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Trainer Test vs HR Test

So I couldn't figure out if I should do my NOS bike test with power or HR. So I did the 40 min TT on the trainer (Tacx iMagic) which does power. (I don't have a powermeter on my bike, just my trainer)  I figured out my W/kg but wonder if that is a valid test since it is longer than the suggested power test.  I got my avg HR for the ride as well.  Any ideas? 



  •  Did you do the test in two 20 minute laps with a 2 minute rest in between as the plan states, or just a straight 40?  

  • I did a straight 40min FTP ride

    Results:  HR:  159

    Avg power over the whole 40 min:  215.9 Watt

    I was struggling trying to decide which to do.  Since I don't have  a powermeter on the bike but do on the trainer, I figured I needed to follow the heart rate protocol so that when I go outside I can train with HR. 

    Plus it calls for WKO and that was too much $.  As a teacher I am on a limited budget.  I hope to one day get a powermeter used, but as of now it is out of the range...

  • Jon, at this point, train as a HR athlete, following those directions. Watch the numbers on the Tacx, and try to learn what happens when HR goes up, down, etc, but you'll drive yourself crazy trying to do both. Call your threshold HR 159, and train with it. You should see the numbers on the Tacx go up over time, too, which should me motivating. Did you get the distance you went during the 40 minutes?
  •  That average power is going to be pretty close to your FTP, just as 95% of a 20 minute test is also accurate.  In my case, I did the power test exactly as it is described in the plan, and 95% of my first 20 minute interval is almost exactly what my normalized FTP is for the entire 42 minutes.  

    In any case, if you repeat the test the same way next time, you'll still be able to monitor your progress.  

  • Mike:  Yes I did:  15.66 miles.  I realize that the next time I do the test I should hopefully travel further in the same time.  I also will look at the avg power and see what that is. 

    Thanks guys for helping out the newbie.  Just getting my head wrapped around fast early is it's own learning curve.  No more long-slow-distance workouts in the fall....

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