Ok- so maybe a bit on the cheesy side and the hair... well....you just had to live that..... but the sentiment seemed to fit the chicka bond vibe going on. So .... when you get to a tough place this week... just smile...
becky, don't worry about the attitude of big girl pants either
there is a period of being ON, Rich has talked about this in EN... before that, you aren't.... and you don't need to be. but there comes this period of time... heavy tng, lots of volume and you drop down like a fighter pilot and zero in on the target...at least I feel like that. "all it takes is all you got" and because of that.. at the finish line you should be spent! and then recover for weeks!! as far as the transition from one race to the next, well you don't know what will suffer.. maybe your running legs or maybe your swim.. and sometimes you get the bike back before the run... and ease back into all of it. don't forget the HIM counts as training work load!! in race mode I think is about triple! so that run was 13.1 miles so after you recover , you already have that going for you.
coach P did a great job in the chat room of reorganzing my week this week. if you ever have ?, check for chat times, normally Mondays at 7. but somtimes Rich does some during the day.
okay scooting.. now that I have the stress of what am I gonna do this week? I can relax. coudlnt' quite figure out how to do it, taking son #2 to college gone for 3 days and knew I would be down on the bike, but also concerned about the long run and he figured it out for me!
okay I think i have told you but my lake buddy is a world sprint champ contestant and world du! one of them. me and him were at lake today... and his taking it easy across the lake (600 yards) cost him 40" so I said "might be worth it to save your legs for bike and run!" m
Ok Chicas- coming here because it just makes you feel better
Its been one of those days - well actually for me- Nights. This is my 3rd of 3 nights and they have been killer! A liitle down time for me now. It started today coming into work, left early to run a few errands. Traffic was so bad I actually called 911 to get police down to direct traffic! between new road construction, an orioles game ending etc this one area just not moving. What made it worse- a bunch of idiots still entering an intersection even though they KNEW traffic was not moving, including a 18 wheeler with a bunch of cars- think EN 3.0 smiley that explodes- that was me- hence 911 I sat in almost same spot for a while. It went down hill from there. In OR, sick 450 lb dude- while moving to bed, lines got caught up and dislodged- NOt Good and I said very bad words, multiple times. Things got taken care of, I really like the surgeon that is on tonight- he looks at me, saw my eyes- & told me me how he had to stand in corner once has a resident for something that happened to him. Only 3 more hours to go
kris- could not see your link , but yea, come to this women's forum, this thread, and it just makes you smile. Thanks Ladies!
Olivia- Can't say how excited I am to see you are coming to WI, and possible Carrie Chavez?
Becky might be to young to be a cougar, but I am of cougar age. I plan on coming back strong so look out
Becky- my suggestion is to enjoy the process/journey as much as possible, like Suzanne said, its impossible to "git er all done". Look at leigh's earlier post here about how much fun she and Dave are having this year, no pressure etc. I'm just concerned that you'll be so burned out by November, it won't be fun. Like Rich says all the time, this is supposed to be fun! Good practice to stay in Your box now for Timberman, when that is done and recovered, then focus on IMFL. IMFL was my first, in 2002, I did some reading, coached myself, none of the workouts like EN, and had a great time, my only goal was to finish and have a good time, and that I did.
Carie- glad you joined in on the fun in the forum-welcome, and enjoy your taper. We'll be watching in Canada. Can't wait to hear about that one
Kitima- I thought you were going to get some kind of sublingual sensitzation, rather than shots, or am I hallucinating? Since you were such a big girl, maybe I'll go to allergist- certain times of the year- this coughing/athma thing- blah
Ok gotta scoot. Have to get readyy for another case. Really looking forward to my swim and run today. My 2 week recovery is now over, my training begins for my half 10/3. Still coughing a little, like asthma coughing, nothing like Lake Placid though.
Michele M- Lets definitely plan on working on my schizophrenic knee with its shortened hamstring
Sorry for above rant, needed to vent and a virtual hug
thanks for all the advice, ladies (Suz, Tracy, Marianne...) I def don't want to burn out before FL... and do worry about that. Some weeks i'm loving it all and some weeks it's a struggle to do anything at all. This is sort of an in between week. The weather is so flippin oppressive I just have zippo energy. I pushed my week back a day - so yesterday was rest! I took the metro an extra stop and got off at Whole Foods to buy some salad stuff... and as I was perusing the health food supplement aisle a Neti Pot caught my eye. I've had various friends over the years rave about these things... and after seeing the doc for my physical on Th and she looked up my nose and down my throat and said there was signs of allergies and inflammation I decided to go for it. It was a bit messy, but wow... I have a deviated septum so I'm never breathing completely clearly, but I could swear that I was after using the thing. Sa-weet. Then I gave myself a facial... then I had a second piece of dark chocolate and chilled on the couch with my boyz... a good and quiet night.
This morning I planned to get up at 5 but apparently lost power during the early morning hours... so I salvaged the time I had (woke up at 5:45) and did yesterday morning's 45 minute run (so the decision to push everything back a day was made for me...)... wow. 6am, 80 degrees and humid as all heck. It was oppressive. Thank goodness it was a long warm up and only 1 mile in Z4 (I didn't come close)... my remaining time was turtle pace and I'm totally cool with that. It was just plain yucky out. I'll swim tonight and do what I can to finish out the week. I'm sure more jiggering is in order bc I have an OLY Sunday with Dan... not by choice necessarily (bc of Timberman)... but when planning the season way back when I threw him a bone. So, my plan is to go and have fun... get some OWS and transition practice in before Timberman.
I'm sure I'm missing lots of folks... just feeling a bit run down and out of sorts. This weather is just so awful. I can't ever remember a summer like this. I've over it. After snowmageddon in Feb and record breaking heat starting in May, I hope next year is mild and wonderful.
Yikes Tracy! Things just don't get any easier for you do they?
Becky, I'm glad to hear you are taking some time for yourself. I created a season much like yours where last season ended with the NYC Marathon in Nov. and I started OS in Nov., did 20 weeks of that, then 12 weeks of HIM straight into 12 weeks of IM and I am totally burnt out to a crisp! The summer weather up here is disgusting as well, making afternoon workouts nearly intolerable so to get the long runs in means waking up at 4 AM. I am struggling to hang on even though I am under 3 weeks to go. Don't do this to yourself as there is no turning back once you're as burnt out as I am. Every week has been a struggle as of 2-3 weeks ago and I can't wait for IMC to just come already. You are doing the right thing by taking care of yourself now.
Becky - Hearts and bunnies for my neti pot. And Oprah and Dr. Oz like it, too! And with training -- what everyone else said. Ironman prep and half ironman prep don't look terribly different. Just think of this time as your last chance to get in some serious goofing off and maybe even actually making yoga class before Mr. Ironman starts taking up all your time.
Tracy - Rough day! Hugs to you.
Me - Moving. This morning, I found the purple satin obi sash to an old college formal and wore it around while sorting a filing cabinet. Almost everything is packed! (Jumping jacks smiley. Jumping jacks smiley.) Today, I decided to pack in the morning and workout in the evening as a reward. Because swimming 400s is way more fun than packing in my book.
Fun story from the weekend. While at dinner with my sister and the parents, I was telling mom about all the weird stuff in my purse: yoga strap, hair brush, sport-flex band-aids, seating charts, Sting ticket stubs, yoga pants, Podium Girl shirt, gels, etc. My sister and I get to explain gels and their necessarily evil place in our nutritional world. We don't like them, but they are the best thing for the job. Mom suggests we carry around little wedges of lemon while exercising to make them more tasty. Where to store? Mom suggests lemon wedge in ziploc bag in bra.
Got it. Substitute lime for lemon. I'm salty from running already. Now, I just need a little bottle of Don Julio.
real quick... since lots of you are also dealing with this stuff... just got a call from my doc's office with lab results from my bloodwork last Thursday... TSH is low. No surprise there, it's been borderline low for years (I have a hot nodule and have had it measured and biopsied 3x in 10 years)... but what is strange is this doc (although I've only seen her 2x) has a copy of my file and did bloodwork on me last year (but it may have been barely normal then) so this isn't news to her... but she wants me to come back in for a full thyroid workup. Should I be worried?
