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I just added WKO 3.0+ and downloaded my last year of powertap data into it. On setup, it had me enter basic information about myself, age, weight. height etc...

When I go to my profile it has an FTP listed there as 238. The original thought is that it just gave what it considers someone with my dimensions as a standard FTP however that is a very odd (Nonround) number.

Does WKO automatically use imported data to find an FTP? Would this FTP be accurate for me? I ask because I have not done the 42' test so I have been using alternative means to find FTP and am hoping this number might be more accurate.

Thanks in advance for your help,



  • I have not heard of WKO doing that. It's my understanding that the FTP value needs to be manually entered. Either way, you need to do the test! Ha!

    Here's some info from the wiki on alternate methods of determininng FTP. You may already be familiar.


  • I am going to stick with alternate method that is in that. I was told to wait on the test until it comes back around on my training plan. Sadly I am not a patient guy. I guess I hope the old adage is true about good things.
  • You've got to figure out FTP for yourself. You can test or estimate. If you are new to power, test! If you have a lot of power files, and have been pushing hard, there are some short cuts to save you from testing. The ultimate is a one hour time test on a relatively flat course, everything else is a short cut.

    If you have a lot of power data in WKO, look at your mean maximal power curve, slide your mouse over the 50-70 minute range for an idea of FT. The data range should be fairly current (90 days or so). Last year's data is cool, but useless.

    Also look at the power distribution graph. If you've been pushing hard in rides you'll see a lot of time just below FT and then the graph will have a fairly large drop. This drop area can approximate your FT zone.

    Lots of other methods too.

    Bottom line is that all estimates should be considered together to give you a pretty good idea where you stand.

    As the workouts get easier at the prescribed FT, bump up the number.

  • Thanks Tom and Matt. After last nights workout, it is obvious to me that my trainging prior to joining the team and using power may not have been pushing me enough. Trianing with power is eye opening and pain inducing. I do need to test but will wait until the plan I am on calls for it. I think the FTP number I have been able to derive may be close enough to give me a good whooping. It is very depressing to see my numbers in WKO and see that it lists me as an untrained cyclist. OUCH!!!
    Guess I have something to shoot for.
  • Untrained cyclist! I remember first seeing the chart image

    For those that haven't seen this, go about half way down and click on the excel spreadsheet. Figure out your watts per kilograms and then and then start feeling bad image


  • The chart is also included directly in WKO 3.0 ... there is a power profile button (pink and blue) on the menu bar that will show you your last 6 months worth of data and where you are on the profile.

    It includes FT or 95% or 20', 5', 1' and 5" ... FWIW I am currently and always have been a untrained cyclist in a 2 of the categories as well.
  • funny, I didn't realize it was imbedded into the software. I'll have to look.
  • Trianing with power is eye opening and pain inducing.

    Well said!
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