sweet heart) and it only cost us a spa overnighter in Scottsdale for our wives (no kids or hubby's) to get him a hall pass. Hopefully she still agress to this today now that the wine has worn off.
Only 429 days until race day!
Should we start doing base work now
Got to get in my long slow rides to build up ya know.