I just checked symptoms for overactive thyroid and a lot fit some of the stuff I've been complaining about: insomnia, irritibility, excessive sweating, sensitivity to heat, infrequent periods -- but some of this stuff could conceivably be chalked up to my training (sweating) and the ridiculous weather we're having (sweating, sensitivity to heat)... and 6 or so years ago the GYN ruled this out as a cause of my period issues and instead chalks that up to my being on the pill...
anyway, wanted to throw this out there... one of the symptoms is also anxiety... gee, now I have this hanging over my head and won't be back in for more work until 8/26... that could be a cause of my anxiety and not the overactive thyroid.
Becky: IMFL makes for such a long season. Better to break it up into 2 seasons so you don't go nuts. And YES! on getting a full thyroid work-up. Thyroid hormone affects so so many aspects of your physical, mental, and emotional heath. It is not to be ignored.
Tracy: The allergy stuff: First, thanks for remembering. I'm getting the allergy shots because:
1. The sprays and antihistamines are just not cutting it. Like I said, 80% relief on a good day. It's like having a head cold with a cough, but drinking lots of OJ and resting won't cure it.
2. No sublingual stuff for me. It's not yet FDA approved and insurance won't pay for it. It's also really, really $$$$. I'll be getting weekly shots (which can be done in the hospital where I work) for several months (9-18 depending on who I react) before I can transition to monthly "maintenance" shots. I'm finally going to do it as I'm sick and tired of being in a mental fog from the antihistamines and still not be able to breathe.
Beth: Limes in ziplocs in jog bras...I love it! Your mom is definitely on to something---some nice citrusy tang would really cut the cloying sweetness of those gels. I agree...any training is better than packing and moving. It is (packing and moving) very cathartic though, going through your stuff and throwing out all the unnecessaries.
Carie: 3 weeks to IMC! I am soooo excited for you! That course, that whole area is just stunningly gorgeous. Penticton is also very IM friendly and supportive. You will feel like a rock star riding up Yellow Lake.
I just inhaled 2 pieces of pepperoni pizza right now. No, it's not even remotely Paleo. No cave drawings of pepperoni pizza or archaelogical evidence of pizza boxes from the Cromagnon era. After a few days of no appetite after the 2.5 run then 7.5 hours on the bike over the weekend sequence, I could eat an entire cow right now---DEEP FRIED. Given that I'm consuming anything that's not nailed down, I'll put myself in front of the truckload of cherries, watermelon, and papaya that's in my fridge when I get home. I've got to fit into a pink bikini for next year's IMMoo you know...
Becky = yes check thyroid, in fact it could explain your lack of desire in getting up, you waning off /on about IMFL, your lack of energy for workouts, your anxiety, yes your periods, definitely, weight gain or weight that won't come off, the whole gamut!! Linda, me, Tracy and several other chicas, suffer from this and if everything works and correct dosage then life moves smoothly, if not, a big system crash occurs! right now I am suspecting something is still off with me although last doc visit said the #'s were looking good. Tracy: bad day at work, sounds like it!! wow Beth: I have put orange slices in bag in jog bra and they were great! I use Vanilla gus for their lack of flavor esp in heat. others; Hello! doing chores now and was quite whooped from bike intervals, brick run and lake swim! m
Back at work today and eye still a bit swollen but looks like healing well. Not nearly so scary as Sat/Sun!! It's 100 degrees here (temp, not sure of heat index) so it's making laying off a bit easier. Thinking to modify schedule to do Wed run tomorrow am, Tues Bike + brick on Wed night, Thurs- normal. Going to WI to ride the course this weekend and there's a OW swim clinic (Dairyland Dare)on Sun morning on the swim course so hoping to make that my first (and only) swim of the week.
@Carie - thanks... my season has been one thing to the next for a few years now. Usually it keeps me going and I like having a goal on the books, but this is my first time in EN and my first IM...and it's crazy - usually a good crazy but sometimes an overwhelming crazy (perhaps bc now I have a significant other in my life - after many years of being solo)! Frighteningly, I'm setting myself up for another one next year - but an intentionally early IM so I will be done sooner (the current plan is Nov off, Dec OS for 20, 1 week of transition, 6 weeks of HIM, 1 week off, 12 weeks IM prep for IMWI... then DONE. I'll probably do the Philly marathon for fun just before T'giving and 2012 will be an IM-free just do what I feel like doing kinda year with the NYC marathon as my A race.
@Kit, Marianne - will keep you posted about the workup... I don't mind doing it, I've known about my thyroid issue for a long time but it's always been a non-issue... never requiring medication. The fact that the doc, knowing my history, wants a work up has me a bit freaked... but it makes sense looking at the symptoms... I just assumed some of the lethargy was the increased training EN style.... but perhaps there's more to it. Usually I enjoy training now I just can't get back to my normal routine and that's not normal for me... hmm... not that I want anything to be wrong, but it would be nice to know if there are some changes.... thank you for the concern... it means a lot!
Prepare for rant. I've had a rough day.... work has finally picked up, but I'm having trouble focusing (a symptom). Got an email from my dad (he sent it to me and my younger brothers who live in OR and WA) asking about Christmas dates - I'm heading west to hang out with the twins and meet my nephew... and apparently he and my mom decided to crash our party...So, I respond and also asked him if he and mom have figured out FL yet... by way of background, I've known he's not keen on coming, but my mom said she wanted to be there (and even mentioned coming alone and asking if I'd get her at the airport) - not that she gets it, but she knows it's my first... anyway... they're not coming; they can't afford both trips (conveniently forgetting, perhaps, that I offered to help defray costs). In an odd way I'm relieved - they would have driven me crazy, would have wanted me to entertain them, would have been bored, etc (trust me, I know them and I'm not exaggerating)... but at the same time I'm pissed. How can I have these two totally conflicting emotions? I'm whacked. On the up side when I got this news I emailed one of my brothers who does want to come and is going to try to make it - he's still planning on it... so that's good... he's run a handful of marathons (and we've done a few halves together) and did his first OLY this summer... so he understands what this is that I'm trying to do. Anyway, to be honest, I'm actually happier to just have my brother without the folks...but it's the attitude/lack of caring whatsoever that this is a big deal to me that upsets me... I doubt they'll even call to wish me well or see how I did... trust me... I know them. Rant over.
Almost quitting time. Heading to the pool after work... we'll see if I actually do the speedwork or just swim... already decided what I want for dinner... Baja Fresh tostada salad with chicken... I know black beans are not paleo, but they're yummy! and I won't eat the shell... so I should be okay... mmm.... I've been looking forward to that since my BAS for lunch.
Hope the Moo girls are doing well... another brutal weather week... I don't know how you're managing. But I'm really excited to be there and watching and cheering and volunteering and meeting you all! And super excited that next year is lining up to be a big crowd, too!
How is everyone else? Tracy, do you finally have a night off to decompress?! Linda, how did Keith's company party go? Gina, how did Belle handle the avocado? Kris - how is your eye and everything else (scary pics)? umm... who have I missed... hugs all around. sorry I've been dominating the thread the last few days...
Mmmmm....tequila...lime...great, now I want a margarita.
Kris, glad to hear your eye is doing better. What a nasty cut!
Tracy, I hope you have gotten to relax after your rotten day.
Becky, I totally understand being angry that your parents don't get it and won't be there for your first IM. This is a huge event in your life, and, of course, you want to share it with them. My parents attended mine and loved the experience, but they are quite good at entertaining themselves, so I didn't worry about them being bored. However, they looked sooooo concerned when they saw me on loop 2 of the run (at IMLou) - I guess I looked really bad - that I was temporarily sorry that they had to see me that way. Maybe it's just better that your parents don't know, if it will save them some worry.
Beth, just how big a purse do you have that you are able to fit all that stuff in there?
Freakin' nailed my long run today, finally! It was the perfect combination of starting before dawn, good nutrition, and no GI distress this time. I've been on a high all day about that.
yep,, definitely get checked out.... that was one of my symptoms... that and sleeping!! ha
MOOJO for WI is going well. I don't even think anymore, I just get up at 4:30 and hit the work.. if the pacing/zones aren't there I move on.!! I am pretty focused right now but still having fun! summer is winding down and I am enjoying this warm weather even with the heat index. I love just hopping into the lake without being cold or donning a wetsuit, I love running in shorts and riding in lightweight clothing... so even though we have a heat advisory thru Thursday!!! and I will be out in it... I do love the summer!
