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Sandbagging or a Funky Power Distribution Chart

 I did the 2x20 yesterday and came out around 262.  I then look at my power distribution chart for the last 28 days and see the big drop off after 280-290.  

Any thoughts?  Am I just a slacker?

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  • Slacker - the chart definitely shows that your FTP is in the 280 range so get to work!

    Serriously though the power distrubition method of determining FTP can be misleading based on the type of workouts you have been doing to the last 28 days. It is most accurate when you are doing a good variety of work, like the EN HIM/IM plan. I've found that during times when I am doing a ton of hard work it is not as accurate. For example during the power hack my FTP looks artifically high as I am doing a ton of work at 120% so that bar on the chart has a big drop off after it as well.

    If you have been consistanly crushing the 10, 12, and 15' intervals well over FTP I could see the chart being misleading.

    This is where knowing yourself and training with power for a while comes in handy. How did the 2 x 20 feel? Do you think it was a good test or did you go in tired?

    I personally would use 270 for your FTP for now and see how that goes for the next few workouts.

  • Check this out, Dan.


    You know what you need to do.

  • Thanks Matt 'n Matt I report how thing goes.
  • I think you were just lollygagging!!!
  • Matt Squared got it right!
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