Please join me in my pain cave Monday morning
Hi everyone,
I have a nasty habit during my tests of taking a break - I just get this feeling that I have to stop, then after a minute I get pissed at myself and get going again
. I saw a video that Coach P did of one of his tests, and I'm thinking that this is a great accountability tool for me. So tomorrow morning, I'll be broadcasting Live from my pain cave at 6am PST on Monday Nov 2.
Here's the link:
I'll probably start the stream 15 minutes early to work out any kinks. I'll have the chat window live, so you can provide your .
So please feel free to watch the show, and I'll appreciate you keeping me honest.
Good for you, Mike! I will definitely try to make it.
Such a great idea, that way when you truly do it right we can call 911 for you when you collapse at the end
I will try to tune in as well.
I'm going to give you a little carrot to chase after OK brotha. If you even think of resting a little bit during the test I have no doubt I will come to your play ground and race the AR 50 and KICK YO A$$!!!!! (Insert some other smiley thingy) where do you get alll them things?
can you save the "performance" so I can review it later? i am in the midwest, 2 hours ahead and this will be my 1st test as I was really lazy for the 1st test.
Yes I will record it and post it on YouTube.
@Trent, yes, I'm a wuss...but I won't be tomorrow! As for the smileys, you can find them here:
See y'all bright and early. Oh, and I should warn you, my garage falls under the "viewer discretion is advised" category ... Unless you want to show your wife: "See, our garage isn't THAT bad!"
But you know I love you Mike.
Yes I got the smileys working. Thanks
Hi folks,
I'm cooked! Numbers coming, but I can tell you that having the Nation behind me (and in front of me yelling!) EASILY added 10 watts to my results.
I'll try linking to the recorded video a couple of ways - hopefully one will work:
(the embedded version didn't work right, I'll just stick with the direct link)
Steven, aka TreeMapper
Steve - you REALLY helped me out, and JB as well.
Here are my numbers:
Duration: 42:23
Work: 604 kJ
TSS: 64.7 (intensity factor 0.957)
Norm Power: 239
VI: 1.01
Pw:HR: n/a
Pa:HR: n/a
Distance: 16.243 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 120 290 238 watts
Cadence: 72 106 93 rpm
Speed: 2:17 3:50 2:37 min/mi
Crank Torque: 112 289 215 lb-in
I'm ticked that I can't find a way to get the speed back to real speed - it's wanting to do run pace.
But I'll take the 239 watts!!!! Test 1 was 223. (but I see that WKO remembers back when I was pushing 250
Good thing you were pushing watts hard the last 10 or you may not have topped your 236 goal number.
I hope one day I will see numbers that big - NICE!
Here's the picture.. Trent, you'll be glad to see no drop outs!!
Steve, I think it ended up being more consistent than I thought - the only real spike was in the last couple of minutes.
I'm happy happy.
Nice work, Mike! Congrats on the bump! Sorry I missed it live.
Thanks for sharing the video, very cool to watch and cheer you on!
Congrats on the new numbers
@David, Trent, everyone - Jeepers, you made me blush!
I just downloaded my Garmin data to see the HR numbers, and this is very interesting to me:
I've double checked, and other than the last 10 minutes (it turns out you were correct, Steve!), my watts were pretty stable. Here are the averages for each 5 minutes (excluding the 2 min break):
237, 239, 238, 239
243, 241, 248, 250
But while my watts were not really moving for the first 20 minutes, my heart rate was marching up pretty linearly. Then in the second half the HR continued linearly, but my watts went with it. Perhaps this means I was under warmed up. Perhaps this means I need to learn a LOT more about what HR numbers show!!
And yes, next time I'll pair my PowerTap so I can get the HR numbers on the same graph!!
early on you were just getting up to temp/HR - the delayed response to work. The linear climb indicates to me that you were working at or near your FTP but HR had not caught up yet. I remember mentioning to you about hitting the sweet-spot late in the first half when your HR hovered at 150 - 152. I would be willing to bet that if you did the second half at 238-240 your HR would have stayed wavering around 150-152.
In your second half you bumped it up a few and your HR continued to climb in respone - stabilzing at 156 for 243w. then you bumped it again as we poked and challanged you. and, as expected the HR resumed climbing. by that point I think you were maxed out and starting to fatigue. I think that if you had gone another few miniutes you would have seen another plateau and power would have drifted down and you would not be able to hold it.
My guess is that you could sit at HR of about 150 for 2 plus hours and maintain a constant power output. maybe not the 239 of the first half but something not too far below.
Does any of what I suggest fit with what you felt during this test or your abilities on the bike in general?
So, I am CERTAIN that many others with much more knowledge, experiance and expertise will no doubt tear my n=1 analysis to shreds, but it will be refreshing.