Suzanne, Tracy and Dana, how are you guys feeling? All recovered for LP? What's it like to be done and watch the rest of us get through our IM's?
Kit, I hope I can still smile as I climb up to Yellow Lake! It's pretty darned steep for me, and there's more climbing after you reach the lake! But I have to agree, it is so beautiful there and I just love that it's one loop.
Kristin, congrats on nailing your long run! That must feel awesome!
Becky, it's nearly impossible for people to "get" Ironman if they don't. While my Mom came to mine and my brother's first IM's and we both really wanted her there, we both also insisted that each other was present and served as the head sherpa because we obviously get it, and to keep Mom in control, taken care of, etc. Sorry that your parents won't be there. I understand how you feel.
Oh, btw, add me to the thyroid club. I'm also on meds and it was IM training 2 years ago that sent me over the edge with fatigue and forced me to see a doc who would listen. My primary care doc said I was "borderline" and sent me on my way so I sought out someone else who ran more tests, didn't like what she saw and put me on meds.
OK, what's all the talk about IMoo next year? Is there a EN Chica 2 race planned already?
Great to keep up with all the ladies still ramping up for the IM of the season (and glad that I am done).
I went for my first run post IMLP today. Actually felt great. A run through south Boston, just before sunset on the beach. I went with Michelle to pace her through her tempo run so that I knew I wouldn't run too fast. It was nice to kinda just go along for the run and not worry about hitting intervals etc. We had gotten out Saturday to check out some tri shops in Cambridge. So lots of city riding (stop lights, clipping in/out), but still good to be on my road bike.
I was hoping to get in another sprint tri in Sept but Michelle is in training now and I feel as if it's my turn to be supportive of her training. I'm embarassed to admit how hard this is for me at times. She has a race the same day and we only have one car, and I feel like I should go be supportive... This racing lifestyle is getting complicated!
Really loving the city lifestyle right now. Seriously don't miss the car in the least, well the driving anyway I really did love my car. House hunting is depressing, but I think this was a good move for us overall.
Glad to hear about your run, KO! It sucks when so many times you go out there and things just don't come together...especially when it ain't for lack of desire or motivation. Sucky! But not for you! Here's to hoping (raising those margarita glasses) that this is the first of many great runs for you!
Tracy - all I have to say about your day is "UGH!!!" It sounds freaking crazy! Hope you're feeling good though after a bit of well deserved rest.
Becky - My mom and dad showed up in PCB the day AFTER my first IM there in '06. Yeah, OK, whatever. They're super supportive though and now love to talk about how much they know about Ironman and triathlon. They even came home from the UK about a year ago with a story that they struck up some conversation in Heathrow with a "pro Ironman triathlete woman" (they didn't remember her name FOR THE LOVE...) just because they recognized the little ironman symbol on some of her luggage. (seriously????) Anyway, they appreciate what I do, and they express it in their own little ways. My dad who works for a drug company as a regulatory affairs dude due to his prior life at FDA even did a presentation about the drug approval process and compared it to training and racing for an endurance event. He even included my IMCDA finish line pic in the slide deck. So you never know....your parents may get more than you think they do...orit may take them a little while to understand that it is important for you that they are there. But give them some time.
WRT the whole thyroid thing....I was suspicious about mine given how drag-a$$ I was during the latter part of my prep for IMSG (yuck not good memories from that) and my general lethargy afterward. Also thought it might have something to do with some of my moments of oscillating horizon and spots in my vision. Had a full blood work up and found that everything is fully normal. Great news, but no explanation. Had full eye exam. All normal. Who knows what's up? Next test is pulmonary function testing that I was supposed to do last year but couldn't due to some surprise OTHER medical crap that I had to deal with (ahem). Since I have had most of my lightheadedness during running that seem to coincide with not being able to breathe "normally" (as much as you can during a run), even as recently as my last olympic distance event on 7/11, I'm going to see about ruling that out next.
Sheryl...if you're there, I think I will take you up on your offer for sharing a room on Friday night of Moo weekend. Michele and Becky (and Josh) I'll join you at the Inntowner for the remainder of the time.
OH and to the "Gentlemen" (yes there seem to be several) who pass me on my commutes home from work--when you pass me and look back as if you expect me to be behind you....don't act so surprised WHEN I ACTUALLY AM!
Seriously Beth....what is the capacity in cubic inches of this purse of yours!?!?!?
Becky--Thyroid function effects every cell in every organ in your body. You have to get it regulated. The fallout--physically and emotionally--is huge. Tracy recommended The Thyroid Solution to me, and I'm recommending it to you. It reads like a thriller, and will give you the complete overview of how the whacked out function effects you, and why you must be treated. I went hypo last year--finally diagnosed. I think my gland has been sputtering and dying for years. I feel waaaaay better on the meds, but I am still not training at the level I was in '08. But if it wasn't for getting my thyroid treated, I would not be training at all--and that's the truth. Get the book. You'll be glad you did. Thyroid is a big deal--it really is.
I do have to wonder how much all this ultra-endurance stuff effects our thyroid and other systems. I don't think there is any research, but I bet a lot more endurance athletes have thyroid issues than aren't even diagnosed.
Long time since I have been in the forums. Sitting here at 0 dark hundred because the babysitter did not show and I gave Steve the slot to swim. SAU's being earned:-)
I have been following your IMWI training on FB and can't tell you enough how proud I am of all of you. This is an amazing experience for all of you and I wish I was racing with you.
I have been playing around with the idea of coming to IMWI to cheer for you all. Give you hugs and keep you super positive for race day and get you through the course with my cheering. ( I am almost a professional cheerleader minus ANY flexibility and ability to jump or do cartwheels;-) as I have cheered for tons of Steve's IM's). The cost of a ticket is ....YIKES!! Then a room and car.... Let me see what I can do. Just know that I REALLY want to come. Also thank you all for wanting me to come. You guys continue to love on me and make me feel a part of this group even when I disapear from the forums. Once IMSG was over I took a break;-). Needed to not think too much about triathlon. I know you understand.
@ Carrie- Really hope you can be at IMWI. But would totally unmderstand if you copuldn't make it. But we will know how much every EN Chicka is cheering that day.
@Tracy- Yeah, I don't miss the insanity of Shock Trauma at all. Glad to hear you are almos feeling better.
@Beth- I, too, was wondering abuot the size of that "purse".
Thyroid- ugh. Glad my doc was right on top and doubled my dose at my first complaint after being stable for years. She is also following my cortisone and it is elevated. We will recheck about 1 month after IMWI to see if it has come down. If not, then I have more of a work up coming.
@Kristen- Glad to hear it was a good run. Those days are golden.
@Becky- My mom hasn't been to anything since I was 16. She thinks this is all "too hard on the body", but she gets it more than anyone else in my family, that is saying a lot. I wish she would come, but I know it is a long day and a lot of waiting, so I would never ask. Most times I either go to a race alone. On occasion, Max gets to sherpa. He'll be there for IMWI, but I just accept that this is a time sink for others that is not worth it.
Ran and swam today. Weird guy was not at the beach when I got out. So glad. But I had put my stuff in a different area and kept my key on me, so I was a lot less worried.
New boss is OK. I have decided that whatever will be, will be. Hence I am on the forum during work hours.
Becky: My parents have been to ONE of my athletic events ever--the last volleyball game of my high school senior year. That's it. I've been doing triathlon for 10 years now and they are just beginning to figure out what it's all about. While I would love to have them support me at an IM, I just know that it's not anything they're interested in. If I were planning on getting pregnant and having lots of boy children who will score really high on their SAT's or getting an MBA so I can learn more about investing and the stock market, they would be my biggest cheering section for sure. And yes, as parents they should be interested in what I'm doing even if it has nothing to do with what they want for me, but they're just not that kind of parents. No point in trying to force them to be. I'm glad your brother will be there to support you and that he "gets it". You are part of EN family here and we shall be cheering you on LOUDLY and all day long!
Carrie: So great to hear from you, chica! As much as I'd love to have you there at Madison, I totally understand the time and $$$ commitment.
Kristen: Nice job on the long run! Such a confidence booster to nail that workout.
