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Changes Coming 2011?

Any heads up for any big changes coming in 2011? in the world of EN?


  • Good question...I was wondering the same thing for the OS schedule. I'm planning to work some pretty serious ski (x-country) training into the OS, and I was thinking about blocking off calendar time. Realized that I didn't know what the schedule might be. Might want to post this question on the macro thread.
  •  Since they've been in the business for 7+ years, change for RnP is more evolutionary than revolutionary. Like, they won't suddenly add swimming to the OS, they'll keep us working hard on FTP intervals and 30/30s, and you can expect to get a good hard winter of work in 6-8 hours a week for 20 weeks. The general principles you see in the wiki and in their Long Course Manual will still apply.

    Last year, I sandwiched 3+ weeks of downhill skiing in two separate trips in Jan and Feb, and just compensated by starting the OS 3 weeks early.

  • Al - I'm with you there, so just trying to figure out if we're still going bike/run on Tuesday, run Wednesday, and bike Thursday. Assuming they still give us Fridays off I'm planning to block 2:00 - 5:00 every Friday in January and February to ski + negotiate with wife to ski on Tuesday nights (which I'll do instead of the brick run). I've got one of those jobs, believe it or not, that requires booking stuff like that months out. I'll post in the Macro thread.
  • The "state of the nation" email that came yesterday afternoon says...

    "We have updated the plans for 2011 based on your feedback, with the biggest changes coming to how you will be instructed to use the individual segments of the OS (20 weeks as 8 FTP, 6 VO2, 6 FTP)."
  • It also mentioned new gear so we can all be recognizable to one another out on the course.......FEAR THE PINK SPEEDO!!!!!!

  • I'm racing in that pink speedo next year!
  • Posted By Bill McKinney on 20 Sep 2010 10:59 PM

    I'm racing in that pink speedo next year!

    Guaranteed free speed!


  • Posted By Bill McKinney on 20 Sep 2010 10:59 PM

    I'm racing in that pink speedo next year!


    Bill, better watch what you say around here...just ask Rich

  • I'm realy looking forward to the OS not so much to the pink speedo!
  • Posted By Nemo Brauch on 21 Sep 2010 09:15 AM
    Posted By Bill McKinney on 20 Sep 2010 10:59 PM

    I'm racing in that pink speedo next year!

    Guaranteed free speed!


    And many, many ass-slappings!


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