@Beth, thank you for your tequila post yesterday. I. laughed. so. hard. And I'm never looking at lemon wedges the same way again.
@ Carly, glad you're getting back into things after Placid! In the last few weeks of training I felt so self-absorbed because training was the priority above anything else and everything had to revolve around it (and me, by extension). I'm glad to be out of that finally but I'm also kind of missing that drive toward and anticipation of a goal, so I hear you on the mixed feelings about supporting someone else instead of yourself.
@ Carrie, I'm slowly getting back into a workout routine. Physically, I feel great. Mentally, I'm struggling with trying to decide how to structure my time. I'm off running for a few weeks to let my tendinitis resolve, so of course the only activity that is truly appealing to me right now is running. Natch. I went to spinning class for the first time in years last night. Ten minutes in, I'm in the red and wheezing away and my inner 5-year-old was like, "But I'm an endurance athlete!" There's also a boot camp class that my gym offers. I think I'm going to sample some alternative opportunities for awhile - things that can be done while listening to Lady Gaga being high on the list - and give myself a break from the PM, because I know come November that I'll be a slave to that yellow thing again.
Also, more free time and less structured schedules means that I have time to date. Yaaaay! This spring/summer I felt like every social invitation took this format: Them: "Oh, you're into riding? Awesome, I have a bike too! Hey, we should go for a bike ride this weekend!" Me: "*sob*"
Now I can actually take them up on the offer! And I can stay out late on a school night without worrying about getting up at o'dark thirty!
Yay! Michele is on during work hours - most excellent!
Hi all - I'm getting pretty deep into final race prep right now - holy moly, two weeks will be my last day of work before traveling. I also just realized that this weekend will be the last full weekend w/my bike before it goes with Tri-transport! Eekk! @ Carrie S. we will be racing the same day (Barb too) - welcome!
Generally feeling good, had a great race rehearsal w/Michele on the Cape as she mentioned. So fun to do it with someone else - we were quite the sight on the Cape Cod Rail trail!
Am debating if I should buy a new pair of running shoes - same brand/size and all..I feel like mine are getting a little flat. Too risky?
@Kristen - so cool to nail a long run, I think I've done it once, maybe twice! It's always a great mental challenge - congrats
@Marianne - I am loving the summer too - walked to work today in a sleeveless dress and it was just perfect out. Fortunately not at broiling as some parts of the country right now. We are having such a great summer in the NE
@thyroid ;- good lord! If anything goes wrong with me, I'm going straight to my dr to check out my thyroid. Linda, you may be onto something w/the endurance-thyroid connection.
@Becky - Olivia has some great words on this. Time may tell and change there perspective. It takes some people a while to get this stuff. My parents are a little different- perhaps b/c I'm a spoiled only child . They are coming to Louisville - I gave them the hotel room for Christmas. Before my first 70.3 last year my mother was worried about "my heart" out of nowhere. Seeing me after Mooseman, she burst into tears, so I'm slightly worried about her reaction (and mine!) after IM.
Where are you chicas in the birth order if you feel like sharing?
Booyaaa!!!! Never thought I'd be happy to say I ran 5 miles on the treadmill this morning!!! All well and stitches come out tomorrow! I just have to watch making too many facial expressions.. stretches the stitches. I will be soooo glad when eye isn't sore anymore. I am a right side sleeper and can't tell you how many times I've rolled over to OUCH!!!
Have 3 beautiful fresh from the garden eggplants (country folks are having mercy on the pool ole condo dweller) Now gotta come up with a great recipe for them. Ideas??
@Carrie- really hoping things fall into place for you to come to WI
@Olivia & Becky- Super glad to see you also added to the cowgirl sherpa rooster. Do we have a complete list of chickas attending somewhere?
thanks all around for sharing your personal stories re: families and thyroids! You lit a fire under me to change my lab appt... I had to switch my telework day this week from Th to Fr, so I'm going to the lab this Friday instead of in two weeks (8/26). It'll be better to know ASAP! I've been borderline/low TSH for a few years - but perhaps after talking to me (I really like this new doc), she wants to check into some things. I did mention all the training... and my trouble falling asleep... and that I'm on meds for depression/anxiety (so she declined to give me anything for insomnia issues sinch the shrink is trying to take care of that)... looking over the list of symptoms (anxiety, insomnia...) perhaps it's time to get medicated for thyroid ... and maybe off the anti-depressant I've been trying for the past year (playing with dosage the whole time - either I sleep well at night and am sluggish during the day, or I don't take enough to sleep well at night and am sluggish during the day). Interesting... I have noticed a big change in things since I stepped back up into training this past spring... the meds seemed to be very helpful last summer but now not so much... hmm... will keep you posted. thanks for your support.
I do hope my bro comes to FL... I can trust he'll do his own thing (he knows I'll be doing whatever - and just chillin out; he's been through the drill for his own marathons). He wrote to me yesterday that he's prepared to be inspired... I don't think he means he'll be inspired to do an IM himself, but I think just the whole event will be pretty awesome... I thought it was last year...
@Linda - thanks for the book recommendation... I jotted it down and will find it on Amazon!
@Kristen - congrats on nailing your run! Woot! It's been so long since I've had a good run... I think bc of this darn heat and humidity and super awful air quality...
@Suzanne and Carly - glad you're making your way out of recovery and back to doing whatever suits you! Fun! I can't wait for November to roll around! Although when it does I'll be shopping for a compu trainer or PM so I have it ready to go come OS in December. Yikes...
@Michele - I had to laugh at your mom wondering if this is too hard on your body... mine has pondered the same thing. But mine also has adult onset diabetes, heart disease, and is obese... I think her lifestyle is much harder on her body - but I'd never ever ever say that... have been tempted, though... when I get into tough love mode.
News flash: I was up early today and on my bike by 5:35 (I nixed the 20 min run, though... had I not hit snooze 2x I wudda done it)! Yesterday, even though my power went out and I didn't have an alarm I was up at 5:45 and running by 6 (and I did swim in the evening)! That's 2 morning workouts in a row! Amazing! Tomorrow is just a swim... I hate hate hate getting up early to swim... but who knows... I'm on a roll, after all! If I save the swim, I might just get up early and come to work and keep the trend going! Friday I'll do my long run... Saturday will rest and Sunday I'm doing an OLY... sounds crazy, but my Sat workout is a 150min ride and 20 min run... the OLY ride will be about 150, the run will be a bit long... but it actually works out pretty well....
I can't remember who asked, but I'm #2 in the pecking order... but also the middle child kinda (younger brothers are fraternal twins). My older bro has me by almost exactly 4 years and my 2 younger brothers are 16 months behind me.
Per coach P's advice, I move to IM week 1 next week... but do the workouts M-Th, take Fri off and do short and easy run Sat before the HIM Sunday. Week 2 I will follow the recovery plan M-Th and pick up the IM plan on Fr with a swim, the long ride Sat and either an ABP ride Sun or the Th long run... so, that's that. I looked ahead and week 1 isn't so bad so I think it will be okay. I also printed week 12 of of the HIM plan so I can compare and do whatever it is my body and head want me to do...
@ Carrie -- Let me know if any of these things would be useful to your potential Madison spectating: a) pick-up in Chicago or Milwaukee. I'm traveling in Madison in Thursday morning, but my sister, Jo, will be coming up later and I could totally arrange for airport shuttle service. b) Thursday/Friday/Sunday nights I have extra space in my hotel room if you don't mind a rollaway.
I think I'm going to sample some alternative opportunities for awhile - things that can be done while listening to Lady Gaga being high on the list - and give myself a break from the PM, because I know come November that I'll be a slave to that yellow thing again.
Suzanne- I can't tell you how smart a move this is!!! Good for you!!! I'm looking forward to a little "doing what I want when I want" time after IMWI too.
Carrie- of course we all hope you can make it work (feels like we need to start a EN Chica Sherpa grant or something) but if not- you KNOW we all will feel your spirit with us on race day. We'll know you are back in California tracking us on line, praying for us, and sending us all sorts of joy. And I bet you'll have Madison there in an EN Singlet cheering for us too. :-) I'm just dying to meet that little girl one of these days!
Marianne - good to know citrus fruit in the bra works!
Kris - are you doing the Dairyland Dare? I love that ride! Eggplant - grill or roast with red peppers. and feta, balsamic and olive oil to make delicious salad.
Carly - I'm glad the city in feeling good!
Suzanne - Oh, yes, I have fantasies about all the yoga I'm going to do after September 12. I think you are wise to put away the LYC. Maybe a vacation will even make you miss it.
And dating. Recently, someone asked me if I ever just ride my bike for fun. I had to tell them my idea of fun involves wearing spandex and staring at a powermeter. It is hard, sorting out the flavors of bicycle boyz. But have fun! Way easier to date when you can stay up past, oh, nine-thirty!
Aimee - Oh, you are soo close to race day! Almost party time for you! I'm an eldest child.
I'm at the part of moving where civilization is breaking down in weird ways. I packed all the real forks, so I only have salad forks. I left out the french press, but had to drink coffee in fine china this morning, because that was easiest thing to find, since it lives in its special muslin bags and wasn't packed away in a box.
And signs of true Paleo-ness? I gave myself complete permission to walk to the cupcake bakery last night. Then, I remembered I had delicious Michigan blueberries in the refrigerator -- and ate a giant bowl of them instead. Have any of you started to feel caveman-like while devouring giant bowls of salad and watermelon quarters? Or have I just been living alone too long?
Ok- so maybe a bit on the cheesy side and the hair... well....you just had to live that..... but the sentiment seemed to fit the chicka bond vibe going on. So .... when you get to a tough place this week... just smile...
Speaking for myself, you will not miss me at mile 18 if you are in the med tent until 3.
there is a period of being ON, Rich has talked about this in EN... before that, you aren't.... and you don't need to be. but there comes this period of time... heavy tng, lots of volume and you drop down like a fighter pilot and zero in on the target...at least I feel like that. "all it takes is all you got" and because of that.. at the finish line you should be spent! and then recover for weeks!! as far as the transition from one race to the next, well you don't know what will suffer.. maybe your running legs or maybe your swim.. and sometimes you get the bike back before the run... and ease back into all of it. don't forget the HIM counts as training work load!! in race mode I think is about triple! so that run was 13.1 miles so after you recover , you already have that going for you.
coach P did a great job in the chat room of reorganzing my week this week. if you ever have ?, check for chat times, normally Mondays at 7. but somtimes Rich does some during the day.
okay scooting.. now that I have the stress of what am I gonna do this week? I can relax. coudlnt' quite figure out how to do it, taking son #2 to college gone for 3 days and knew I would be down on the bike, but also concerned about the long run and he figured it out for me!
okay I think i have told you but my lake buddy is a world sprint champ contestant and world du! one of them. me and him were at lake today... and his taking it easy across the lake (600 yards) cost him 40" so I said "might be worth it to save your legs for bike and run!" m
Ok Chicas- coming here because it just makes you feel better
Its been one of those days - well actually for me- Nights. This is my 3rd of 3 nights and they have been killer! A liitle down time for me now. It started today coming into work, left early to run a few errands. Traffic was so bad I actually called 911 to get police down to direct traffic! between new road construction, an orioles game ending etc this one area just not moving. What made it worse- a bunch of idiots still entering an intersection even though they KNEW traffic was not moving
, including a 18 wheeler with a bunch of cars- think EN 3.0 smiley that explodes- that was me- hence 911
I sat in almost same spot for a while. It went down hill from there

. In OR, sick 450 lb dude- while moving to bed, lines got caught up and dislodged- NOt Good and I said very bad words, multiple times. Things got taken care of, I really like the surgeon that is on tonight- he looks at me, saw my eyes- & told me me how he had to stand in corner once has a resident for something that happened to him. Only 3 more hours to go
kris- could not see your link , but yea, come to this women's forum, this thread, and it just makes you smile. Thanks Ladies!
Olivia- Can't say how excited I am to see you are coming to WI, and possible Carrie Chavez?
Becky might be to young to be a cougar, but I am of cougar age
. I plan on coming back strong so look out
Becky- my suggestion is to enjoy the process/journey as much as possible, like Suzanne said, its impossible to "git er all done". Look at leigh's earlier post here about how much fun she and Dave are having this year, no pressure etc. I'm just concerned that you'll be so burned out by November, it won't be fun. Like Rich says all the time, this is supposed to be fun! Good practice to stay in Your box now for Timberman, when that is done and recovered, then focus on IMFL. IMFL was my first, in 2002, I did some reading, coached myself, none of the workouts like EN, and had a great time, my only goal was to finish and have a good time, and that I did.
Carie- glad you joined in on the fun in the forum-welcome, and enjoy your taper. We'll be watching in Canada. Can't wait to hear about that one
Kitima- I thought you were going to get some kind of sublingual sensitzation, rather than shots, or am I hallucinating? Since you were such a big girl, maybe I'll go to allergist- certain times of the year- this coughing/athma thing- blah
Ok gotta scoot. Have to get readyy for another case. Really looking forward to my swim and run today. My 2 week recovery is now over, my training begins for my half 10/3. Still coughing a little, like asthma coughing, nothing like Lake Placid though.
Michele M- Lets definitely plan on working on my schizophrenic knee
with its shortened hamstring
Sorry for above rant, needed to vent and a virtual hug
@Tracy - virtual hug your way...
hang in there!
thanks for all the advice, ladies (Suz, Tracy, Marianne...) I def don't want to burn out before FL... and do worry about that. Some weeks i'm loving it all and some weeks it's a struggle to do anything at all. This is sort of an in between week. The weather is so flippin oppressive I just have zippo energy. I pushed my week back a day - so yesterday was rest! I took the metro an extra stop and got off at Whole Foods to buy some salad stuff... and as I was perusing the health food supplement aisle a Neti Pot caught my eye. I've had various friends over the years rave about these things... and after seeing the doc for my physical on Th and she looked up my nose and down my throat and said there was signs of allergies and inflammation I decided to go for it. It was a bit messy, but wow... I have a deviated septum so I'm never breathing completely clearly, but I could swear that I was after using the thing. Sa-weet. Then I gave myself a facial... then I had a second piece of dark chocolate and chilled on the couch with my boyz... a good and quiet night.
This morning I planned to get up at 5 but apparently lost power during the early morning hours... so I salvaged the time I had (woke up at 5:45) and did yesterday morning's 45 minute run (so the decision to push everything back a day was made for me...)... wow. 6am, 80 degrees and humid as all heck. It was oppressive. Thank goodness it was a long warm up and only 1 mile in Z4 (I didn't come close)... my remaining time was turtle pace and I'm totally cool with that. It was just plain yucky out. I'll swim tonight and do what I can to finish out the week. I'm sure more jiggering is in order bc I have an OLY Sunday with Dan... not by choice necessarily (bc of Timberman)... but when planning the season way back when I threw him a bone. So, my plan is to go and have fun... get some OWS and transition practice in before Timberman.
I'm sure I'm missing lots of folks... just feeling a bit run down and out of sorts. This weather is just so awful. I can't ever remember a summer like this. I've over it. After snowmageddon in Feb and record breaking heat starting in May, I hope next year is mild and wonderful.
Becky, I'm glad to hear you are taking some time for yourself. I created a season much like yours where last season ended with the NYC Marathon in Nov. and I started OS in Nov., did 20 weeks of that, then 12 weeks of HIM straight into 12 weeks of IM and I am totally burnt out to a crisp! The summer weather up here is disgusting as well, making afternoon workouts nearly intolerable so to get the long runs in means waking up at 4 AM. I am struggling to hang on even though I am under 3 weeks to go. Don't do this to yourself as there is no turning back once you're as burnt out as I am. Every week has been a struggle as of 2-3 weeks ago and I can't wait for IMC to just come already. You are doing the right thing by taking care of yourself now.
Becky - Hearts and bunnies for my neti pot. And Oprah and Dr. Oz like it, too! And with training -- what everyone else said. Ironman prep and half ironman prep don't look terribly different. Just think of this time as your last chance to get in some serious goofing off and maybe even actually making yoga class before Mr. Ironman starts taking up all your time.
Tracy - Rough day! Hugs to you.
Me - Moving. This morning, I found the purple satin obi sash to an old college formal and wore it around while sorting a filing cabinet. Almost everything is packed! (Jumping jacks smiley. Jumping jacks smiley.) Today, I decided to pack in the morning and workout in the evening as a reward. Because swimming 400s is way more fun than packing in my book.
Fun story from the weekend. While at dinner with my sister and the parents, I was telling mom about all the weird stuff in my purse: yoga strap, hair brush, sport-flex band-aids, seating charts, Sting ticket stubs, yoga pants, Podium Girl shirt, gels, etc. My sister and I get to explain gels and their necessarily evil place in our nutritional world. We don't like them, but they are the best thing for the job. Mom suggests we carry around little wedges of lemon while exercising to make them more tasty. Where to store? Mom suggests lemon wedge in ziploc bag in bra.
Got it. Substitute lime for lemon. I'm salty from running already. Now, I just need a little bottle of Don Julio.
real quick... since lots of you are also dealing with this stuff... just got a call from my doc's office with lab results from my bloodwork last Thursday... TSH is low. No surprise there, it's been borderline low for years (I have a hot nodule and have had it measured and biopsied 3x in 10 years)... but what is strange is this doc (although I've only seen her 2x) has a copy of my file and did bloodwork on me last year (but it may have been barely normal then) so this isn't news to her... but she wants me to come back in for a full thyroid workup. Should I be worried?
I just checked symptoms for overactive thyroid and a lot fit some of the stuff I've been complaining about: insomnia, irritibility, excessive sweating, sensitivity to heat, infrequent periods -- but some of this stuff could conceivably be chalked up to my training (sweating) and the ridiculous weather we're having (sweating, sensitivity to heat)... and 6 or so years ago the GYN ruled this out as a cause of my period issues and instead chalks that up to my being on the pill...
anyway, wanted to throw this out there... one of the symptoms is also anxiety... gee, now I have this hanging over my head and won't be back in for more work until 8/26... that could be a cause of my anxiety and not the overactive thyroid.
I just love the way you think!!!
Tracy: The allergy stuff: First, thanks for remembering. I'm getting the allergy shots because:
1. The sprays and antihistamines are just not cutting it. Like I said, 80% relief on a good day. It's like having a head cold with a cough, but drinking lots of OJ and resting won't cure it.
2. No sublingual stuff for me. It's not yet FDA approved and insurance won't pay for it. It's also really, really $$$$. I'll be getting weekly shots (which can be done in the hospital where I work) for several months (9-18 depending on who I react) before I can transition to monthly "maintenance" shots. I'm finally going to do it as I'm sick and tired of being in a mental fog from the antihistamines and still not be able to breathe.
Beth: Limes in ziplocs in jog bras...I love it! Your mom is definitely on to something---some nice citrusy tang would really cut the cloying sweetness of those gels. I agree...any training is better than packing and moving. It is (packing and moving) very cathartic though, going through your stuff and throwing out all the unnecessaries.
Carie: 3 weeks to IMC! I am soooo excited for you! That course, that whole area is just stunningly gorgeous. Penticton is also very IM friendly and supportive. You will feel like a rock star riding up Yellow Lake.
I just inhaled 2 pieces of pepperoni pizza right now. No, it's not even remotely Paleo. No cave drawings of pepperoni pizza or archaelogical evidence of pizza boxes from the Cromagnon era. After a few days of no appetite after the 2.5 run then 7.5 hours on the bike over the weekend sequence, I could eat an entire cow right now---DEEP FRIED. Given that I'm consuming anything that's not nailed down, I'll put myself in front of the truckload of cherries, watermelon, and papaya that's in my fridge when I get home. I've got to fit into a pink bikini for next year's IMMoo you know...
Tracy: bad day at work, sounds like it!! wow
Beth: I have put orange slices in bag in jog bra and they were great! I use Vanilla gus for their lack of flavor esp in heat.
others; Hello! doing chores now and was quite whooped from bike intervals, brick run and lake swim! m
@Beth -- too funny! if only I liked Tequila.
@Carie - thanks... my season has been one thing to the next for a few years now. Usually it keeps me going and I like having a goal on the books, but this is my first time in EN and my first IM...and it's crazy - usually a good crazy but sometimes an overwhelming crazy (perhaps bc now I have a significant other in my life - after many years of being solo)! Frighteningly, I'm setting myself up for another one next year - but an intentionally early IM so I will be done sooner (the current plan is Nov off, Dec OS for 20, 1 week of transition, 6 weeks of HIM, 1 week off, 12 weeks IM prep for IMWI... then DONE. I'll probably do the Philly marathon for fun just before T'giving and 2012 will be an IM-free just do what I feel like doing kinda year with the NYC marathon as my A race.
@Kit, Marianne - will keep you posted about the workup... I don't mind doing it, I've known about my thyroid issue for a long time but it's always been a non-issue... never requiring medication. The fact that the doc, knowing my history, wants a work up has me a bit freaked... but it makes sense looking at the symptoms... I just assumed some of the lethargy was the increased training EN style.... but perhaps there's more to it. Usually I enjoy training now I just can't get back to my normal routine and that's not normal for me... hmm... not that I want anything to be wrong, but it would be nice to know if there are some changes.... thank you for the concern... it means a lot!
Prepare for rant. I've had a rough day.... work has finally picked up, but I'm having trouble focusing (a symptom). Got an email from my dad (he sent it to me and my younger brothers who live in OR and WA) asking about Christmas dates - I'm heading west to hang out with the twins and meet my nephew... and apparently he and my mom decided to crash our party...So, I respond and also asked him if he and mom have figured out FL yet... by way of background, I've known he's not keen on coming, but my mom said she wanted to be there (and even mentioned coming alone and asking if I'd get her at the airport) - not that she gets it, but she knows it's my first... anyway... they're not coming; they can't afford both trips (conveniently forgetting, perhaps, that I offered to help defray costs). In an odd way I'm relieved - they would have driven me crazy, would have wanted me to entertain them, would have been bored, etc (trust me, I know them and I'm not exaggerating)... but at the same time I'm pissed. How can I have these two totally conflicting emotions? I'm whacked. On the up side when I got this news I emailed one of my brothers who does want to come and is going to try to make it - he's still planning on it... so that's good... he's run a handful of marathons (and we've done a few halves together) and did his first OLY this summer... so he understands what this is that I'm trying to do. Anyway, to be honest, I'm actually happier to just have my brother without the folks...but it's the attitude/lack of caring whatsoever that this is a big deal to me that upsets me... I doubt they'll even call to wish me well or see how I did... trust me... I know them. Rant over.
Almost quitting time. Heading to the pool after work... we'll see if I actually do the speedwork or just swim... already decided what I want for dinner... Baja Fresh tostada salad with chicken... I know black beans are not paleo, but they're yummy! and I won't eat the shell... so I should be okay... mmm.... I've been looking forward to that since my BAS for lunch.
Hope the Moo girls are doing well... another brutal weather week... I don't know how you're managing. But I'm really excited to be there and watching and cheering and volunteering and meeting you all! And super excited that next year is lining up to be a big crowd, too!
How is everyone else? Tracy, do you finally have a night off to decompress?! Linda, how did Keith's company party go? Gina, how did Belle handle the avocado? Kris - how is your eye and everything else (scary pics)? umm... who have I missed... hugs all around. sorry I've been dominating the thread the last few days...
Mmmmm....tequila...lime...great, now I want a margarita.
Kris, glad to hear your eye is doing better. What a nasty cut!
Tracy, I hope you have gotten to relax after your rotten day.
Becky, I totally understand being angry that your parents don't get it and won't be there for your first IM. This is a huge event in your life, and, of course, you want to share it with them. My parents attended mine and loved the experience, but they are quite good at entertaining themselves, so I didn't worry about them being bored. However, they looked sooooo concerned when they saw me on loop 2 of the run (at IMLou) - I guess I looked really bad
- that I was temporarily sorry that they had to see me that way. Maybe it's just better that your parents don't know, if it will save them some worry.
Beth, just how big a purse do you have that you are able to fit all that stuff in there?
Freakin' nailed my long run today, finally! It was the perfect combination of starting before dawn, good nutrition, and no GI distress this time.
I've been on a high all day about that.
Moo girls, how's the mojo?
yep,, definitely get checked out.... that was one of my symptoms... that and sleeping!! ha
MOOJO for WI is going well. I don't even think anymore, I just get up at 4:30 and hit the work.. if the pacing/zones aren't there I move on.!! I am pretty focused right now but still having fun! summer is winding down and I am enjoying this warm weather even with the heat index. I love just hopping into the lake without being cold or donning a wetsuit, I love running in shorts and riding in lightweight clothing... so even though we have a heat advisory thru Thursday!!! and I will be out in it... I do love the summer!
Kit, I hope I can still smile as I climb up to Yellow Lake! It's pretty darned steep for me, and there's more climbing after you reach the lake! But I have to agree, it is so beautiful there and I just love that it's one loop.
Kristin, congrats on nailing your long run! That must feel awesome!
Becky, it's nearly impossible for people to "get" Ironman if they don't. While my Mom came to mine and my brother's first IM's and we both really wanted her there, we both also insisted that each other was present and served as the head sherpa because we obviously get it, and to keep Mom in control, taken care of, etc. Sorry that your parents won't be there. I understand how you feel.
Oh, btw, add me to the thyroid club. I'm also on meds and it was IM training 2 years ago that sent me over the edge with fatigue and forced me to see a doc who would listen. My primary care doc said I was "borderline" and sent me on my way so I sought out someone else who ran more tests, didn't like what she saw and put me on meds.
OK, what's all the talk about IMoo next year? Is there a EN Chica 2 race planned already?
Great to keep up with all the ladies still ramping up for the IM of the season (and glad that I am done).
I went for my first run post IMLP today. Actually felt great. A run through south Boston, just before sunset on the beach. I went with Michelle to pace her through her tempo run so that I knew I wouldn't run too fast. It was nice to kinda just go along for the run and not worry about hitting intervals etc. We had gotten out Saturday to check out some tri shops in Cambridge. So lots of city riding (stop lights, clipping in/out), but still good to be on my road bike.
I was hoping to get in another sprint tri in Sept but Michelle is in training now and I feel as if it's my turn to be supportive of her training. I'm embarassed to admit how hard this is for me at times. She has a race the same day and we only have one car, and I feel like I should go be supportive... This racing lifestyle is getting complicated!
Really loving the city lifestyle right now. Seriously don't miss the car in the least, well the driving anyway I really did love my car. House hunting is depressing, but I think this was a good move for us overall.
Thanks for letting me vent as always ladies!
Tracy - all I have to say about your day is "UGH!!!" It sounds freaking crazy! Hope you're feeling good though after a bit of well deserved rest.
Becky - My mom and dad showed up in PCB the day AFTER my first IM there in '06. Yeah, OK, whatever. They're super supportive though and now love to talk about how much they know about Ironman and triathlon. They even came home from the UK about a year ago with a story that they struck up some conversation in Heathrow with a "pro Ironman triathlete woman" (they didn't remember her name FOR THE LOVE...) just because they recognized the little ironman symbol on some of her luggage. (seriously????) Anyway, they appreciate what I do, and they express it in their own little ways. My dad who works for a drug company as a regulatory affairs dude due to his prior life at FDA even did a presentation about the drug approval process and compared it to training and racing for an endurance event. He even included my IMCDA finish line pic in the slide deck. So you never know....your parents may get more than you think they do...orit may take them a little while to understand that it is important for you that they are there. But give them some time.
WRT the whole thyroid thing....I was suspicious about mine given how drag-a$$ I was during the latter part of my prep for IMSG (yuck not good memories from that) and my general lethargy afterward. Also thought it might have something to do with some of my moments of oscillating horizon and spots in my vision. Had a full blood work up and found that everything is fully normal. Great news, but no explanation. Had full eye exam. All normal. Who knows what's up? Next test is pulmonary function testing that I was supposed to do last year but couldn't due to some surprise OTHER medical crap that I had to deal with (ahem). Since I have had most of my lightheadedness during running that seem to coincide with not being able to breathe "normally" (as much as you can during a run), even as recently as my last olympic distance event on 7/11, I'm going to see about ruling that out next.
Sheryl...if you're there, I think I will take you up on your offer for sharing a room on Friday night of Moo weekend.
Michele and Becky (and Josh) I'll join you at the Inntowner for the remainder of the time.
OH and to the "Gentlemen" (yes there seem to be several) who pass me on my commutes home from work--when you pass me and look back as if you expect me to be behind you....don't act so surprised WHEN I ACTUALLY AM!
Seriously Beth....what is the capacity in cubic inches of this purse of yours!?!?!?
Ha! City girls need big purses. I've swapped my usual Lesportmac messenger out for the cool tote bag I have from our India office.
Becky--Thyroid function effects every cell in every organ in your body. You have to get it regulated. The fallout--physically and emotionally--is huge. Tracy recommended The Thyroid Solution to me, and I'm recommending it to you. It reads like a thriller, and will give you the complete overview of how the whacked out function effects you, and why you must be treated. I went hypo last year--finally diagnosed. I think my gland has been sputtering and dying for years. I feel waaaaay better on the meds, but I am still not training at the level I was in '08. But if it wasn't for getting my thyroid treated, I would not be training at all--and that's the truth. Get the book. You'll be glad you did. Thyroid is a big deal--it really is.
I do have to wonder how much all this ultra-endurance stuff effects our thyroid and other systems. I don't think there is any research, but I bet a lot more endurance athletes have thyroid issues than aren't even diagnosed.
Off to Walden!
Long time since I have been in the forums. Sitting here at 0 dark hundred because the babysitter did not show and I gave Steve the slot to swim. SAU's being earned:-)
I have been following your IMWI training on FB and can't tell you enough how proud I am of all of you. This is an amazing experience for all of you and I wish I was racing with you.
I have been playing around with the idea of coming to IMWI to cheer for you all. Give you hugs and keep you super positive for race day and get you through the course with my cheering. ( I am almost a professional cheerleader minus ANY flexibility and ability to jump or do cartwheels;-) as I have cheered for tons of Steve's IM's). The cost of a ticket is ....YIKES!! Then a room and car.... Let me see what I can do. Just know that I REALLY want to come. Also thank you all for wanting me to come. You guys continue to love on me and make me feel a part of this group even when I disapear from the forums. Once IMSG was over I took a break;-). Needed to not think too much about triathlon. I know you understand.
Much love to you all...
Carrie Chavez( aka CC)
@Tracy- Yeah, I don't miss the insanity of Shock Trauma at all. Glad to hear you are almos feeling better.
@Beth- I, too, was wondering abuot the size of that "purse".
Thyroid- ugh. Glad my doc was right on top and doubled my dose at my first complaint after being stable for years. She is also following my cortisone and it is elevated. We will recheck about 1 month after IMWI to see if it has come down. If not, then I have more of a work up coming.
@Kristen- Glad to hear it was a good run. Those days are golden.
@Becky- My mom hasn't been to anything since I was 16. She thinks this is all "too hard on the body", but she gets it more than anyone else in my family, that is saying a lot. I wish she would come, but I know it is a long day and a lot of waiting, so I would never ask. Most times I either go to a race alone. On occasion, Max gets to sherpa. He'll be there for IMWI, but I just accept that this is a time sink for others that is not worth it.
Ran and swam today. Weird guy was not at the beach when I got out. So glad. But I had put my stuff in a different area and kept my key on me, so I was a lot less worried.
New boss is OK. I have decided that whatever will be, will be. Hence I am on the forum during work hours.
Carrie: So great to hear from you, chica! As much as I'd love to have you there at Madison, I totally understand the time and $$$ commitment.
Kristen: Nice job on the long run! Such a confidence booster to nail that workout.
So is there an EN Chica IM #2 for next year?
@Beth, thank you for your tequila post yesterday. I. laughed. so. hard. And I'm never looking at lemon wedges the same way again.
@ Carly, glad you're getting back into things after Placid! In the last few weeks of training I felt so self-absorbed because training was the priority above anything else and everything had to revolve around it (and me, by extension). I'm glad to be out of that finally but I'm also kind of missing that drive toward and anticipation of a goal, so I hear you on the mixed feelings about supporting someone else instead of yourself.
@ Carrie, I'm slowly getting back into a workout routine. Physically, I feel great. Mentally, I'm struggling with trying to decide how to structure my time. I'm off running for a few weeks to let my tendinitis resolve, so of course the only activity that is truly appealing to me right now is running. Natch. I went to spinning class for the first time in years last night. Ten minutes in, I'm in the red and wheezing away and my inner 5-year-old was like, "But I'm an endurance athlete!" There's also a boot camp class that my gym offers. I think I'm going to sample some alternative opportunities for awhile - things that can be done while listening to Lady Gaga being high on the list - and give myself a break from the PM, because I know come November that I'll be a slave to that yellow thing again.
Also, more free time and less structured schedules means that I have time to date. Yaaaay! This spring/summer I felt like every social invitation took this format:
Them: "Oh, you're into riding? Awesome, I have a bike too! Hey, we should go for a bike ride this weekend!"
Me: "*sob*"
Now I can actually take them up on the offer! And I can stay out late on a school night without worrying about getting up at o'dark thirty!
Yay! Michele is on during work hours - most excellent!
Hi all - I'm getting pretty deep into final race prep right now - holy moly, two weeks will be my last day of work before traveling. I also just realized that this weekend will be the last full weekend w/my bike before it goes with Tri-transport! Eekk! @ Carrie S. we will be racing the same day (Barb too) - welcome!
Generally feeling good, had a great race rehearsal w/Michele on the Cape as she mentioned. So fun to do it with someone else - we were quite the sight on the Cape Cod Rail trail!
Am debating if I should buy a new pair of running shoes - same brand/size and all..I feel like mine are getting a little flat. Too risky?
@Kristen - so cool to nail a long run, I think I've done it once, maybe twice!
It's always a great mental challenge - congrats
@Marianne - I am loving the summer too - walked to work today in a sleeveless dress and it was just perfect out. Fortunately not at broiling as some parts of the country right now. We are having such a great summer in the NE
@thyroid ;- good lord! If anything goes wrong with me, I'm going straight to my dr to check out my thyroid. Linda, you may be onto something w/the endurance-thyroid connection.
@Becky - Olivia has some great words on this. Time may tell and change there perspective. It takes some people a while to get this stuff. My parents are a little different- perhaps b/c I'm a spoiled only child
. They are coming to Louisville - I gave them the hotel room for Christmas. Before my first 70.3 last year my mother was worried about "my heart" out of nowhere. Seeing me after Mooseman, she burst into tears, so I'm slightly worried about her reaction (and mine!) after IM.
Where are you chicas in the birth order if you feel like sharing?
Have 3 beautiful fresh from the garden eggplants (country folks are having mercy on the pool ole condo dweller) Now gotta come up with a great recipe for them. Ideas??
@Carrie- really hoping things fall into place for you to come to WI
@Olivia & Becky- Super glad to see you also added to the cowgirl sherpa rooster. Do we have a complete list of chickas attending somewhere?
thanks all around for sharing your personal stories re: families and thyroids! You lit a fire under me to change my lab appt... I had to switch my telework day this week from Th to Fr, so I'm going to the lab this Friday instead of in two weeks (8/26). It'll be better to know ASAP! I've been borderline/low TSH for a few years - but perhaps after talking to me (I really like this new doc), she wants to check into some things. I did mention all the training... and my trouble falling asleep... and that I'm on meds for depression/anxiety (so she declined to give me anything for insomnia issues sinch the shrink is trying to take care of that)... looking over the list of symptoms (anxiety, insomnia...) perhaps it's time to get medicated for thyroid ... and maybe off the anti-depressant I've been trying for the past year (playing with dosage the whole time - either I sleep well at night and am sluggish during the day, or I don't take enough to sleep well at night and am sluggish during the day). Interesting... I have noticed a big change in things since I stepped back up into training this past spring... the meds seemed to be very helpful last summer but now not so much... hmm... will keep you posted. thanks for your support.
I do hope my bro comes to FL... I can trust he'll do his own thing (he knows I'll be doing whatever - and just chillin out; he's been through the drill for his own marathons). He wrote to me yesterday that he's prepared to be inspired... I don't think he means he'll be inspired to do an IM himself, but I think just the whole event will be pretty awesome... I thought it was last year...
@Linda - thanks for the book recommendation... I jotted it down and will find it on Amazon!
@Kristen - congrats on nailing your run! Woot! It's been so long since I've had a good run... I think bc of this darn heat and humidity and super awful air quality...
@Suzanne and Carly - glad you're making your way out of recovery and back to doing whatever suits you! Fun! I can't wait for November to roll around! Although when it does I'll be shopping for a compu trainer or PM so I have it ready to go come OS in December. Yikes...
@Michele - I had to laugh at your mom wondering if this is too hard on your body... mine has pondered the same thing. But mine also has adult onset diabetes, heart disease, and is obese... I think her lifestyle is much harder on her body - but I'd never ever ever say that... have been tempted, though... when I get into tough love mode.
News flash: I was up early today and on my bike by 5:35 (I nixed the 20 min run, though... had I not hit snooze 2x I wudda done it)! Yesterday, even though my power went out and I didn't have an alarm I was up at 5:45 and running by 6 (and I did swim in the evening)! That's 2 morning workouts in a row! Amazing!
Tomorrow is just a swim... I hate hate hate getting up early to swim... but who knows... I'm on a roll, after all! If I save the swim, I might just get up early and come to work and keep the trend going! Friday I'll do my long run... Saturday will rest and Sunday I'm doing an OLY... sounds crazy, but my Sat workout is a 150min ride and 20 min run... the OLY ride will be about 150, the run will be a bit long... but it actually works out pretty well....
I can't remember who asked, but I'm #2 in the pecking order... but also the middle child kinda (younger brothers are fraternal twins). My older bro has me by almost exactly 4 years and my 2 younger brothers are 16 months behind me.
Per coach P's advice, I move to IM week 1 next week... but do the workouts M-Th, take Fri off and do short and easy run Sat before the HIM Sunday. Week 2 I will follow the recovery plan M-Th and pick up the IM plan on Fr with a swim, the long ride Sat and either an ABP ride Sun or the Th long run... so, that's that. I looked ahead and week 1 isn't so bad so I think it will be okay. I also printed week 12 of of the HIM plan so I can compare and do whatever it is my body and head want me to do...
@ Carrie -- Let me know if any of these things would be useful to your potential Madison spectating: a) pick-up in Chicago or Milwaukee. I'm traveling in Madison in Thursday morning, but my sister, Jo, will be coming up later and I could totally arrange for airport shuttle service. b) Thursday/Friday/Sunday nights I have extra space in my hotel room if you don't mind a rollaway.
Suzanne- I can't tell you how smart a move this is!!! Good for you!!! I'm looking forward to a little "doing what I want when I want" time after IMWI too.
Carrie- of course we all hope you can make it work (feels like we need to start a EN Chica Sherpa grant or something) but if not- you KNOW we all will feel your spirit with us on race day. We'll know you are back in California tracking us on line, praying for us, and sending us all sorts of joy. And I bet you'll have Madison there in an EN Singlet cheering for us too. :-) I'm just dying to meet that little girl one of these days!
Okay -- real reply time.
Marianne - good to know citrus fruit in the bra works!
Kris - are you doing the Dairyland Dare? I love that ride! Eggplant - grill or roast with red peppers. and feta, balsamic and olive oil to make delicious salad.
Carly - I'm glad the city in feeling good!
Suzanne - Oh, yes, I have fantasies about all the yoga I'm going to do after September 12. I think you are wise to put away the LYC. Maybe a vacation will even make you miss it.
And dating. Recently, someone asked me if I ever just ride my bike for fun. I had to tell them my idea of fun involves wearing spandex and staring at a powermeter. It is hard, sorting out the flavors of bicycle boyz. But have fun! Way easier to date when you can stay up past, oh, nine-thirty!
Aimee - Oh, you are soo close to race day! Almost party time for you! I'm an eldest child.
I'm at the part of moving where civilization is breaking down in weird ways. I packed all the real forks, so I only have salad forks. I left out the french press, but had to drink coffee in fine china this morning, because that was easiest thing to find, since it lives in its special muslin bags and wasn't packed away in a box.
And signs of true Paleo-ness? I gave myself complete permission to walk to the cupcake bakery last night. Then, I remembered I had delicious Michigan blueberries in the refrigerator -- and ate a giant bowl of them instead. Have any of you started to feel caveman-like while devouring giant bowls of salad and watermelon quarters? Or have I just been living alone too long?